1,162 research outputs found

    Magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE-Au sulfide mineralisation in alkaline igneous systems: An example from the Sron Garbh intrusion, Tyndrum, Scotland

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    Magmatic sulfide deposits typically occur in ultramafic-mafic systems, however, mineralisation can occur in more intermediate and alkaline magmas. Sron Garbh is an appinite-diorite intrusion emplaced into Dalradian metasediments in the Tyndrum area of Scotland that hosts magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE-Au sulfide mineralisation in the appinitic portion. It is thus an example of magmatic sulfide mineralisation hosted by alkaline rocks, and is the most significantly mineralised appinitic intrusion known in the British Isles. The intrusion is irregularly shaped, with an appinite rim, comprising amphibole cumulates classed as vogesites. The central portion of the intrusion is comprised of unmineralised, but pyrite-bearing, diorites. Both appinites and diorites have similar trace element geochemistry that suggests the diorite is a more fractionated differentiate of the appinite from a common source that can be classed with the high Ba-Sr intrusions of the Scottish Caledonides. Mineralisation is present as a disseminated, primary chalcopyrite-pyrite-PGM assemblage and a blebby, pyrite-chalcopyrite assemblage with significant Co-As-rich pyrite. Both assemblages contain minor millerite and Ni-Co-As-sulfides. The mineralisation is Cu-, PPGE-, and Au-rich and IPGE-poor and the platinum group mineral assemblage is overwhelmingly dominated by Pd minerals; however, the bulk rock Pt/Pd ratio is around 0.8. Laser ablation analysis of the sulfides reveals that pyrite and the Ni-Co-sulfides are the primary host for Pt, which is present in solid solution in concentrations of up to 22 ppm in pyrite. Good correlations between all base and precious metals indicate very little hydrothermal remobilisation of metals despite some evidence of secondary pyrite and PGM. Sulfur isotope data indicate some crustal S in the magmatic sulfide assemblages. The source of this is unlikely to have been the local quartzites, but S-rich Dalradian sediments present at depth. The generation of magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE-Au mineralisation at Sron Garbh can be attributed to post-collisional slab drop off that allowed hydrous, low-degree partial melting to take place that produced a Cu-PPGE-Au-enriched melt, which ascended through the crust, assimilating crustal S from the Dalradian sediments. The presence of a number of PGE-enriched sulfide occurrences in appinitic intrusions across the Scottish Caledonides indicates that the region contains certain features that make it more prospective than other alkaline provinces worldwide, which may be linked the post-Caledonian slab drop off event. We propose that the incongruent melting of pre-existing magmatic sulfides or ‘refertilised’ mantle in low-degree partial melts can produce characteristically fractionated, Cu-PPGE-Au-semi metal bearing, hydrous, alkali melts, which, if they undergo sulfide saturation, have the potential to produce alkaline-hosted magmatic sulfide deposits

    Study of Neutron-Induced Ionization in Helium and Argon Chamber Gases

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    Ion chambers used to monitor the secondary hadron and tertiary muon beam in the NuMI neutrino beamline will be exposed to background particles, including low energy neutrons produced in the beam dump. To understand these backgrounds, we have studied Helium- and Argon-filled ionization chambers exposed to intense neutron fluxes from PuBe neutron sources (En=1−10E_n=1-10 MeV). The sources emit about 108^8 neutrons per second. The number of ion pairs in the chamber gas volume per incident neutron is derived. While limited in precision because of a large gamma ray background from the PuBe sources, our results are consistent with the expectation that the neutrons interact purely elastically in the chamber gas.Comment: accepted for publication in NIM

    Privatizing Cape Town : service delivery and policy reforms since 1996

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    This booklet is about the privatization of municipal services such as water, waste and electricity in the city of Cape Town. The term ‘privatization’ is used to cover a range of private sector activities, including outsourcing and the introduction of private sector principles such as performance -based management and full-cost recovery into service delivery reforms. We also include the corporatization of services in this broad definition. Chapter One argues that there has been a fundamental shift away from the ‘statist’ service delivery models of the past where the state subsidized and delivered municipal services (albeit in a racially-biased manner), towards a more ‘neoliberal’ service delivery model where the private sector (and private sector principles) dominate. In the latter model, the state acts as a service ‘ensurer’ rather than a service ‘provider’ – in the now-fashionable language of the World Bank – and municipal services are ‘run more like a business’, with financial cost recovery becoming the most important measure of performance. The chapter is based on extensive interviews with senior city managers and politicians, as well as a review of relevant policy documents, political party position papers and an evaluation of council activities since the first democratic elections in 1996. Chapter Two provides a detailed account of the increasing commercialization of water in Cape Town, with a focus on current efforts to corporatize the service into a ring-fenced business unit. Although different from the outright divestiture of state assets in that the city retains control and ownership of water facilities, corporatization nevertheless raises many of the same concerns about access and affordability as privatization and introduces many of the same profit-oriented motives and operating principles. It is also often the first step towards outright privatization. This chapter provides an overview of the city’s water corporatization plans followed by a list of concerns as to their appropriateness for Cape Town, the most important of which relate to issues of accountability and regulation, the continued fragmentation of service delivery decision making, heightened pressures for cost recovery, and the process by which the corporatization proposals have been developed. Underlying much of this discussion is the argument that neither the promise nor the potential of public sector reform have been achieved in Cape Town. Contrary to written guarantees on the part of the African National Congress (ANC) that the public sector would be the ‘preferred service provider’, local ANC councils have failed to adequately explore the public sector option and have actively promoted privatization and corporatization. The other major political parties in Cape Town – the Democratic Party (DP) and the New National Party (NNP) – have been equally unwilling to explore and promote public sector reform but have been open about their private sector preferences. So too have senior municipal managers, many of whom are responsible for the daily operation and decision making of service delivery in the city. It is at this level of the civil service that the most concrete (albeit unofficial and ad hoc) expression of privatization and corporatization is to be found. Our objective with this report is to document – for the first time since the end of apartheid – both the scale and character of privatization initiatives in Cape Town and to situate these policy changes within the broader national and international policy-making environment on service delivery. There are different opinions on privatization in Cape Town, and we attempt to capture these nuances in our analysis, but there is an overwhelmingly pro-privatization philosophy, representing a shift in policy orientation as profound as any that Cape Town has experienced in its long and tumultuous history. That this ideological shift should be discussed, and its relevance to service delivery in Cape Town debated, is the motivation for this report

    Electroweak phase diagram at finite lepton number density

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    We study the thermodynamics of the electroweak theory at a finite lepton number density. The phase diagram of the theory is calculated by relating the full 4-dimensional theory to a 3-dimensional effective theory which has been previously solved using nonperturbative methods. It is seen that the critical temperature increases and the value of the Higgs boson mass at which the first order phase transition line ends decreases with increasing leptonic chemical potential.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, RevTex4, v2: references added, minor corrections, v3: small changes, references added, published in Phys. Rev.

    A united front against marine invaders: Developing a cost‐effective marine biosecurity surveillance partnership between government and industry

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    Successful detection of introduced marine pests (IMP) relies upon effective surveillance. However, the expedience of responding following IMP detection is often dependent upon the relationship between regulators and stakeholders. Effective detection of IMP in areas such as commercial ports requires a collaborative approach, as port environments can be highly complex both above and below the water. This complexity can encompass physical, logistical, safety and legislative issues. With this in mind, the aquatic pest biosecurity section within the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) developed the State‐Wide Array Surveillance Program (SWASP) in collaboration with Western Australian Port Authorities and port industry stakeholders. The SWASP is primarily based on passive settlement arrays for IMP detection. Arrays are deployed at strategic locations within Ports. Marine growth samples collected from the arrays are processed using Next‐Generation Sequencing (NGS) to identify the presence of IMP within a specific geographical location. Over 8 years, participation in SWASP has grown from 3 to 11 ports, spanning over 11,000 km, from the tropical north to temperate south of Western Australia. The programme has proven to be highly effective as a means of fostering stakeholder involvement and, importantly for IMP surveillance. The growth and success of SWASP has continued primarily because of the commitment and farsightedness of the ports involved. The regular presence of the biosecurity regulator as a partner in SWASP has provided a consistent face for biosecurity and fostered good stakeholder relationships, ensuring there is a reliable and effective ongoing marine surveillance programme for the state. Synthesis and applications. Through a united and collaborative approach to marine biosecurity surveillance, port authorities, industry and biosecurity regulators have developed the State‐Wide Array Surveillance Program (SWASP) and closed a major gap in biosecurity surveillance. The SWASP collaboration uses passive settlement arrays and molecular analyses to provide regular marine pest surveillance from the tropics to temperate regions of Western Australia. The continued commitment has embedded valuable relationships between stakeholder and regulator ensuring ongoing surveillance in marine biosecurity for the state. The Western Australian SWASP example has inspired other jurisdictions around Australia to develop similar collaborative approaches which will have far‐reaching marine biosecurity benefits

    Temporal trends of time to antiretroviral treatment initiation, interruption and modification: Examination of patients diagnosed with advanced HIV in Australia

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    INTRODUCTION: HIV prevention strategies are moving towards reducing plasma HIV RNA viral load in all HIV-positive persons, including those undiagnosed, treatment naĂŻve, on or off antiretroviral therapy. A proxy population for those undiagnosed are patients that present late to care with advanced HIV. The objectives of this analysis are to examine factors associated with patients presenting with advanced HIV, and establish rates of treatment interruption and modification after initiating ART. METHODS: We deterministically linked records from the Australian HIV Observational Database to the Australian National HIV Registry to obtain information related to HIV diagnosis. Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with advanced HIV diagnosis. We used survival methods to evaluate rates of ART initiation by diagnosis CD4 count strata and by calendar year of HIV diagnosis. Cox models were used to determine hazard of first ART treatment interruption (duration >30 days) and time to first major ART modification. RESULTS: Factors associated (p<0.05) with increased odds of advanced HIV diagnosis were sex, older age, heterosexual mode of HIV exposure, born overseas and rural-regional care setting. Earlier initiation of ART occurred at higher rates in later periods (2007-2012) in all diagnosis CD4 count groups. We found an 83% (69, 91%) reduction in the hazard of first treatment interruption comparing 2007-2012 versus 1996-2001 (p<0.001), and no difference in ART modification for patients diagnosed with advanced HIV. CONCLUSIONS: Recent HIV diagnoses are initiating therapy earlier in all diagnosis CD4 cell count groups, potentially lowering community viral load compared to earlier time periods. We found a marked reduction in the hazard of first treatment interruption, and found no difference in rates of major modification to ART by HIV presentation status in recent periods

    A Curvature Principle for the interaction between universes

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    We propose a Curvature Principle to describe the dynamics of interacting universes in a multi-universe scenario and show, in the context of a simplified model, how interaction drives the cosmological constant of one of the universes toward a vanishingly small value. We also conjecture on how the proposed Curvature Principle suggests a solution for the entropy paradox of a universe where the cosmological constant vanishes.Comment: Essay selected for an honorable mention by the Gravity Research Foundation, 2007. Plain latex, 8 page

    Footprints preserve terminal Pleistocene hunt? Human-sloth interactions in North America

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    Predator-prey interactions revealed by vertebrate trace fossils are extremely rare. We present footprint evidence from White Sands National Monument in New Mexico for the association of sloth and human trackways. Geologically, the sloth and human trackways were made contemporaneously, and the sloth trackways show evidence of evasion and defensive behavior when associated with human tracks. Behavioral inferences from these trackways indicate prey selection and suggest that humans were harassing, stalking, and/or hunting the now-extinct giant ground sloth in the terminal Pleistocene

    Sire contribution to fertilization failure and early embryo survival in cattle

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    peer-reviewedDespite passing routine laboratory tests of semen quality, bulls used in artificial insemination (AI) exhibit a significant range in field fertility. The objective of this study was to determine whether subfertility in AI bulls is due to issues of sperm transport to the site of fertilization, fertilization failure, or failure of early embryo or conceptus development. In experiment 1, Holstein-Friesian bulls (3 high fertility, HF, and 3 low fertility, LF) were selected from the national population of AI bulls based on adjusted fertility scores from a minimum of 500 inseminations (HF: +4.37% and LF: −12.7%; mean = 0%). Superovulated beef heifers were blocked based on estimated number of follicles at the time of AI and inseminated with semen from HF or LF bulls (n = 3–4 heifers per bull; total 19 heifers). Following slaughter 7 d later, the number of corpora lutea was counted and the uteri were flushed. Recovered structures (oocytes/embryos) were classified according to developmental stage and stained with 4â€Č,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole to assess number of cells and accessory sperm. Overall recovery rate (total structures recovered/total corpora lutea) was 52.6% and was not different between groups. Mean (± standard error of the mean) number of embryos recovered per recipient was 8.7 ± 5.2 and 9.4 ± 5.5 for HF and LF, respectively. Overall fertilization rate of recovered structures was not different between groups. However, more embryos were at advanced stages of development (all blastocyst stages combined), reflected in a greater mean embryo cell number on d 7 for HF versus LF bulls. Number of accessory sperm was greater for embryos derived from HF than for LF bulls. The aim of experiment 2 was to evaluate the effect of sire fertility on survival of bovine embryos to d 15. Day 7 blastocysts were produced in vitro using semen from the same HF (n = 3) and LF (n = 3) bulls and transferred in groups of 5–10 to synchronized heifers (n = 7 heifers per bull; total 42 heifers). Conceptus recovery rate on d 15 was higher in HF (59.4%,) versus LF (45.0%). Mean length of recovered conceptuses for HF bulls was not affected by fertility status. In conclusion, while differences in field fertility among AI sires used in this study were not reflected in fertilization rate, differences in embryo quality were apparent as early as d 7. These differences likely contributed to the higher proportion of conceptuses surviving to d 15 in HF bulls
