696 research outputs found

    ViŔegodiŔnje leguminoze i trave - stabilan izvor kvalitetne kabaste stočne hrane

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    Perennial legumes, alfalfa, red clover, bird's foot trefoil, white clover, sainfoin and grasses, cock's foot, meadow fescue, tall fescue, Italian ryegrass, English ryegrass, French ryegrass, red fescue and Timothy grass can be grown successfully in pure crops and in legume-grass mixtures, on different soil types. Their importance in livestock development is based primarily on the great potential for yield of dry matter of over 20 t ha-1 if adequate agro-technical measures have been applied. Also, perennial legumes are characterized with high content of nutritive substances, especially protein and represent the most important protein source in livestock nutrition. Depending on the species and pheno stage of utilization, the content of crude proteins in grasses varies from 100 to 174,6 g kg-1 of DM, and in perennial legumes from 190,0 to 228,8 g kg-1 of DM. Livestock feed obtained from these plant species can be used in several ways, from grazing as most efficient and economical way, to preparation of hay and high quality silages and haylages. Stated forage species are very important in sustainable agriculture and organic production, considering that they carry out the process of biological fixation of nitrogen, but also from the ecological aspect. By using diverse selection/breeding material numerous domestic cultivars of perennial legumes and grasses have been created which are characterized with high potential for main agronomical traits.ViÅ”egodiÅ”nje leguminoze, lucerka, crvena detelina, žuti zvezdan, bela detelina, esparzeta i trave ježevica, livadski vijuk, visoki vijuk, italijanski ljulj, engleski ljulj, francuski ljulj, crveni vijuk i mačiji rep, mogu se uspeÅ”no gajiti u čistom usevu ili u leguminozno-travnim smeÅ”ama, na različitim tipovima zemljiÅ”ta. Njihov značaj u razvoju stočarstva, pre svega, se zasniva na visokom potencijalu za prinos suve materije, koji se uz primenu savremenih agrotehničkih mera kreće i preko 20 t ha-1. Pored toga, viÅ”egodiÅ”nje leguminoze se odlikuju visokim sadržajem hranljivih materija, posebno proteina i predstavljaju najvažniji izvor proteina u ishrani domaćih životinja. U zavisnosti od vrste i fenofaze iskoriŔćavanja sadržaj sirovih proteina kod trava se kreće od 100 do 174,6 g kg-1 SM, a kod viÅ”egodiÅ”njih leguminoza od 190,0 do 228,8 g kg-1 SM. Stočna hrana dobijena od ovih biljnih vrsta može se koristiti na viÅ”e načina, od ispaÅ”e kao najefikasnijeg i najekonomičnijeg načina, preko pripreme sena, do spravljanja kvalitetnih senaža i silaža. Navedene krmne vrste imaju veoma značajno mesto u održivoj poljoprivredi i organskoj proizvodnji, obzirom da obavljaju proces bioloÅ”ke fiksacije azota, veoma su značajne i sa ekoloÅ”kog aspekta. KoriŔćenjem divergentnog selekcionog materijala stvoren je veliki broj domaćih sorti viÅ”egodiÅ”njih leguminoza i trava koje se odlikuju visokim potencijalom za osnovna agronomska svojstva

    Comparison of methodologies for identification of process parameters affecting geometric deviations in plastic injection molding of housing using Taguchi method

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    This paper examines parameters that could influence geometric part deviation (shrinkage and warpage) of the Housing (Cycoloy, PC/ABS, Grade C2800) produced by plastic injection molding. Five parameters (temperature of molded plastic, injection time, cooling time, holding pressure, holding pressure time). Influence of the parameters is compared by simulation and real experiment with the results measured at five points. Taguchi's orthogonal array method is used. The simulation leads to unreliable results, with too many parameters influencing geometric deviation. Factor that has major influence is holding pressure time (HPT). The real experiment identifies holding pressure (HP) as a parameter with major influence. For further examination, the real experimentation is recommended, whenever it is possible

    Učestalost patogenih gljiva na lucerkinom semenu različite starosti

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    The presence of pathogenic fungi species on seed of six alfalfa cultivars (K-22, K-23, K-28, NS Banat, NS Mediana and Zaječarska 83) of different seed age (24 months and 108 months) was analyzed in this study. In studied cultivars, except in K-28, on older seeds, less fungi genera were identified compared to younger seed. Seven fungi genera were identified: Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Stemphylium and sterile mycelia present in percentage from 0 to 6.5%. Alternaria species were identified on younger seed with 0.5% in cultivars K-28 and NS Mediana, 0.75% in K-22, 1% in Zaječarska 83 and 1.25% in cultivar NS Banat. In cultivar K-28, Alternaria species were identified in percentage of 0.25% on older seed. Aspergillus species in percentage of 0.25% were identified only in younger seed of cultivar NS Mediana. Cladosporium species were identified on younger seed in the percentage of 0.25% (NS Mediana), 1% (K-23 and NS Banat) and 6.5% (K-22), and on older seed in percentage of 0.5% (K-23, K-28 and NS Banat). Genus Fusarium was identified in percentage of 0.25% on younger seed of cultivar K-22. Genus Penicillium was identified in the range from 0.25% (K-22) to 0.5% (K-28) on younger seed and from 0.25% (K-22) to 1.75% (NS Banat) on older seed. Genus Rhizopus was identified in cultivar K-28, on younger (0.5%) and older seed (0.25%), and in cultivar Zaječarska 83, only in younger seed with 0.5%. Sterile mycelia was identified on younger seed of cultivars K-22 (4.5%), NS Banat (1.75%), K-23 (1.0%) and Zaječarska 83 (0.5%), and on older seed of cultivars K- 23 and K-28 with 0.25% and K-22 with 0.5%. Genus Stemphylium was identified in percentage of 0.25% only on younger seed of cultivars K-22, K-23, NS Banat and NS Mediana. Results of these analysis indicated favourable health condition of seeds of different age of analyzed alfalfa cultivars, especially in relation to economically important fungi genera Fusarium and Stemphylium.U radu je proučavano prisustvo patogenih vrsta gljiva na semenu Å”est sorti lucerke (K-22, K-23, K-28, NS Banat, NS Mediana i Zaječarska 83) različite starosti semena (24 meseca i 108 meseci). Kod ispitivanih sorti, osim kod sorte K- 28, na starijem semenu identifikovan je manji broj rodova gljiva u odnosu na mlađe seme. Identifikovano je sedam rodova gljiva, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Stemphylium i sterilna micelija sa prisustvom od 0 do 6,5%. Alternaria vrste identifikovane su na mlađem semenu sa 0,5% kod sorata K-28 i NS Mediana, 0,75% kod K-22, 1% kod Zaječarska 83 i 1,25% kod NS Banat. Kod sorte K-28 Alternaria vrste identifikovane su sa 0,25% na starijem semenu. Aspergillus vrste identifikovane su sa 0,25% samo kod mlađeg semena sorte NS Mediana. Cladosporium vrste identifikovane su na mlađem semenu sa 0,25% (NS Mediana), 1% (K-23 i NS Banat) i 6,5% (K-22), a na starijem semenu sa 0,5% (K-23, K-28 i NS Banat). Rod Fusarium identifikovan je sa 0,25% na mlađem semenu kod sorte K-22. Rod Penicillium identifikovan je od 0,25% (K-22) do 0,5% (K-28) na mlađem semenu i od 0,25% (K-22) do 1,75% (NS Banat) na starijem semenu. Rod Rhizopus identifikovan je kod sorte K-28 i na mlađem (0,5%) i na starijem semenu (0,25%), a kod sorte Zaječarska 83 samo na mlađem semenu sa 0,5%. Sterilna micelija identifikovana je na mlađem semenu kod sorti K-22 (4,5%), NS Banat (1,75%), K-23 (1,0%) i Zaječarska 83 (0,5%), a na starijem semenu kod sorti K-23 i K-28 sa po 0,25% i K-22 sa 0,5%. Rod Stemphylium identifikovan je sa 0,25% samo na mlađem semenu sorti K-22, K-23, NS Banat i NS Mediana. Rezultati ovih analiza ukazuju na povoljno zdravstveno stanje semena različite starosti kod svih ispitivanih sorti lucerke, posebno u odnosu na ekonomski značajne rodove gljiva Fusarium i Stemphylium

    The significance of molecular diagnostics in the evaluation of the clinical course and outcome of malaria

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    Uvod: Malarija je najznaajnija parazitska infekcija u svetu. Procena je da je 2012. godine bilo 207 miliona sluajeva malarije sa 627.000 smrtnih ishoda u endemskim podrujima, posebno u tropskim i subtropskim regionima (97 zemalja). Brza i pouzdana dijagnoza malarije predstavlja osnovu za primenu odgovarajue terapije i povoljan terapijski ishod. Zlatni standard u dijagnostici malarije je joŔ uvek mikroskopija, mada je s jedne strane subjektivna a s druge, posebno u odreenim klinikim situacijama, nedovoljno osetljiva metoda. Otuda je veliki pomak u dijagnostici predstavljalo uvoenje molekularnih tehnika, za koje je pokazano da imaju veu osetljivost i specifinost, ali nije do kraja jasan njihov stvarni kliniki znaaj. Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je procena klinikog znaaja real-time PCR-a (qPCR) u dijagnostici malarije, posebno u sluaju submikroskopske malarije, kao i da se ispita klinika upotrebljivost praenja DNK-nemije za procenu efekta antimalarine terapije. Metodologija: U istraživanje je ukljueno 109 ispitanika koji su boravili u malarinim podrujima, kod kojih je dijgnostik mlrije vrŔena n Odseku z przitologiju na Klinici za infektivne i tropske bolesti u Beogradu od jul 2010. do mj 2013. godine. Kod svih ispitanika prvo je raena mikroskopija a potom skrining qPCR gde je kao ciljni gen koriŔen visoko konzervirani region 18S rRNK gena. Pozitivni uzorci su potom ispitivani specijes-specifinim qPCR-om za identifikaciju etiri vrste roda Plasmodium: P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale i P. malariae. Rezultati: Malarija je dijagnostikovana kod 45 simptomatskih bolesnika, od kojih je kod 42 mikroskopski potvrena. Kod ostala tri (6,7%) bolesnika, dijagnoza je postavljena indirektno, na osnovu adekvatnog terapijskog odgovora...population in 97 countries. In 2012, 207 million cases and 627.000 deaths occurred in malaria-endemic regions, concentrated in the tropics and subtropical areas. A prompt diagnosis with accurate identification of species is crucial for adequate treatment. Conventional microscopic diagnosis, although still the gold standard, is highly subjective, depending on the skill of the microscopist. This has been overcome by molecular methods, which are constantly being improved for increased sensitivity and specificity. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the use of quantitative (q) real-time PCR as a confirmatory method for the diagnosis of malaria in diagnostically uncertain cases. Further aims included investigation of whether qPCR could be used for quantification of parasite density and for how long parasite DNA is detectable in patients receiving antimalarial therapy. Methodology: The study group included 109 individuals after their return from tropical and subtropical areas, tested for malaria in the Parasitological Laboratory at the Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases in Belgrade between July 2010 and May 2013. Patient blood samples were first examined by microscopy and tested for the presence of the parasite 18S rRNA gene by screening qPCR. All positive samples were subsequently analysed by species-specific qPCR for the detection of four Plasmodium species, including P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae. Results: Malaria was diagnosed in 45 patients, all of which were clinically suspected of malaria. In 42 (93.3%), the diagnosis was based on microscopy, and three (6.7%) were patients with submicroscopic malaria (SMM), in whom the diagnosis was based on the favorable effect of antimalarials administered in clinically suspected patients..


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    The objective of this study was to determine bread slice medium part properties in relation to quality parameters with a focus on gluten strength. Since sensory evaluation of bread is time consuming, expensive and subjective in nature, computerized image analysis was applied as objective method of bread crumb quality evaluation. Gluten Index method was applied as fast and reliable tool for defining gluten strength of wheat. Significant (P90) Ana, Demetra, Klara, Srpanjka and Divana have shown trend to give unequal and bigger crumb grains while cultivars Golubica, Barbara, Žitarka, Kata and Sana with optimal gluten strength (GI= 60-90) have shown finer and uniform crumb grain.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost parametara izgleda sredine kruha i kakvoće pÅ”enice, s naglaskom na jačinu glutena. Budući da je senzorska procjena kruha vremenski zahtjevna, skupa i relativno subjektivna, u procjeni izgleda sredine kruha koriÅ”tena je računalna analiza slike kao objektivna metoda. Jačina glutena pÅ”enice određena je brzom i pouzdanom gluten indeks metodom. Statistički značajna (p90), Anu, Demetru, Klaru, Srpanjku i Divanu, karakterizira neujednačena poroznost sredine kruha s velikim Å”upljinama, za razliku od kultivara Golubice, Barbare, Žitarke, Kate i Sane s optimalnom vrijednoŔću gluten indeksa (GI= 60-90), čija je poroznost, s obzirom na manje Å”upljine, bila ujednačenija

    Trends and Costs of External Electrical Bone Stimulators and Grafting Materials in Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion.

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    STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review. PURPOSE: To identify the trends in stimulator use, pair those trends with various grafting materials, and determine the influence of stimulators on the risk of revision surgery. OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE: A large number of studies has reported beneficial effects of electromagnetic energy in healing long bone fractures. However, there are few clinical studies regarding the use of electrical stimulators in spinal fusion. METHODS: We used insurance billing codes to identify patients with lumbar disc degeneration who underwent anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF). Comparisons between patients who did and did not receive electrical stimulators following surgery were performed using logistic regression analysis, chi-square test, and odds ratio (OR) analysis. RESULTS: Approximately 19% of the patients (495/2,613) received external stimulators following ALIF surgery. There was a slight increase in stimulator use from 2008 to 2014 (multi-level R2=0.08, single-level R2=0.05). Patients who underwent multi-level procedures were more likely to receive stimulators than patients who underwent single-level procedures (p0.05), except those in the multilevel ALIF+PLF cohort, wherein the patients who underwent stimulation had higher rates of revision surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Concurrent PLF or multi-level procedures increased patients\u27 likelihood of receiving stimulators, however, the presence of comorbidities did not. Patients who received BMA plus autograft or allograft were more likely to receive stimulation. Patients with and without bone stimulators had similar rates of revision surgery


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    High-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) composition was analyzed by sodium-dodecyl-sulfat-polyacrilamid-gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), while the quantitative determination of total HMW-GS was obtained by reversed phase- high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Considering HMW-GS composition, the most frequent subunits at Glu-A1 locus were N, at Glu-B1 locus 7+9 and at Glu-D1 locus 2+12. The cultivars with the GS 5+10 at Glu-D1 locus have shown better technological characteristics in contrast to cultivars with the GS 2+12. The cultivars Žitarka, Srpanjka, Barbara, Klara and Golubica in spite of presence HMW-GS 2+12 have shown very good and good technological properties because they had optimal proportions (>10%) of total HMW-GS. The results of the linear correlation analysis between quality parameters and HMW-GS composition have shown significant (P10%) ukupnih HMW-GS. Rezultati linearne korelacije između parametara kakvoće i sastava HMW-GS pokazali su značajan (p<0,05) pozitivan utjecaj HMW-GS (Glu-1 bodovi) na sedimentacijsku vrijednost (r=0,55), gluten indeks (r=0,72), energiju tijesta (r=0,61), maksimalni otpor (r=0,64), te omjera otpora i rastezljivosti tijesta (r=0,58). U odnosu na sastav HMW-GS, njihovi udjeli pokazuju značajniji utjecaj na udio proteina (r=0,82), vrijeme razvoja tijesta (r=0,70), stupanj omekÅ”anja (r=-0,90), energiju tijesta (r=0,74) i na volumen kruha (r=0,65)

    Feeding habits and helminth parasites of sardine (S. pilchardus) and anchovy (E. encrasicolus) in the Adriatic Sea

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    We examined the stomach contents of two of the most economically and ecologically important small pelagic fish species, the sardine, Sardina pilchardus and the anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, obtained monthly from commercial purse-seine catches operating on Croatian fishing grounds during a one-year period (Januaryā€“December, 2011). Both species generally showed a similar diet, with copepod and decapod larvae as dominant prey groups. The composition of anchovy and sardine stomach contents was not size- or sex-related, but throughout the year, a significant difference in diet composition was observed for each species as well as between species. Two gastrointerstinal helminths; the digenean Parahemiurus merus and nematode Hysterothylacium aduncum, were recorded during the stomach content analysis. Differences in population dynamics between the two parasites are congruent with differences in the prey composition of sardine and anchovy, reflecting fine-tuned interactions in the trophic web between parasites and intermediate or paratenic hosts included in the sardine and anchovy diet

    Study of Barium Bismuth Titanate Prepared by Mechanochemical Synthesis

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    Barium-bismuth titanate, BaBi4Ti4O15 (BBT), a member of Aurivillius bismuth-based layer-structure perovskites, was prepared from stoichiometric amounts of barium titanate and bismuth titanate obtained via mechanochemical synthesis. Mechanochemical synthesis was performed in air atmosphere in a planetary ball mill. The reaction mechanism of BaBi4Ti4O15 and the preparation and characteristics of BBT ceramic powders were studied using XRD, Raman spectroscopy, particle analysis and SEM. The Bi-layered perovskite structure Of BaBi4Ti4O15 ceramic forms at 1100 degrees C for 4 h without a pre-calcination step. The microstructure of BaBi4Ti4O15 exhibits plate-like grains typical for the Bi-layered structured material and spherical and polygonal grains. The Ba2+ addition leads to changes in the microstructure development, particularly in the change of the average grain size
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