73 research outputs found

    Distributed Maintenance of Anytime Available Spanning Trees in Dynamic Networks

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    We address the problem of building and maintaining distributed spanning trees in highly dynamic networks, in which topological events can occur at any time and any rate, and no stable periods can be assumed. In these harsh environments, we strive to preserve some properties such as cycle-freeness or the existence of a root in each tree, in order to make it possible to keep using the trees uninterruptedly (to a possible extent). Our algorithm operates at a coarse-grain level, using atomic pairwise interactions in a way akin to recent population protocol models. The algorithm relies on a perpetual alternation of \emph{topology-induced splittings} and \emph{computation-induced mergings} of a forest of spanning trees. Each tree in the forest hosts exactly one token (also called root) that performs a random walk {\em inside} the tree, switching parent-child relationships as it crosses edges. When two tokens are located on both sides of a same edge, their trees are merged upon this edge and one token disappears. Whenever an edge that belongs to a tree disappears, its child endpoint regenerates a new token instantly. The main features of this approach is that both \emph{merging} and \emph{splitting} are purely localized phenomenons. In this paper, we present and motivate the algorithm, and we prove its correctness in arbitrary dynamic networks. Then we discuss several implementation choices around this general principle. Preliminary results regarding its analysis are also discussed, in particular an analytical expression of the expected merging time for two given trees in a static context.Comment: Distributed Maintenance of Anytime Available Spanning Trees in Dynamic Networks, Poland (2013

    Triangle percolation in mean field random graphs -- with PDE

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    We apply a PDE-based method to deduce the critical time and the size of the giant component of the ``triangle percolation'' on the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph process investigated by Palla, Der\'enyi and VicsekComment: Summary of the changes made: We have changed a remark about k-clique percolation in the first paragraph. Two new paragraphs are inserted after equation (4.4) with two applications of the equation. We have changed the names of some variables in our formula

    The structure of typical clusters in large sparse random configurations

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    The initial purpose of this work is to provide a probabilistic explanation of a recent result on a version of Smoluchowski's coagulation equations in which the number of aggregations is limited. The latter models the deterministic evolution of concentrations of particles in a medium where particles coalesce pairwise as time passes and each particle can only perform a given number of aggregations. Under appropriate assumptions, the concentrations of particles converge as time tends to infinity to some measure which bears a striking resemblance with the distribution of the total population of a Galton-Watson process started from two ancestors. Roughly speaking, the configuration model is a stochastic construction which aims at producing a typical graph on a set of vertices with pre-described degrees. Specifically, one attaches to each vertex a certain number of stubs, and then join pairwise the stubs uniformly at random to create edges between vertices. In this work, we use the configuration model as the stochastic counterpart of Smoluchowski's coagulation equations with limited aggregations. We establish a hydrodynamical type limit theorem for the empirical measure of the shapes of clusters in the configuration model when the number of vertices tends to \infty. The limit is given in terms of the distribution of a Galton-Watson process started with two ancestors

    On Bootstrap Percolation in Living Neural Networks

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    Recent experimental studies of living neural networks reveal that their global activation induced by electrical stimulation can be explained using the concept of bootstrap percolation on a directed random network. The experiment consists in activating externally an initial random fraction of the neurons and observe the process of firing until its equilibrium. The final portion of neurons that are active depends in a non linear way on the initial fraction. The main result of this paper is a theorem which enables us to find the asymptotic of final proportion of the fired neurons in the case of random directed graphs with given node degrees as the model for interacting network. This gives a rigorous mathematical proof of a phenomena observed by physicists in neural networks

    Mechanical mode dependence of bolometric back-action in an AFM microlever

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    Two back action (BA) processes generated by an optical cavity based detection device can deeply transform the dynamical behavior of an AFM microlever: the photothermal force or the radiation pressure. Whereas noise damping or amplifying depends on optical cavity response for radiation pressure BA, we present experimental results carried out under vacuum and at room temperature on the photothermal BA process which appears to be more complex. We show for the first time that it can simultaneously act on two vibration modes in opposite direction: noise on one mode is amplified whereas it is damped on another mode. Basic modeling of photothermal BA shows that dynamical effect on mechanical mode is laser spot position dependent with respect to mode shape. This analysis accounts for opposite behaviors of different modes as observed

    Self-similar solutions with fat tails for Smoluchowski's coagulation equation with locally bounded kernels

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    The existence of self-similar solutions with fat tails for Smoluchowski's coagulation equation has so far only been established for the solvable and the diagonal kernel. In this paper we prove the existence of such self-similar solutions for continuous kernels KK that are homogeneous of degree γ[0,1)\gamma \in [0,1) and satisfy K(x,y)C(xγ+yγ)K(x,y) \leq C (x^{\gamma} + y^{\gamma}). More precisely, for any ρ(γ,1)\rho \in (\gamma,1) we establish the existence of a continuous weak self-similar profile with decay x(1+ρ)x^{-(1{+}\rho)} as xx \to \infty

    Random graph asymptotics on high-dimensional tori. II. Volume, diameter and mixing time

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    For critical bond-percolation on high-dimensional torus, this paper proves sharp lower bounds on the size of the largest cluster, removing a logarithmic correction in the lower bound in Heydenreich and van der Hofstad (2007). This improvement finally settles a conjecture by Aizenman (1997) about the role of boundary conditions in critical high-dimensional percolation, and it is a key step in deriving further properties of critical percolation on the torus. Indeed, a criterion of Nachmias and Peres (2008) implies appropriate bounds on diameter and mixing time of the largest clusters. We further prove that the volume bounds apply also to any finite number of the largest clusters. The main conclusion of the paper is that the behavior of critical percolation on the high-dimensional torus is the same as for critical Erdos-Renyi random graphs. In this updated version we incorporate an erratum to be published in a forthcoming issue of Probab. Theory Relat. Fields. This results in a modification of Theorem 1.2 as well as Proposition 3.1.Comment: 16 pages. v4 incorporates an erratum to be published in a forthcoming issue of Probab. Theory Relat. Field

    Convergence to equilibrium for the discrete coagulation-fragmentation equations with detailed balance

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    Under the condition of detailed balance and some additional restrictions on the size of the coefficients, we identify the equilibrium distribution to which solutions of the discrete coagulation-fragmentation system of equations converge for large times, thus showing that there is a critical mass which marks a change in the behavior of the solutions. This was previously known only for particular cases as the generalized Becker-D\"oring equations. Our proof is based on an inequality between the entropy and the entropy production which also gives some information on the rate of convergence to equilibrium for solutions under the critical mass.Comment: 28 page

    Near optimal configurations in mean field disordered systems

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    We present a general technique to compute how the energy of a configuration varies as a function of its overlap with the ground state in the case of optimization problems. Our approach is based on a generalization of the cavity method to a system interacting with its ground state. With this technique we study the random matching problem as well as the mean field diluted spin glass. As a byproduct of this approach we calculate the de Almeida-Thouless transition line of the spin glass on a fixed connectivity random graph.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure