216 research outputs found

    Quantum Breaking Time Scaling in the Superdiffusive Dynamics

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    We show that the breaking time of quantum-classical correspondence depends on the type of kinetics and the dominant origin of stickiness. For sticky dynamics of quantum kicked rotor, when the hierarchical set of islands corresponds to the accelerator mode, we demonstrate by simulation that the breaking time scales as τ(1/)1/μ\tau_{\hbar} \sim (1/\hbar)^{1/\mu} with the transport exponent μ>1\mu > 1 that corresponds to superdiffusive dynamics. We discuss also other possibilities for the breaking time scaling and transition to the logarithmic one τln(1/)\tau_{\hbar} \sim \ln(1/\hbar) with respect to \hbar

    Effect of oral fructose on ethanol elimination from the bloodstream

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    Alcohol has been identified as a major factor contributing to traffic accidents in South Africa, affecting both drivers and pedestrians alike. An agent capable of facilitating ethanol metabolism safely and effectively is of potential value in reducing the frequency of such incidents, and for individuals wishing to reduce their blood alcohol to levels below the legal limit before taking control of a vehicle. Here we show that fructose, at a dose of 1 g/kg, fulfils the criteria for such an agent. When ingested by healthy volunteers who had imbibed ethanol equivalent to 8 standard tots, it reduced the time required to attain a legal blood alcohol level (50 mg%) by approximately 70 min (n = 9). When ingested before a dose of alcohol equivalent to a double tot, fructose reduced both the magnitude and duration of the subsequent increase in blood alcohol; mean peak height, area under the curve, and time taken to reach zero were 39%, 32% and 51%, respectively, of that observed in the absence of fructose (n = 12). We conclude that, whether taken after imbibing alcoholic beverages or prophylactically before commencing drinking, oral fructose significantly lowers blood alcohol levels and reduces the time required for alcohol to disappear from the bloodstream

    Nonlinearity effects in the kicked oscillator

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    The quantum kicked oscillator is known to display a remarkable richness of dynamical behaviour, from ballistic spreading to dynamical localization. Here we investigate the effects of a Gross Pitaevskii nonlinearity on quantum motion, and provide evidence that the qualitative features depend strongly on the parameters of the system.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Geologic mapping of the Urvara and Yalode Quadrangles of Ceres

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    We conducted geologic mapping of the Urvara (Ac-13) and Yalode (Ac-14) Quadrangles (21–66°S, 180–360°E) of the dwarf planet Ceres utilizing morphologic, topographic, and compositional information acquired by NASA's Dawn mission. The geologic characteristics of the two large impact basins Urvara (170 km diameter) and Yalode (260 km diameter) and their surroundings were investigated using Dawn Framing Camera datasets, including Survey (415 m/pixel), HAMO (140 m/pixel), and LAMO (35 m/pixel) images and mosaics, color and color ratio images, and DTMs derived from stereo-photogrammetry. Geologic mapping demonstrates that impact cratering has dominated the geologic history of the Urvara and Yalode Quadrangles, with early cratered terrain formation followed by formation of the large basins and widespread emplacement of basin-related smooth material. Impact craters display a wide range of preservation states from nearly completely buried/degraded forms to more recent pristine craters with terraced inner walls and lobate ejecta deposits. Cross-cutting relationships and morphologic signatures show that the Urvara impact followed the Yalode impact, consistent with ages derived from crater size-frequency distributions (580 ± 40 Ma for Yalode and 550 ± 50 Ma for Urvara). Observed differences in basin materials and rim morphology suggest heterogeneities in the substrate excavated by impact. Smooth deposits that cover large areas of the quadrangles, including the basin floors, rims, and exterior zones, are interpreted to be dominated by Urvara ejecta but Yalode ejecta and localized ice-rich flow material may be minor components. Geologic mapping results and simulations of ejecta emplacement suggest that Urvara and Yalode ejecta deposits extend for large distances (more than two crater diameters from the basin centers) and may serve as important stratigraphic markers for the geologic record of Ceres

    Dynamical aspects of quantum entanglement for weakly coupled kicked tops

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    We investigate how the dynamical production of quantum entanglement for weakly coupled, composite quantum systems is influenced by the chaotic dynamics of the corresponding classical system, using coupled kicked tops. The linear entropy for the subsystem (a kicked top) is employed as a measure of entanglement. A perturbative formula for the entanglement production rate is derived. The formula contains a correlation function that can be evaluated only from the information of uncoupled tops. Using this expression and the assumption that the correlation function decays exponentially which is plausible for chaotic tops, it is shown that {\it the increment of the strength of chaos does not enhance the production rate of entanglement} when the coupling is weak enough and the subsystems (kicked tops) are strongly chaotic. The result is confirmed by numerical experiments. The perturbative approach is also applied to a weakly chaotic region, where tori and chaotic sea coexist in the corresponding classical phase space, to reexamine a recent numerical study that suggests an intimate relationship between the linear stability of the corresponding classical trajectory and the entanglement production rate.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Enhancement of the Two-channel Kondo Effect in Single-Electron boxes

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    The charging of a quantum box, coupled to a lead by tunneling through a single resonant level, is studied near the degeneracy points of the Coulomb blockade. Combining Wilson's numerical renormalization-group method with perturbative scaling approaches, the corresponding low-energy Hamiltonian is solved for arbitrary temperatures, gate voltages, tunneling rates, and energies of the impurity level. Similar to the case of a weak tunnel barrier, the shape of the charge step is governed at low temperatures by the non-Fermi-liquid fixed point of the two-channel Kondo effect. However, the associated Kondo temperature TK is strongly modified. Most notably, TK is proportional to the width of the level if the transmission through the impurity is close to unity at the Fermi energy, and is no longer exponentially small in one over the tunneling matrix element. Focusing on a particle-hole symmetric level, the two-channel Kondo effect is found to be robust against the inclusion of an on-site repulsion on the level. For a large on-site repulsion and a large asymmetry in the tunneling rates to box and to the lead, there is a sequence of Kondo effects: first the local magnetic moment that forms on the level undergoes single-channel screening, followed by two-channel overscreening of the charge fluctuations inside the box.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figure

    Thermal conductivity via magnetic excitations in spin-chain materials

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    We discuss the recent progress and the current status of experimental investigations of spin-mediated energy transport in spin-chain and spin-ladder materials with antiferromagnetic coupling. We briefly outline the central results of theoretical studies on the subject but focus mainly on recent experimental results that were obtained on materials which may be regarded as adequate physical realizations of the idealized theoretical model systems. Some open questions and unsettled issues are also addressed.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Mapping Vesta: First Results from Dawn’s Survey Orbit

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    The geologic objectives of the Dawn Mission [1] are to derive Vesta’s shape, map the surface geology, understand the geological context and contribute to the determination of the asteroids’ origin and evolution.Geomorphology and distribution of surface features will provide evidence for impact cratering, tectonic activity, volcanism, and regolith processes. Spectral measurements of the surface will provide evidence of the compositional characteristics of geological units. Age information, as derived from crater sizefrequency distributions, provides the stratigraphic context for the structural and compositional mapping results, thus revealing the geologic history of Vesta. We present here the first results of the Dawn mission from data collected during the approach to Vesta, and its first discrete orbit phase – the Survey Orbit, which lasts 21 days after the spacecraft had established a circular polar orbit at a radius of ~3000 km with a beta angle of 10°-15°

    The Contested Politics of Corporate Governance: The Case of the Global Reporting Initiative

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    The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has successfully become institutionalized as the preeminent global framework for voluntary corporate environmental and social reporting. Its success can be attributed to the “institutional entrepreneurs” who analyzed the reporting field and deployed discursive, material, and organizational strategies to change it. GRI has, however, fallen short of the aspirations of its founders to use disclosure to empower nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). The authors argue that its trajectory reflects the power relations between members of the field, their strategic choices and compromises, their ability to mobilize alliances and resources, and constraints imposed by the broader institutions of financial and capital markets. The authors draw three notable implications from this study. First, institutional theory needs to pay more attention to economic structures, strategies, and resources. Second, institutional entrepreneurship by relatively weak societal groups such as NGOs is inherently constrained by the structural power of wider institutions and by the compromises required to initiate change. Third, the strategies of NGOs represent a form of power capable of shifting, if not transforming, the field of corporate governance