35 research outputs found

    DNA Suspension Arrays: Silencing Discrete Artifacts for High-Sensitivity Applications

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    Detection of low frequency single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) has important implications in early screening for tumorgenesis, genetic disorders and pathogen drug resistance. Nucleic acid arrays are a powerful tool for genome-scale SNP analysis, but detection of low-frequency SNPs in a mixed population on an array is problematic. We demonstrate a model assay for HIV-1 drug resistance mutations, wherein ligase discrimination products are collected on a suspension array. In developing this system, we discovered that signal from multiple polymorphisms was obscured by two discrete hybridization artifacts. Specifically: 1) tethering of unligated probes on the template DNA elicited false signal and 2) unpredictable probe secondary structures impaired probe capture and suppressed legitimate signal from the array. Two sets of oligonucleotides were used to disrupt these structures; one to displace unligated reporter labels from the bead-bound species and another to occupy sequences which interfered with array hybridization. This artifact silencing system resulted in a mean 21-fold increased sensitivity for 29 minority variants of 17 codons in our model assay for mutations most commonly associated with HIV-1 drug resistance. Furthermore, since the artifacts we characterized are not unique to our system, their specific inhibition might improve the quality of data from solid-state microarrays as well as from the growing number of multiple analyte suspension arrays relying on sequence-specific nucleic acid target capture

    A mutated dph3 gene causes sensitivity of Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells to cytotoxic agents

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    Dph3 is involved in diphthamide modification of the eukaryotic translation elongation factor eEF2 and in Elongator-mediated modifications of tRNAs, where a 5-methoxycarbonyl-methyl moiety is added to wobble uridines. Lack of such modifications affects protein synthesis due to inaccurate translation of mRNAs at ribosomes. We have discovered that integration of markers at the msh3 locus of Schizosaccharomyces pombe impaired the function of the nearby located dph3 gene. Such integrations rendered cells sensitive to the cytotoxic drugs hydroxyurea and methyl methanesulfonate. We constructed dph3 and msh3 strains with mutated ATG start codons (ATGmut), which allowed investigating drug sensitivity without potential interference by marker insertions. The dph3- ATGmut and a dph3::loxP-ura4-loxM gene disruption strain, but not msh3-ATGmut, turned out to be sensitive to hydroxyurea and methyl methanesulfonate, likewise the strains with cassettes integrated at the msh3 locus. The fungicide sordarin, which inhibits diphthamide modified eEF2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, barely affected survival of wild type and msh3Δ S. pombe cells, while the dph3Δ mutant was sensitive. The msh3-ATG mutation, but not dph3Δ or the dph3-ATG mutation caused a defect in mating-type switching, indicating that the ura4 marker at the dph3 locus did not interfere with Msh3 function. We conclude that Dph3 is required for cellular resistance to the fungicide sordarin and to the cytotoxic drugs hydroxyurea and methyl methanesulfonate. This is likely mediated by efficient translation of proteins in response to DNA damage and replication stress

    Simple PCR Assays Improve the Sensitivity of HIV-1 Subtype B Drug Resistance Testing and Allow Linking of Resistance Mutations

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    The success of antiretroviral therapy is known to be compromised by drug-resistant HIV-1 at frequencies detectable by conventional bulk sequencing. Currently, there is a need to assess the clinical consequences of low-frequency drug resistant variants occurring below the detection limit of conventional genotyping. Sensitive detection of drug-resistant subpopulations, however, requires simple and practical methods for routine testing.We developed highly-sensitive and simple real-time PCR assays for nine key drug resistance mutations and show that these tests overcome substantial sequence heterogeneity in HIV-1 clinical specimens. We specifically used early wildtype virus samples from the pre-antiretroviral drug era to measure background reactivity and were able to define highly-specific screening cut-offs that are up to 67-fold more sensitive than conventional genotyping. We also demonstrate that sequencing the mutation-specific PCR products provided a direct and novel strategy to further detect and link associated resistance mutations, allowing easy identification of multi-drug-resistant variants. Resistance mutation associations revealed in mutation-specific amplicon sequences were verified by clonal sequencing.Combined, sensitive real-time PCR testing and mutation-specific amplicon sequencing provides a powerful and simple approach that allows for improved detection and evaluation of HIV-1 drug resistance mutations

    Protocol for Nearly Full-Length Sequencing of HIV-1 RNA from Plasma

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    Nearly full-length genome sequencing of HIV-1 using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) DNA as a template for PCR is now a relatively routine laboratory procedure. However, this has not been the case when using virion RNA as the template and this has made full genome analysis of circulating viruses difficult. Therefore, a well-developed procedure for sequencing of full-length HIV-1 RNA directly from plasma was needed. Plasma from U.S. donors representing a range of viral loads (VL) was used to develop the assay. RNA was extracted from plasma and reverse-transcribed. Two or three overlapping regions were PCR amplified to cover the entire viral genome and sequenced for verification. The success of the procedure was sensitive to VL but was routinely successful for VL greater than 105 and the rate declined in proportion to the VL. While the two-amplicon strategy had an advantage of increasing the possibility of amplifying a single species of HIV-1, the three-amplicon strategy was more successful in amplifying samples with low viral loads. This protocol provides a useful tool for molecular analysis to understand the HIV epidemic and pathogenesis, as well as diagnosis, therapy and future vaccine strategies

    The triple combination of tenofovir, emtricitabine and efavirenz shows synergistic anti-HIV-1 activity in vitro: a mechanism of action study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), emtricitabine (FTC), and efavirenz (EFV) are the three components of the once-daily, single tablet regimen (Atripla) for treatment of HIV-1 infection. Previous cell culture studies have demonstrated that the double combination of tenofovir (TFV), the parent drug of TDF, and FTC were additive to synergistic in their anti-HIV activity, which correlated with increased levels of intracellular phosphorylation of both compounds.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we demonstrated the combinations of TFV+FTC, TFV+EFV, FTC+EFV, and TFV+FTC+EFV synergistically inhibit HIV replication in cell culture and synergistically inhibit HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) catalyzed DNA synthesis in biochemical assays. Several different methods were applied to define synergy including median-effect analysis, MacSynergy<sup>®</sup>II and quantitative isobologram analysis. We demonstrated that the enhanced formation of dead-end complexes (DEC) by HIV-1 RT and TFV-terminated DNA in the presence of FTC-triphosphate (TP) could contribute to the synergy observed for the combination of TFV+FTC, possibly through reduced terminal NRTI excision. Furthermore, we showed that EFV facilitated efficient formation of stable, DEC-like complexes by TFV- or FTC-monophosphate (MP)-terminated DNA and this can contribute to the synergistic inhibition of HIV-1 RT by TFV-diphosphate (DP)+EFV and FTC-TP+EFV combinations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study demonstrated a clear correlation between the synergistic antiviral activities of TFV+FTC, TFV+EFV, FTC+EFV, and TFV+FTC+EFV combinations and synergistic HIV-1 RT inhibition at the enzymatic level. We propose the molecular mechanisms for the TFV+FTC+EFV synergy to be a combination of increased levels of the active metabolites TFV-DP and FTC-TP and enhanced DEC formation by a chain-terminated DNA and HIV-1 RT in the presence of the second and the third drug in the combination. This study furthers the understanding of the longstanding observations of synergistic anti-HIV-1 effects of many NRTI+NNRTI and certain NRTI+NRTI combinations in cell culture, and provides biochemical evidence that combinations of anti-HIV agents can increase the intracellular drug efficacy, without increasing the extracellular drug concentrations.</p

    Thalidomide in the treatment of erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL): systematic review of clinical trials and prospects of new investigations

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    FUNDAMENTOS: A hanseníase persiste como problema de saúde pública, e episódios de ENH são eventos agudos que ocorrem antes, durante e após PQT. Na última década, o uso da talidomida como agente imunomodulador foi expandido a outras doenças. OBJETIVOS: realizar revisão sistemática dos ensaios clínicos publicados sobre a eficácia e efeitos colaterais da talidomida no ENH. Descrever metodologia e resultados da triagem para recrutamento de ensaio clínico visando avaliar dose-resposta da talidomida seguida de desmame no ENH moderado e grave, realizado no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Analisaram-se ensaios publicados sobre talidomida no ENH. Foi delineado um ensaio clínico duplo-cego randomizado para avaliar dose de 100 thalid 300mg/dia de talidomida durante fase aguda de ENH, seguida de desmame da talidomida, thalid placebo. Para este ensaio clínico descreve-se metodologia e dados de recrutamento de pacientes, com ênfase na gravidade dos episódios de ENH. RESULTADOS: Os seis ensaios clínicos publicados nas décadas de 1960 e 1970 apontam para o benefício da talidomida no ENH, embora diferenças metodológicas dificultem a comparação. Na fase de recrutamento do ensaio brasileiro, dos 143 pacientes de ENH triados, 65% eram potencialmente elegíveis. A associação com neurite em 56,4% dos ENH moderados e graves exigiu co-intervenção com corticosteróide. CONCLUSÃO: O padrão de recrutamento dos pacientes evidenciou alta freqüência de neurite nos episódios de ENH. O esquema de talidomida isolada no ENH foi avaliado como infreqüente na prática clínica brasileira. O desafio atual é acumular evidências sobre a eficácia e efeitos colaterais da talidomida em associação com corticosteróides.BACKGROUND: Leprosy remains a public health problem. Episodes of erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) are acute events that occur before, during and after polychemotherapy. In the last decade, the use of thalidomide as an immunomodulating agent was expanded to other diseases. OBJECTIVES: To perform a systematic review of published clinical trials on efficacy and side effects of thalidomide in ENL. To describe the methodology and screening results of recruiting for a clinical trial performed in Brazil, which aimed to assess the dose-response of thalidomide followed by tapering regimen in severe and moderate cases of ENL. METHODS: Published clinical trials on the use of thalidomide in ENL were analyzed. A randomized, double-blind clinical trial was designed to evaluate the doses of 100mg versus 300mg/day thalidomide during the acute stage of ENL, followed by thalidomide tapering regimen versus placebo. For this clinical trial, the methodology and data for enrollment of patients were described, with an emphasis on severity of ENL episodes. RESULTS: Six clinical trials published in the 1960's and 1970's indicated the benefits of thalidomide in ENL, although methodological differences made comparison difficult. In the enrollment stage of the Brazilian trial, 65% of patients were potentially eligible out of 143 ENL patients screened. The association with neuritis in 56.4% of moderate and severe cases of ENL required the co-intervention with steroids. CONCLUSION: The patients' enrollment pattern demonstrated high frequency of neuritis in ENL episodes. The treatment regimen with thalidomide in monotherapy for ENL was considered infrequent in the clinical practice in Brazil. The current challenge is to accumulate evidence about efficacy and side effects of thalidomide in combination with steroids

    Microbial Community Fingerprinting by Differential Display-Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis▿

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    Complex microbial communities exhibit a large diversity, hampering differentiation by DNA fingerprinting. Herein, differential display-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis is proposed. By adding a nucleotide to the 3′ ends of PCR primers, 16 primer pairs and fingerprints were generated per community. Complexity reduction in each partial fingerprint facilitates sample comparison

    A State-of-the-Art Contamination Effects Research and Test Facility

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    In the ongoing effort to better understand various spacecraft contamination phenomena, a new state of the art contamination effects research and test facility was designed, and recently brought on-line at The Aerospace Corporation s Space Materials Laboratory. This high vacuum test chamber employs multiple in-situ analytical techniques, making it possible to study both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of contaminant film formation in the presence or absence of VUV radiation. Adsorption and desorption kinetics, "photo-fixing efficiency", transmission loss of uniform contaminant films, light scatter from non-uniform films, and film morphology have been studied in this facility. This paper describes this new capability in detail and presents data collected from several of the analytical instruments