615 research outputs found

    Robust ASR using Support Vector Machines

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    The improved theoretical properties of Support Vector Machines with respect to other machine learning alternatives due to their max-margin training paradigm have led us to suggest them as a good technique for robust speech recognition. However, important shortcomings have had to be circumvented, the most important being the normalisation of the time duration of different realisations of the acoustic speech units. In this paper, we have compared two approaches in noisy environments: first, a hybrid HMM–SVM solution where a fixed number of frames is selected by means of an HMM segmentation and second, a normalisation kernel called Dynamic Time Alignment Kernel (DTAK) first introduced in Shimodaira et al. [Shimodaira, H., Noma, K., Nakai, M., Sagayama, S., 2001. Support vector machine with dynamic time-alignment kernel for speech recognition. In: Proc. Eurospeech, Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 1841–1844] and based on DTW (Dynamic Time Warping). Special attention has been paid to the adaptation of both alternatives to noisy environments, comparing two types of parameterisations and performing suitable feature normalisation operations. The results show that the DTA Kernel provides important advantages over the baseline HMM system in medium to bad noise conditions, also outperforming the results of the hybrid system.Publicad

    Tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes bear the 75 kDa tumour necrosis factor receptor.

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    Tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is a cytokine with a variety of immunological properties. The identification of two receptors for this molecule, i.e. the 75 kDa and the 55 kDa TNF receptors (TNF-R), recently clarified the mechanisms through which this cytokine provides its wide range of immunomodulatory activities. In this study we have investigated the expression and the functional properties of these receptors on tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) recovered from 17 patients with solid cancers (melanoma, colorectal carcinoma and lung cancer). To this end, TIL lines and freshly isolated TILs were evaluated for (a) the expression and the functional role of TNF receptors following culture in the presence of interleukin 2 (IL-2) and (b) the production of TNF-alpha following culture with IL-2 and the role of this cytokine in IL-2-driven TIL proliferation. Flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that TILs bear the 75 kDa TNF-R. Moreover, TIL lines express detectable messages for TNF-alpha and release this cytokine. Functional in vitro studies have shown that anti-TNF-alpha, as well as anti-75 kDa TNF-R antibodies, are able to inhibit the IL-2-induced TIL proliferation. These data demonstrate that TILs are equipped with a fully functional TNF-R system and suggest a putative role for this receptor and its ligand in the activation and expression of TILs following immunotherapy with IL-2

    Aspectos relativos à implantação e manejo de capim-sudão BRS Estribo.

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    A espécie forrageira; Épocas de plantio; Implantação e manejobitstream/item/135361/1/COT89online.pd

    Caracterização da produção agrícola e dos feirantes da agricultura familiar no Município de São Lourenço do Sul-RS

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    Caracterizou-se a situação produtiva e socioeconômica de 13 feirantes da praça central de São Lourenço do Sul/RS, o qual é constituído por oito distritos, através da aplicação de questionários. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida de fevereiro a março 2015. A renda média dos feirantes é R1.363,85mensais.Afeiraeˊoprincipalcanaldecomercializac\ca~odosprodutoresdaagriculturafamiliar,ondesecomercializaprincipalmentebatata,cebola,feija~o,batatadoceeaboˊbora.Deacordocomosfeirantes,avantagemdecomercializarosprodutosnafeiraeˊaeliminac\ca~odoatravessador;entreasdesvantagensindicamafaltadeinfraestruturadolocaldecomercializac\ca~o.Aproduc\ca~o(541.363,85 mensais. A feira é o principal canal de comercialização dos produtores da agricultura familiar, onde se comercializa principalmente batata, cebola, feijão, batata doce e abóbora. De acordo com os feirantes, a vantagem de comercializar os produtos na feira é a eliminação do atravessador; entre as desvantagens indicam a falta de infraestrutura do local de comercialização. A produção (54%) é convencional, o que representa um campo a ser explorado para conversão a sistemas orgânicos. No âmbito socioeconômico há vinculo entre produtores e consumidores e a renda obtida através da feira foi considerada satisfatória.Productive and socioeconomic characteristics from 13 traders in the open market of São Lourenço do Sul/RS were evaluated through the application of questionnaires. The research was conducted between February and March 2015. Traders’ average monthly income is R1,363.85. Open market is the main commercialization channel for family farming´s products, in which the most commercialized products are potato, onion, bean, sweet potato and pumpkin. Traders alleged that the absence of middlemen is an advantage of commercializing in the open market; the lack of infrastructure was assumed as a disadvantage. The majority of production systems (54%) are conventional, which represents a field yet to be explored in the sense of a conversion to organic systems. In the socioeconomic aspect there was observed a bond between producers and consumers. Income obtained by trading in the open market was considered satisfactory.Eje: A3: Economía y AgroecologíaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Caracterização da produção agrícola e dos feirantes da agricultura familiar no Município de São Lourenço do Sul-RS

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    Caracterizou-se a situação produtiva e socioeconômica de 13 feirantes da praça central de São Lourenço do Sul/RS, o qual é constituído por oito distritos, através da aplicação de questionários. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida de fevereiro a março 2015. A renda média dos feirantes é R1.363,85mensais.Afeiraeˊoprincipalcanaldecomercializac\ca~odosprodutoresdaagriculturafamiliar,ondesecomercializaprincipalmentebatata,cebola,feija~o,batatadoceeaboˊbora.Deacordocomosfeirantes,avantagemdecomercializarosprodutosnafeiraeˊaeliminac\ca~odoatravessador;entreasdesvantagensindicamafaltadeinfraestruturadolocaldecomercializac\ca~o.Aproduc\ca~o(541.363,85 mensais. A feira é o principal canal de comercialização dos produtores da agricultura familiar, onde se comercializa principalmente batata, cebola, feijão, batata doce e abóbora. De acordo com os feirantes, a vantagem de comercializar os produtos na feira é a eliminação do atravessador; entre as desvantagens indicam a falta de infraestrutura do local de comercialização. A produção (54%) é convencional, o que representa um campo a ser explorado para conversão a sistemas orgânicos. No âmbito socioeconômico há vinculo entre produtores e consumidores e a renda obtida através da feira foi considerada satisfatória.Productive and socioeconomic characteristics from 13 traders in the open market of São Lourenço do Sul/RS were evaluated through the application of questionnaires. The research was conducted between February and March 2015. Traders’ average monthly income is R1,363.85. Open market is the main commercialization channel for family farming´s products, in which the most commercialized products are potato, onion, bean, sweet potato and pumpkin. Traders alleged that the absence of middlemen is an advantage of commercializing in the open market; the lack of infrastructure was assumed as a disadvantage. The majority of production systems (54%) are conventional, which represents a field yet to be explored in the sense of a conversion to organic systems. In the socioeconomic aspect there was observed a bond between producers and consumers. Income obtained by trading in the open market was considered satisfactory.Eje: A3: Economía y AgroecologíaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Caracterização da produção agrícola e dos feirantes da agricultura familiar no Município de São Lourenço do Sul-RS

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    Caracterizou-se a situação produtiva e socioeconômica de 13 feirantes da praça central de São Lourenço do Sul/RS, o qual é constituído por oito distritos, através da aplicação de questionários. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida de fevereiro a março 2015. A renda média dos feirantes é R1.363,85mensais.Afeiraeˊoprincipalcanaldecomercializac\ca~odosprodutoresdaagriculturafamiliar,ondesecomercializaprincipalmentebatata,cebola,feija~o,batatadoceeaboˊbora.Deacordocomosfeirantes,avantagemdecomercializarosprodutosnafeiraeˊaeliminac\ca~odoatravessador;entreasdesvantagensindicamafaltadeinfraestruturadolocaldecomercializac\ca~o.Aproduc\ca~o(541.363,85 mensais. A feira é o principal canal de comercialização dos produtores da agricultura familiar, onde se comercializa principalmente batata, cebola, feijão, batata doce e abóbora. De acordo com os feirantes, a vantagem de comercializar os produtos na feira é a eliminação do atravessador; entre as desvantagens indicam a falta de infraestrutura do local de comercialização. A produção (54%) é convencional, o que representa um campo a ser explorado para conversão a sistemas orgânicos. No âmbito socioeconômico há vinculo entre produtores e consumidores e a renda obtida através da feira foi considerada satisfatória.Productive and socioeconomic characteristics from 13 traders in the open market of São Lourenço do Sul/RS were evaluated through the application of questionnaires. The research was conducted between February and March 2015. Traders’ average monthly income is R1,363.85. Open market is the main commercialization channel for family farming´s products, in which the most commercialized products are potato, onion, bean, sweet potato and pumpkin. Traders alleged that the absence of middlemen is an advantage of commercializing in the open market; the lack of infrastructure was assumed as a disadvantage. The majority of production systems (54%) are conventional, which represents a field yet to be explored in the sense of a conversion to organic systems. In the socioeconomic aspect there was observed a bond between producers and consumers. Income obtained by trading in the open market was considered satisfactory.Eje: A3: Economía y AgroecologíaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale
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