26 research outputs found

    До 75-річчя Анни Станіславівни Русяєвої

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    Цієї зими, 1 лютого 2012 р., виповнилося 75 років від дня народження Анни Станіславівни Русяєвої — визначного вітчизняного антикознавця, відомого вченого-археолога з більш як півстолітнім стажем, провідної дослідниці античних старожитностей Північного Причорномор’я, доктора історичних наук, професора, члена Міжнародної асоціації грецької та латинської епіграфіки, лауреата Всеукраїнської премії ім. М.І. Костомарова (1995), лауреата Державної премії України в галузі науки і техніки (2002), автора більше ніж 250 наукових праць (зокрема 18 книжок) і учасника таких відомих фундаментальних видань, як «Археология Украинской ССР» (1986), «Давня історія України» (1998), «Історія української культури» (2001)

    Intraseasonal variability of the North Brazil Undercurrent forced by remote winds

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    Intraseasonal signals with periods of 2 to 3 weeks in near-surface alongshore current measurements are detected from four moorings (K1 - K4) deployed from 2000 to 2004 at the 11{degree sign}S section close to the Brazilian coast as part of the German CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Variability Project. This section crosses the path of the North Brazil Undercurrent, the most powerful western boundary current in the South Atlantic Ocean. We investigate the origin of this intraseasonal variability of the North Brazil Undercurrentby relating the oceanic oscillation of the alongshore currents to its atmospheric counterpart, the meridional wind stress. On average, the results indicate a well-defined lagged (10 days) correlation (~0.6) structure between meridional wind stress and alongshore currents. The oceanic region with the highest cross-correlations is identified as a relatively narrow band along the Brazilian coast, from 22{degree sign}-36{degree sign}S and 40{degree sign}-50{degree sign}W, bounded in the north by an eastward change in coastline orientation. The cross-wavelet transform establishes the common power between the time series of meridional wind stress and alongshore currents, predominantly during austral winter and spring. These signals propagate equatorward with an alongshore speed of 285{plus minus}63 km day-1, consistent with Coastal Trapped Wave theory

    Application of the Cross Wavelet Transform and Wavelet Coherence to OH-PLIF in Bluff Body Stabilized Flames

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    Amazon River propagation evidenced by a CO2 decrease at 8 degrees N, 38 degrees W in september 2013

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    The surface fugacity of CO2 (fCO(2)) has been measured hourly at a mooring at 8 degrees N, 38 degrees W, using a spectrophotometric CO2 sensor, from June to October 2013. In September 2013, the fCO(2) and the sea surface salinity (SSS) decrease significantly. The high precipitation due to the presence of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and the propagation of low salinity waters from the Amazon River plume explain the decrease of SSS. Indeed, in fall, the retroflection of the North Brazil Current (NBC) feeds the North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC) and transports Amazon waters to the eastern part of the tropical Atlantic. Simulations from a three dimensional physical and biogeochemical model and observations at the mooring show that the Amazon plume reached the mooring in September 2013. The decrease of fCO(2) is associated with a moderate peak of chlorophyll. Over the period of the CO2 observations, the site is a source of CO2 to the atmosphere of 0.65 +/- 0.47 mmol m(-2) day(-1). Although the wind speed is at its lowest intensity in September 2013, the flux over the whole period would be about 14% higher without this month. Every month of September from 2006 to 2017, the model simulates a decrease of dissolved inorganic carbon corresponding to the SSS minimum

    Practical aspects of meteorology and oceanography for mariners: A guide for the perplexed

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    This paper aims to review and summarize the practical aspects of meteorology and oceanography for navigation, highlighting their influence on shiphandling. It is a review for: gathering, in a summarized way, some useful information for mariners, oceanographers, coastal managers, maritime students and maritime engineers; raising important topics for discussion about the theme; and identifying shortcomings that need more research. Aspects of navigation in Brazilian waters, specifically METÁREA V, are introduced as an example, bringing to light, when applicable, the practical aspects for shallow and restricted waters navigation. The parameters analysed were: clouds, rain, smog, fog, breeze, winds, waves, tides, and coastal and tidal currents. The passage of cold fronts can change winds direction. Also, local winds can overlap the effects of breezes, depending on its intensity. Dense fog, that can reduce visibility to less than 100 m, and rain, which according to its intensity, can reduce visibility to less than 500 m, are examples of some parameters that were checked and are able to reduce visibility when navigating. In addition, were reviewed the concepts of occurrence of rain and squall, and of frontal systems and the expected changes in local weather, pressure and air temperature with their approach. The importance of waves, tides and currents is also verified, especially for shallow and restricted waters navigation. Finally, the authors conclude that the analyses and comprehension of theses parameters are crucial for an efficient and safe navigation, and suggest shortcomings that need more research