426 research outputs found

    Differential approximation for Kelvin-wave turbulence

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    I present a nonlinear differential equation model (DAM) for the spectrum of Kelvin waves on a thin vortex filament. This model preserves the original scaling of the six-wave kinetic equation, its direct and inverse cascade solutions, as well as the thermodynamic equilibrium spectra. Further, I extend DAM to include the effect of sound radiation by Kelvin waves. I show that, because of the phonon radiation, the turbulence spectrum ends at a maximum frequency ω(ϵ3cs20/κ16)1/13\omega^* \sim (\epsilon^3 c_s^{20} / \kappa^{16})^{1/13} where ϵ\epsilon is the total energy injection rate, csc_s is the speed of sound and κ\kappa is the quantum of circulation.Comment: Prepared of publication in JETP Letter

    Bunyavirales Order

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    In 2017 the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTY) established and approved a new order Bunyavirales that unite evolutionary related viruses whose genome is represented by a segmented linear single-stranded RNA of negative or ambisense polarity. Currently, the order Bunyavirales includes 10 families that infect vertebrate animals, invertebrates (arthropods), and plants. At least 41 zoonotic bunyaviruses, including pathogenic for human, were isolated on the territory of Northern Eurasia. This review presents the data on the composition of the families belonging to the order Bunyavirales and a list of zoonotic bunyaviruses, isolated in Northern Eurasia, indicating their modern taxonomy. Most of them are arboviruses, associated with different species of mosquitoes or ticks

    Онлайн-образование как способ гармонизации архетипов самости, корпоративности и ­иерархии

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    The article considers the mutual influence of the archetypes of Self, corporativity, and hierarchy on the educational process in the online environment.The increase of hierarchical trends in the social institution of education as a result of the emergence of national states and the reforms launched by them, is noted on the example of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The influence of abstractive impersonality, inherent for a hierarchy, on the manifestations of corporativity is analyzed. Indications are given on the influence of the corporativity, hierarchy, and Self archetypes on the process of emergence of collective identity, in close connection with differentiation and specialization within the group. The role of archetypes in the implementation of the reproduction function imposed by society on educational institutions is noted. The article expresses the idea of the Self archetype»s role in removing contradictions between the archetypes of corporativity and hierarchy. It also lists the problems caused by strengthening the hierarchy archetype in education. The author analyzes the distinctive features of the online form of education in comparison with the usual offline format in the development of the hierarchical, corporate and individual phenomena. The multidirectional possibilities of the electronic format are shown, which can be used both to reinforce and to weaken the tendencies of the archetypes of Self, corporativity, and hierarchy. It is pointed out that there is a contradiction between the innovative form of e-education and the conservatism of the collective unconscious. It is also noted that unconscious schemes of archetypes can be supplemented at the conscious level of culture by filling them with variable symbols and images. Some examples of educational projects on the Internet are given. It is concluded that the rebalancing of the influence of archetypes in favor of Self and corporativity is revealed primarily in online projects that are not controlled by traditional hierarchical organizationsl.В статье рассмотрено взаимовлияние архетипов Самости, корпоративности и иерархии на образовательный процесс в онлайн-среде. Отмечено усиление иерархических тенденций в социальном институте образования в результате появления национальных государств и запущенных ими реформ на примере Австро-Венгерской империи. Проанализировано влияние присущей архетипу иерархии абстрагирующей безличности на проявления архетипа корпоративности. Даны указания на влияние архетипов корпоративности, иерархии и Самости на процесс возникновения коллективной идентичности в тесной связи с дифференциацией и специализацией внутри группы. Отмечена роль архетипов в реализации функции воспроизводства, налагаемой обществом на образовательные институты. Высказана идея о роли архетипа Самости в снятии противоречий меду архетипами корпоративности и иерархии. Перечислены проблемы, вызванные усилением архетипа иерархии в образовании. Проанализированы отличительные черты онлайн формы образования по сравнению с привычным офлайн форматом в развитии иерархических, корпоративных, а также индивидуационных феноменов. Показаны разнонаправленные возможности электронных форматов, которые могут быть использованы как для подкрепления, так и для ослабления тенденций архетипов Самости, корпоративности и иерархии. Указано на противоречие между инновационной формой электронного образования и консерватизмом коллективного бессознательного. Отмечена принципиальная дополняемость бессознательных схем архетипов на сознательном уровне разработки культурой их наполнения вариативными символами и образами. Приведены некоторые примеры образовательных и просветительских проектов в сети Интернет. Делается вывод, что ребалансировка влияния архетипов в пользу Самости и корпоративности открывается прежде всего в онлайн-проектах, не находящихся под управлением традиционных иерархических организаций

    Optical Fibers Based on Modified Silver Halide Crystals for Nuclear Power

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    We investigated the possibility of the deployment of AgBr – TlBr0.46I0.54MIR fibers in high ionizing radiation environment. For this purpose, we exposed plate samples made of AgBr – TlBr0.46I0.54crystals to β-ionizing radiation at a dose of 100 kGy. We revealed the radiation-induced translucence effect for these materials and assumed its nature. As the investigation showed the suitability of the fibers for the application in high ionizing radiation environment, the authors propose to use these fibers jointly with FTIR spectrometers for the online monitoring of various chemical processes at the nuclear power plants. Keywords: modified silver halides, MIR fibers, FTIR spectroscopy, ionizing radiation resistanc

    Biexciton oscillator strength

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    Our goal is to provide a physical understanding of the elementary coupling between photon and biexciton and to derive the physical characteristics of the biexciton oscillator strength, following the procedure we used for trion. Instead of the more standard two-photon absorption, this work concentrates on molecular biexciton created by photon absorption in an exciton gas. We first determine the appropriate set of coordinates in real and momentum spaces to describe one biexciton as two interacting excitons. We then turn to second quantization and introduce the "Fourier transform in the exciton sense" of the biexciton wave function which is the relevant quantity for oscillator strength. We find that, like for trion, the oscillator strength for the formation of one biexciton out of one photon plus a \emph{single} exciton is extremely small: it is one biexciton volume divided by one sample volume smaller than the exciton oscillator strength. However, due to their quantum nature, trion and biexciton have absorption lines which behave quite differently. Electrons and trions are fermionic particles impossible to pile up all at the same energy. This would make the weak trion line spread with electron density, the peak structure only coming from singular many-body effects. By contrast, the bosonic nature of exciton and biexciton makes the biexciton peak mainly rise with exciton density, this rise being simply linear if we forget many-body effects between the photocreated exciton and the excitons present in the sample

    Учитель, ученик и администратор в образовательном процессе: усиление архетипа иерархии

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    The authors have made an attempt to consider the consequences of strengthening the role of the administrator in the modern educational process from the standpoint of the concept of archetypes of the collective unconscious, which allows to identify unconscious «programs»that are strung on the cultural and symbolic experience of consciousness. The paper analyzes the interrelations of archetypal figures of the pupil, teacher and administrator. The authors observed a balanced impact of the archetypes of corporativity and hierarchy in the interaction between a teacher and a student. On the one hand, they are both equal in their opposition to the world and in their identification with the we-self. On the other hand, the teacher is supposed to have higher with the certain power in relation to the student. The teacher is regarded as a «guide» to  the area of implicit knowledge, as a person who «launches» collective unconscious programs in a student, in which the experience of previous generations is fixed on the archetypal level. The transfer of a fixed cultural code to the student, which allows to achieve the necessary level of coherence with other members of the community, is the main task of the education system. The authors show the strengthening of the role of the Government in the educational process, which brought the figure of an administrator, which significantly increased the archetype of the hierarchy. This led to the following consequences: a decrease in the independence of the social institution of education; distortion of the motives of the participants of the educational process with a reorientation to formal indicators set by the external environment; formalization of interpersonal relations between the participants of the educational process; reducing the sense of unity and belonging generated by the archetype of corporativity; increased competition between educational institutions; the emergence and flourishing of various forms of distant education.Авторы статьи предприняли попытку рассмотреть последствия усиления роли администратора в современном образовательном процессе с позиций концепции архетипов коллективного бессознательного, позволяющей выявить бессознательные программы, на которые наслаивается культурно-символический опыт сознания. Произведён анализ взаимоотношений архетипических фигур ученика, учителя и администратора. Во взаимодействии учителя и ученика наблюдается динамичное относительно равновесное влияние архетипов корпоративности и иерархии. С одной стороны, оба равны в своём противостоянии миру и идентификации с одной и той же Мы-Самостью. С другой стороны, учитель заведомо имеет более высокий статус, наделяющий его даже определённой властью по отношению к ученику. Об учителе в определённом смысле можно говорить как о «проводнике» на территорию неявного знания, как о том, кто «запускает» в ученике программы коллективного бессознательного, в которых на архетипическом уровне закреплён опыт предыдущих поколений. Передача ученику закреплённого культурного кода, позволяющего достигать с другими членами сообщества необходимого уровня согласованности, является основной задачей, поставленной перед системой образования. Показано усиление в Новое время роли государства в образовательном процессе, привнёсшего фигуру администратора, что существенно усилило архетип иерархии. Это привело к таким следствиям: уменьшение самостоятельности социального института образования; искажение мотивов участников образовательного процесса с переориентировкой на формальные показатели, заданные внешней средой; формализация межличностных взаимоотношений участников образовательного процесса; снижение чувства единения и сопричастности, формируемого архетипом корпоративности; усиление конкуренции между образовательными организациями; появление и расцвет различных форм дистанционного образования


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    The authors attempt to interpret the educational imperative from the standpoint of the theory of archetypesis.The contradiction between demanding equality in education and the requirement of a hierarchical differentiation of educational paths is considered in the view of archetypal programs of corporativity and hierarchy.В статье предпринята попытка интерпретации образовательных императивов с позиций теории архетипов. Противоречие между требованием равенства в образовании и требованием иерархической дифференциации образовательных траекторий рассмотрено в дискурсе архетипических программ корпоративности ииерархии

    Modeling Kelvin wave cascades in superfluid helium

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    We study two different types of simplified models for Kelvin wave turbulence on quantized vortex lines in superfluids near zero temperature. Our first model is obtained from a truncated expansion of the Local Induction Approximation (Truncated-LIA) and it is shown to possess the same scalings and the essential behaviour as the full Biot-Savart model, being much simpler than the later and, therefore, more amenable to theoretical and numerical investigations. The Truncated-LIA model supports six-wave interactions and dual cascades, which are clearly demonstrated via the direct numerical simulation of this model in the present paper. In particular, our simulations confirm presence of the weak turbulence regime and the theoretically predicted spectra for the direct energy cascade and the inverse wave action cascade. The second type of model we study, the Differential Approximation Model (DAM), takes a further drastic simplification by assuming locality of interactions in k-space via using a differential closure that preserves the main scalings of the Kelvin wave dynamics. DAMs are even more amenable to study and they form a useful tool by providing simple analytical solutions in the cases when extra physical effects are present, e.g. forcing by reconnections, friction dissipation and phonon radiation. We study these models numerically and test their theoretical predictions, in particular the formation of the stationary spectra, and closeness of numerics for the higher-order DAM to the analytical predictions for the lower-order DAM