67 research outputs found

    Design of Meander-Line Antennas for Radio Frequency Identification Based on Multiobjective Optimization

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    This paper presents optimization problem formulations to design meander-line antennas for passive UHF radio frequency identification tags based on given specifications of input impedance, frequency range, and geometric constraints. In this application, there is a need for directive transponders to select properly the target tag, which in turn must be ideally isotropic. The design of an effective meander-line antenna for RFID purposes requires balancing geometrical characteristics with the microchip impedance. Therefore, there is an issue of optimization in determining the antenna parameters for best performance. The antenna is analyzed by a method of moments. Some results using a deterministic optimization algorithm are shown

    Minimally invasive pediatric surgery: Increasing implementation in daily practice and resident’s training

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    Background: In 1998, the one-year experience in minimally invasive abdominal surgery in children at a pediatric training center was assessed. Seven years later, we determined the current status of pediatric minimally invasive surgery in daily practice and surgical training. Methods: A retrospective review was undertaken of all children with intra-abdominal operations performed between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2005. Results: The type of operations performed ranged from common interventions to demanding laparoscopic procedures. 81% of all abdominal procedures were performed laparoscopically, with a complication rate stable at 6.9%, and conversion rate decreasing from 10% to 7.4%, compared to 1998. There were six new advanced laparoscopic procedures performed in 2005 as compared to 1998. The children in the open operated group were significantly smaller and younger than in the laparoscopic group (p < 0.001 and p = 0.001, respectively). The majority (64.2%) of the laparoscopic procedures were performed by a trainee. There was no difference in the operating times of open versus laparoscopic surgery, or of procedures performed by trainees versus staff surgeons. Laparoscopy by trainees did not have a negative impact on complication or conversion rates. Conclusions: Laparoscopy is an established approach in abdominal procedures in children, and does not hamper surgical training

    Potential geographic distribution of Hantavirus reservoirs in Brazil

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    Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome is an emerging zoonosis in Brazil. Human infections occur via inhalation of aerosolized viral particles from excreta of infected wild rodents. Necromys lasiurus and Oligoryzomys nigripes appear to be the main reservoirs of hantavirus in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes. We estimated and compared ecological niches of the two rodent species, and analyzed environmental factors influencing their occurrence, to understand the geography of hantavirus transmission. N. lasiurus showed a wide potential distribution in Brazil, in the Cerrado, Caatinga, and Atlantic Forest biomes. Highest climate suitability for O. nigripes was observed along the Brazilian Atlantic coast. Maximum temperature in the warmest months and annual precipitation were the variables that most influence the distributions of N. lasiurus and O. nigripes, respectively. Models based on occurrences of infected rodents estimated a broader area of risk for hantavirus transmission in southeastern and southern Brazil, coinciding with the distribution of human cases of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. We found no demonstrable environmental differences among occurrence sites for the rodents and for human cases of hantavirus. However, areas of northern and northeastern Brazil are also apparently suitable for the two species, without broad coincidence with human cases. Modeling of niches and distributions of rodent reservoirs indicates potential for transmission of hantavirus across virtually all of Brazil outside the Amazon Basin

    Checklist of mammals from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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    A Estratégia Saúde da Família para a equidade de acesso dirigida à população em situação de rua em grandes centros urbanos

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    Este artigo relata experiência na implantação da atenção à saúde da população em situação de rua da cidade de São Paulo, visando à equidade de acesso às ações de saúde no Sistema Único de Saúde. As dificuldades de utilização dos serviços de saúde por esses indivíduos devem-se a: concepção do adoecimento-cuidado, organização técnico-administrativa dos serviços, preconceitos de profissionais e usuários e fragilidades de ações intersetoriais, entre outros. Ademais, observa-se prevalência maior de algumas condições na população de rua quando comparada às da população geral, como gestações seis vezes; alcoolismo 30 vezes e tuberculose 57 vezes - demonstrando, proporcionalmente, o grau de vulnerabilidade desse grupo. São necessários novos processos de trabalho pró-ativos na atenção à saúde que incorporem particularidades desses indivíduos, garantindo, assim, o acesso. Nesse sentido, a Estratégia Saúde da Família, por suas características, responde a tais necessidades. A partir de 2004, o projeto "A Gente na Rua" - fruto de parcerias entre a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São Paulo e instituições filantrópicas - foi implementado; inicialmente com o Programa de Agentes Comunitários de Saúde, e hoje com equipes de Saúde da Família. Conclui-se que, na cidade de São Paulo, a política adotada para a atenção à saúde da população de rua promoveu o acesso �� atenção básica e processos de trabalho específicos. Questões como novas estratégias de cuidado aos que apresentam transtornos mentais, integralidade, longitudinalidade e intersetorialidade nas ações, entre outras aqui enunciadas, devem ser consideradas na constituição de futuras análises.This article reports the experience concerning the implementation of a health care program addressed to homeless people in the city of São Paulo, aiming at equity in the access to governmental health services. These individuals' difficulties in using the health services are due to their misconceptions about illness and care, health teams' and users' preconceptions, services' technical-administrative organization, and fragile intersector actions, among others. Additionally, this population is highly vulnerable to some health disorders, as shown by the high rates of alcoholism, tuberculosis and even pregnancy. Innovative actions as well as adequate health strategies addressing a real improvement in the access should be considered as essential. In this sense, the Family Health Strategy is a useful tool of the primary health care services. Since 2004, a Project named "A Gente na Rua", which resulted from a partnership between the Municipal Health Department of São Paulo and philanthropic institutions, has been implemented, with the action of community health agent teams. It is concluded that, in the city of São Paulo, the adoption of this health policy targeted at the homeless has promoted better access to primary health care services. Moreover, it has created a more focused approach to this population. Despite the success of this strategy, we should take into account that remaining challenges have to be tackled in future projects, such as the need of new strategies focusing on homeless people with mental disorders, as well as the guarantee of quality care characterized by comprehensiveness, longitudinality and coordination, among others