42 research outputs found

    Le politiche agro- ambientali in Europa, America e Australia: quale potenziale per lo sviluppo di aste di contratti in Europa

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    Negli ultimi decenni, abbiamo assistito ad una crescente attenzione da parte dei principali paesi Ocse nei confronti delle politiche agro-ambientali (Baylis et al., 2007). L’Unione Europea (UE), l’Australia (Aus) e gli Stati Uniti (US) hanno introdotto all’interno delle rispettive politiche agricole, attraverso l’utilizzo di crescenti risorse finanziarie, misure capaci di conciliare le esigenze produttive e di mercato con la conservazione dell’ambiente e lo sviluppo sostenibile. Un’attenta lettura di questo cambiamento, attraverso i principali programmi1 attuati in UE, Aus e US, evidenzia obiettivi generali e tratti comuni nei percorsi seguiti, ma anche numerose differenze. In questo paesaggio normativo diversi possono essere i fattori che hanno influenzato la natura degli obiettivi e delle priorità dei programmi attuati, come: i diversi valori ambientali, la natura dei diritti di proprietà legati all’utilizzo delle risorse naturali, e il livello di consapevolezza della società civile nei confronti delle problematiche stesse. Di conseguenza diverso è stato anche il mix delle politiche adottate e diversi sono stati gli strumenti messi in campo per affrontare le principali problematiche ambientali. Un aspetto comune, di cruciale importanza per tutti i programmi analizzati, riguarda l’efficienza e l’efficacia delle misure e dei pagamenti agro-ambientali. A livello Europeo, nonostante il dibattito in letteratura sulla possibilità di migliorare il rapporto costo-efficacia degli schemi agro-ambientali mediante pagamenti basati su aste di contratti, non ci sono state ancora sperimentazioni ne applicazioni concrete. In Australia e negli Stati Uniti invece, già da diversi anni, tali strumenti vengono impiegati con successo nei principali programmi agro-ambientali. L’obiettivo di questo contributo è di trarre insegnamento dalle soluzioni alternative nel disegno dei pagamenti adottate nei principali programmi agro-ambientali in Australia e negli Stati Uniti e valutare la possibilità per i programmi UE di introdurre in via sperimentale le aste di contratti al fine di ridurre le rendite informative degli agricoltori e aumentare l’efficienza delle misure. Secondo Glebe (2008) e Vojtech (2010), il limite di bilancio imposto alla spesa per le politiche agro-ambientali costituisce una sfida per la ricerca di soluzioni con un buon rapporto costi efficacia nell’affrontare le questioni agro-ambientali

    Adaptation strategies of small-scale fisheries within changing market and regulatory conditions in the EU

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    This paper presents an analysis of the diversification and non-productivist practices and strategies deployed by European small-scale fishers vis-à-vis contextual regulatory and market factors. Building on resilience thinking – combined with a qualitative case study approach involving primary producers and associated stakeholders – the strategies of primary producers in two specific contexts are examined: inshore fisheries in Cornwall (UK) and coastal fisheries in Tuscany (Italy). In so doing, the analysis identifies possible adaptation strategies that can help support the sustainability of the fisheries involved. The strategies adopted by fishers include, for example, investing in innovation, reorganising the supply chain, multifunctionality and diversification, and implementing environmentally friendly activities

    ` Adding value to the fish! ´ Business Strategies in Fish Farming and Small-Scale Fishery

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    The development of values-based supply chains for fish and fish products from fisheries and aquaculture is a strategy to add value to the fish. This benefit refers to the double meaning of ‘value’; premium prices for high-value products and at the same time, the incorporation of environmental, social, cultural or ethical values based on a sustainable use of resources. Although small-scale fish production and fisheries have a long tradition in many regions of the European Union, fishermen and fish farmers face strong competition with industrialized fishery fleets as well as imports from lowcosts aquaculture. At the same time, European consumer surveys prove evidence that a consumers show an overaverage Willingness to Pay (WTP) for fish produced locally and according to sustainability standards. With this paper, we aim to identify and discuss fish farmers’ and fishermen’s strategies ensuring the viability of their businesses by adding value to their fish utilizing this so far often unused market potential. Four case studies serve as the basis for the analysis. The German case studies examined traditional carp pond farming in Franconia and recirculation aquaculture systems in northern Germany. The Italian case studies focus on saline aquaculture (marine and on-shore) in Tuscany and mussel farming (inshore) in the Emilia-Romagna region. The English, Italian and Greek study cases analysed the situation of small-scale coastal fisheries in Cornwall, Tuscany and the Kavala region

    Understanding the spatial agglomeration of participation in agri-environmental schemes: The case of the Tuscany Region

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    Agri-environmental schemes (AESs) constitute one of the main agricultural policy instruments that address environmental objectives in the Common Agricultural Policy. However, in spite of a 20-year application window and large budgetary shares allocated by EU member states, several studies demonstrate lower-than-expected environmental impacts. The reasons for poor environmental outcomes are the lack of targeting, low participation rates, spatial heterogeneity, and information asymmetry between farmers and public administrators. This study comprehensively analyses the determinants of AES adoption while highlighting patterns of the spatial agglomeration of participation in organic and integrated production. For this, we combine the results of farm-level adoption analysis with a spatial analysis of the participation rate. The results show that both microand meso-level characteristics strongly impact AES participation. In fact, farm and household structure, quality of extension services, and territorial conditions all significantly affect AES adoption

    Evaluating the Potential Contribution of Multi-Attribute Auctions to Achieve Agri-Environmental Targets and Efficient Payment Design

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    This paper analyses the performance of a multi-attribute auction for securing agri-environmental outcomes and cost-effective agri-environmental payments (AEPs). We set up a discriminatory price auction model in which farmers make an offer based on two attributes (i.e. the AEP and a proxy of environmental outcome). We provide a numerical simulation for a hypothetical agri-environmental scheme (AES) in Italy using FADN data 2011 for the Emilia-Romagna region (E-R). In three implementation scenarios, we compare the Budgetary cost-effectiveness (BCE), the Economic cost-effectiveness (ECE) and Information rent (IR) of the auction with that of two alternative policy instruments (i.e. uniform payment and marginal flat rate payment). Due to the heterogeneity in bidders' opportunity costs, the auction is more cost-effective than a uniform payment in delivering the target outcome. The performance indicators are sensitive to the farmers' expectations about the bid caps, revealing the opportunity of using both competition effect and information leverage associated with the implementation mechanism to increase the auction outcome when the budget is limited

    The integrated management of food processing waste: The use of the full cost method for planning and pricing mediterranean citrus by-products

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    This paper provides a methodology for the computation of the full cost of several citrus byproducts and attempts to analyze, through a simulation model, the decision making process of a citrus firm seeking to upgrade citrus waste (CW) to several by-products. The results show the importance of using the full cost in the management of resources. Economic sustainability can be achieved by an increase in production efficiency, improving existing technologies and the ability to reuse waste. Yet a large amount of investment is still required, which only large firms can support, at least in the short-term

    Evaluating the Potential Contribution of Multi-Attribute Auctions to Achieve Agri-Environmental Targets and Efficient Payment Design

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    This paper analyses the performance of a multi-attribute auction for securing agri-environmental outcomes and cost-effective agri-environmental payments (AEPs). We set up a discriminatory price auction model in which farmers make an offer based on two attributes (i.e. the AEP and a proxy of environmental outcome). We provide a numerical simulation for a hypothetical agri-environmental scheme (AES) in Italy using FADN data 2011 for the Emilia-Romagna region (E-R). In three implementation scenarios, we compare the Budgetary cost-effectiveness (BCE), the Economic cost-effectiveness (ECE) and Information rent (IR) of the auction with that of two alternative policy instruments (i.e. uniform payment and marginal flat rate payment). Due to the heterogeneity in bidders' opportunity costs, the auction is more cost-effective than a uniform payment in delivering the target outcome. The performance indicators are sensitive to the farmers' expectations about the bid caps, revealing the opportunity of using both competition effect and information leverage associated with the implementation mechanism to increase the auction outcome when the budget is limited

    Integrating spatial econometric information and optimisation models to improve agri-Environmental payment design: A resource allocation model for emilia-Romagna (Italy)

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    The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the European Agri-Environmental Measures (AEMs) depends on policy design variables, spatial targeting and participant selection process. This paper develops an optimisation model jointly aimed at optimal AEMs targeting and payment setting. The model tests the potential integration of spatial information into optimisation models simulating spatially differentiated payment mechanism for AEMs in Emilia-Romagna (Italy). The results highlight a significant cost saving with differentiated payments. Spatial information modelled as a proxy of the willingness to accept the payment supports the fine-tuning of the model. The study highlights the importance of using the information on spatial differentiation in optimisation tools searching for optimal incentive-compatible targeting