17 research outputs found

    Interaction of Low - Energy Induced Gravity with Quantized Matter and Phase Transition Induced by Curvature

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    At high energy scale the only quantum effect of any asymptotic free and asymptotically conformal invariant GUT is the trace anomaly of the energy-momentum tensor. Anomaly generates the new degree of freedom, that is propagating conformal factor. At lower energies conformal factor starts to interact with scalar field because of the violation of conformal invariance. We estimate the effect of such an interaction and find the running of the nonminimal coupling from conformal value 16\frac{1}{6} to 00. Then we discuss the possibility of the first order phase transition induced by curvature in a region close to the stable fixed point and calculate the induced values of Newtonian and cosmological constants.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex, KEK-TH-397-KEK Preprint 94-3

    Daphnia body size and population dynamics under predation by invertebrate and fish predators in Lago Maggiore: an approach based on contribution analysis

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    Predation on Daphnia is size-specific: while zooplanktivorous fish select large, ovigerous females, carrying larger clutches, predation by invertebrates, particularly Cladocera, is generally regarded as acting mainly on young, small, non-ovigerous females. The two types of predators therefore produce different effects on the population of their prey: fish predation results in decreases in Daphnia fecundity, proportion of adults, and maximum body size, while predation by the invertebrate predators leads to decreases in the number and proportion of juvenile Daphnia. We investigated the effect of predation by three predators (one vertebrate, two invertebrates) on Daphnia. The study combines contribution analysis of Daphnia birth rate dynamics, with a body-size-oriented analysis of both predator and prey populations. Contribution analysis showed that during April-May, when Bythotrephes densities were low, changes in Daphnia birth rate were due to both changes in fecundity (ConF) and in the proportion of adults (ConA), with ConA being much larger (by absolute value) than ConF; such a pattern is expected under fish predation. Whereas during mid May to June, when Bythotrephes densities were high, changes in Daphnia birth rate were again mainly due to both ConF and ConA, but now the difference between these contributions was less pronounced. Although Bythotrephes predation produced similar effects on Daphnia population dynamics as fish predation, affecting both fecundity and the proportion of adults, it can be distinguished in two ways from fish predation. Firstly, the ConF-ConA pattern is more uniform under invertebrate predation than under fish predation and secondly, the mean body size of Daphnia increased continuously whereas the mean size of ovigerous females remained approximately constant except for the last 3 weeks of June, indicating a high mortality of juveniles during the whole period and an increased mortality of young females with eggs during the last 3 weeks. We conclude that both zooplanktivorous fish and invertebrate predators affect population dynamics of Daphnia in Lago Maggiore. However, the invertebrate predator Bythotrephes has the largest impact on Daphnia dynamics in June, both because of its high densities and its relatively large size at that time. Predation pressure exerted by Bythotrephes is high enough to reduce the Daphnia densities at the end of June to low values.

    How to measure top-down vs. bottom-up effects: A new population metric and its calibration on Daphnia

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    Research on the role of top–down (predation) and bottom–up (food) effects in food webs has led to the understanding that the variability of these effects in space and time is a fundamental feature of natural systems. Consequently, our measurement tools must allow us to evaluate the effects from a dynamical perspective. A population-dynamics approach may be appropriate to the task. More specifically, because food and predators both affect birth rate, birth rate dynamics may be a key to understanding their impact on the population of interest. Based on the Edmondson–Paloheimo model for birth rate, we propose a new population metric to assess the relative strength of top–down vs bottom–up effects. The metric is the ratio of contributions of changes in proportion of adults and fecundity to change in birth rate. Proportion of adults reflects a top–down effect (predators are assumed to be size-selective), fecundity reflects a bottom–up effect, and birth rate appears as a common currency with which to compare the former and the latter. Using microcosm experiments and computer simulations on the cladoceran Daphnia, we calibrate the metric and show that, in both types of tests, the ratio of contributions is typically 0.5–0.7 under a strong bottom–up effect and 2.0–2.2 under a strong top–down effect. This provides experimental evidence that the ratio of contributions may allow one to distinguish a strong top–down effect from a strong bottom–up effect.