183 research outputs found

    Kaarten met grondwaterstandverloop nader bekeken; kan de kwaliteit van grondwaterstandkaarten die gemaakt zijn met ruimtelijke modellen verbeterd worden door aanvullend veldwerk?

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    Onderzocht is of de kwaliteit van regionale, met een ruimtelijk model, gemaakte kaarten van de Gemiddeld Hoogste Grondwaterstand en Gemiddeld Laagste Grondwaterstand kan worden verbeterd door middel van aanvullend veldwerk. Hiervoor is de kwaliteit onderzocht van de modelmatig gemaakte kaart van het waterschap Rijn en IJssel en van de in het veld opgenomen grondwatertrappenkaart in een studiegebied in de omgeving van Vorden-Wichmond. Geconcludeerd wordt dat de in het veld opgenomen grondwatertrappenkaart nauwkeuriger is dan de modelmatig gemaakte kaart. Dit komt tot uiting in een kleinere systematische fout en een kleinere toevallige fout. De kosten van dit aanvullende veldwerk zijn echter hoog. Nader onderzoek naar de efficiëntie van alternatieve methoden om de kwaliteit van de modelmatig gemaakte kaart te vergroten is daarom gewenst

    Effect of inelastic scattering on parametric pumping

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    Pumping of charge in phase-coherent mesoscopic systems due to the out-of-phase modulation of two parameters has recently found considerable interest. We investigate the effect of inelastic processes on the adiabatically pumped current through a two terminal mesoscopic sample. We find that the loss of coherence does not suppress the pumped charge but rather an additional physical mechanism for an incoherent pump effect comes into play. In a fully phase incoherent system the pump effect is similar to a rectification effect

    Quantum pumping and dissipation: from closed to open systems

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    Current can be pumped through a closed system by changing parameters (or fields) in time. The Kubo formula allows to distinguish between dissipative and non-dissipative contributions to the current. We obtain a Green function expression and an SS matrix formula for the associated terms in the generalized conductance matrix: the "geometric magnetism" term that corresponds to adiabatic transport; and the "Fermi golden rule" term which is responsible to the irreversible absorption of energy. We explain the subtle limit of an infinite system, and demonstrate the consistency with the formulas by Landauer and Buttiker, Pretre and Thomas. We also discuss the generalization of the fluctuation-dissipation relation, and the implications of the Onsager reciprocity.Comment: 4 page paper, 1 figure (published version) + 2 page appendi

    Scattering Theory of Dynamic Electrical Transport

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    We have developed a scattering matrix approach to coherent transport through an adiabatically driven conductor based on photon-assisted processes. To describe the energy exchange with the pumping fields we expand the Floquet scattering matrix up to linear order in driving frequency.Comment: Proceedings QMath9, September 12th-16th, 2004, Giens, Franc

    Quantum Pumping in the Magnetic Field: Role of Discrete Symmetries

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    We consider an effect of the discrete spatial symmetries and magnetic field on the adiabatic charge pumping in mesoscopic systems. In general case, there is no symmetry of the pumped charge with respect to the inversion of magnetic field Q(B) \neq Q(-B). We find that the reflection symmetries give rise to relations Q(B)=Q(-B) or Q(B)=-Q(-B) depending on the orientation of the reflection axis. In presence of the center of inversion, Q(B) = 0. Additional symmetries may arise in the case of bilinear pumping.Comment: 4 page

    Quantum pumping: Coherent Rings versus Open Conductors

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    We examine adiabatic quantum pumping generated by an oscillating scatterer embedded in a one-dimensional ballistic ring and compare it with pumping caused by the same scatterer connected to external reservoirs. The pumped current for an open conductor, paradoxically, is non-zero even in the limit of vanishing transmission. In contrast, for the ring geometry the pumped current vanishes in the limit of vanishing transmission. We explain this paradoxical result and demonstrate that the physics underlying adiabatic pumping is the same in open and in closed systems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Conductance fluctuations in a quantum dot under almost periodic ac pumping

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    It is shown that the variance of the linear dc conductance fluctuations in an open quantum dot under a high-frequency ac pumping depends significantly on the spectral content of the ac field. For a sufficiently strong ac field γτϕ<<1\gamma\tau_{\phi}<< 1, where 1/τϕ1/\tau_{\phi} is the dephasing rate induced by ac noise and γ\gamma is the electron escape rate, the dc conductance fluctuations are much stronger for the harmonic pumping than in the case of the noise ac field of the same intensity. The reduction factor rr in a static magnetic field takes the universal value of 2 only for the white--noise pumping. For the strictly harmonic pumping A(t)=A0cosωtA(t)=A_{0}\cos\omega t of sufficiently large intensity the variance is almost insensitive to the static magnetic field r1=2τϕγ<<1r-1= 2\sqrt{\tau_{\phi}\gamma} << 1. For the quasi-periodic ac field of the form A(t)=A0[cos(ω1t)+cos(ω2t)]A(t)=A_{0} [\cos(\omega_{1} t)+\cos(\omega_{2} t)] with ω1,2>>γ\omega_{1,2} >> \gamma and γτϕ<<1\gamma\tau_{\phi} << 1 we predict the novel effect of enchancement of conductance fluctuations at commensurate frequencies ω2/ω1=P/Q\omega_{2}/\omega_{1}=P/Q.Comment: 4 pages RevTex, 4 eps figures; the final version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Quantization of adiabatic pumped charge in the presence of superconducting lead

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    We investigate the parametric electron pumping of a double barrier structure in the presence of a superconducting lead. The parametric pumping is facilitated by cyclic variation of the barrier heights x1x_1 and x2x_2 of the barriers. In the weak coupling regime, there exists a resonance line in the parameter space (x1,x2)(x_1,x_2) so that the energy of the quasi-bound state is in line with the incoming Fermi energy. Levinson et al found recently that the pumped charge for each pumping cycle is quantized with Q=2eQ=2e for normal structure when the pumping contour encircles the resonance line. In the presence of a superconducting lead, we find that the pumped charge is quantized with the value 2e2e

    Optimal quantum pump in the presence of a superconducting lead

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    We investigate the parametric pumping of a hybrid structure consisting of a normal quantum dot, a normal lead and a superconducting lead. Using the time dependent scattering matrix theory, we have derived a general expression for the pumped electric current and heat current. We have also derived the relationship among the instantaneous pumped heat current, electric current, and shot noise. This gives a lower bound for the pumped heat current in the hybrid system similar to that of the normal case obtained by Avron et al

    Adiabatic spin pumping through a quantum dot with a single orbital level

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    We investigate an adiabatic spin pumping through a quantum dot with a single orbital energy level under the Zeeman effect. Electron pumping is produced by two periodic time dependent parameters, a magnetic field and a difference of the dot-lead coupling between the left and right barriers of the dot. The maximum charge transfer per cycle is found to be ee, the unit charge in the absence of a localized moment in the dot. Pumped charge and spin are different, and spin pumping is possible without charge pumping in a certain situation. They are tunable by changing the minimum and maximum value of the magnetic field.Comment: RevTeX4, 5 pages, 3 figure