858 research outputs found

    Relaxation Design of Separable Tube Connectors

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    Design procedure to predict relaxation or time to leakage for separable tube connector

    Thyristor-Bypassed Sub-Module Power-Groups for Achieving High-Efficiency, DC Fault Tolerant Multilevel VSCs

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    Achieving DC fault tolerance in modular multilevel converters requires the use of a significant number of Sub-Modules (SMs) which are capable of generating a negative voltage. This results in an increase in the number of semiconductor devices in the current path, increasing converter conduction losses. This paper introduces a thyristor augmented multilevel structure called a Power-Group (PG), which replaces the stacks of SMs in modular converters. Each PG is formed out of a series stack of SMs with a parallel force-commutated thyristor branch, which is used during normal operation as a low loss bypass path in order to achieve significant reduction in overall losses. The PG also offers negative voltage capability and so can be used to construct high efficiency DC fault tolerant converters. Methods of achieving the turn-on and turn-off of the thyristors by using voltages generated by the parallel stack of SMs within each PG are presented, while keeping both the required size of the commutation inductor, and the thyristor turn-off losses low. Efficiency estimates indicate that this concept could result in converter topologies with power-losses as low as 0.3% rated power, whilst retaining high quality current waveforms and achieving tolerance to both AC and DC faults

    The effect of temperature and salinity on growth rate and azaspiracid cellquotas in two strains ofAzadinium poporum (Dinophyceae)from PugetSound, Washington State

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    Azaspiracids (AZA) are novel lipophilic polyether marine biotoxins associated with azaspiracid shellfish poisoning (AZP). Azaspiracid-59 (AZA-59) is a new AZA that was recently detected in strains of Azadinium poporum from Puget Sound, Washington State. In order to understand how environmental factors affect AZA abundances in Puget Sound, a laboratory experiment was conducted with two local strains of A. poporum to estimate the growth rate and AZA-59 (both intra- and extracellular) cell quotas along temperature and salinity gradients. Both strains of A. poporum grew across a wide range of temperatures (6.7 °C to 25.0 °C), and salinities (15 to 35). Growth rates increased with increasing temperature up to 20.0 °C, with a range from 0.10 d−1 to 0.42 d−1. Both strains of A. poporum showed variable growth rates from 0.26 d−1 to 0.38 d−1 at salinities from 15 to 35. The percentage of intracellular AZA-59 in both strains was generally higher in exponential than in stationary phase along temperature and salinity gradients, indicating higher retention of toxin in actively growing cells. Cellular toxin quotas varied by strain in both the temperature and salinity treatments but were highest at the lowest growth rates, especially for the faster growing strain, NWFSC1011. Consistent with laboratory experiments, field investigations in Sequim Bay, WA, during 2016–2018 showed that A. poporum was detected when salinity and temperature became favorable to higher growth rates in June and July. Although current field data of A. poporum in Puget Sound indicate a generally low abundance, the potential of local A. poporum to adapt to and grow in a wide range of temperature and salinity may open future windows for blooms. Although increased temperatures, anticipated for the Puget Sound region over the next decades, will enhance the growth of A. poporum, these higher temperatures will not necessarily support higher toxin cell quotas. Additional sampling and assessment of the total toxicity of AZA-59 will provide the basis for a more accurate estimation of risk for azaspiracid poisoning in Puget Sound shellfish

    Effects of temperature and salinity on the growth of Alexandrium (Dinophyceae) isolates from the Salish Sea

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Journal of Phycology 52 (2016): 230–238, doi:10.1111/jpy.12386.Toxin-producing blooms of dinoflagellates in the genus Alexandrium have plagued the inhabitants of the Salish Sea for centuries. Yet the environmental conditions that promote accelerated growth of this organism, a producer of paralytic shellfish toxins, is lacking. This study quantitatively determined the growth response of two Alexandrium isolates to a range of temperatures and salinities, factors that will strongly respond to future climate change scenarios. An empirical equation, derived from observed growth rates describing the temperature and salinity dependence of growth, was used to hindcast bloom risk. Hindcasting was achieved by comparing predicted growth rates, calculated from in situ temperature and salinity data from Quartermaster Harbor, with corresponding Alexandrium cell counts and shellfish toxin data. The greatest bloom risk, defined at μ >0.25 d−1, generally occurred from April through November annually; however, growth rates rarely fell below 0.10 d−1. Except for a few occasions, Alexandrium cells were only observed during the periods of highest bloom risk and paralytic shellfish toxins above the regulatory limit always fell within the periods of predicted bloom occurrence. While acknowledging that Alexandrium growth rates are affected by other abiotic and biotic factors, such as grazing pressure and nutrient availability, the use of this empirical growth function to predict higher risk time frames for blooms and toxic shellfish within the Salish Sea provides the groundwork for a more comprehensive biological model of Alexandrium bloom dynamics in the region and will enhance our ability to forecast blooms in the Salish Sea under future climate change scenarios.NOAA Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Bloom (ECOHAB) Program; Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health; National Science Foundation Grant Number: OCE-1314642; National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Grant Number: 1-P01-ES021923-0

    Laboratory Simulations of the Titan Surface to Elucidate the Huygens Probe GCMS Observations

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    The Cassini/Huygens mission has vastly increased the information we have available to stndy Satnro's moon Titan. The complete mission has included an array of observational methods including remote sensing techniques, upper atmosphere in-situ saropling, and the descent of the Huygens probe directly through the atmosphere to the surface [1,2]. The instruments on the Huygens probe remain the ouly source of in-situ measurements at the surface of Titan, and work evaluating these measurements to create a pict.rre of the surface environment is ongoing. In particular, the Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) experiment on Huygens found that although there were no heavy hydrocarbons detected in the lower atmosphere, a rich spectrum of mass peaks arose once the probe landed on the surface [3,4], However, to date it has not been possible to extract the identity and abundances of the many minor components of the spectra due to a lack of temperatnre- and instrumentappropriate data for the relevant species. We are performing laboratory stndies designed to elucidate the spectrum collected on Titan's surface, utilizing a cryogenic charober maintained at appropriate temperature and pressure conditions. The experiments will simulate the temperatnre rise experienced by the surface, which led to an enhanced signal of volatiles detected by the Huygens GCMS. The objective of this study is to exaroine the characteristics of various surface analogs as measured by the Huygens GCMS flight spare instrument, which is currently housed in our laboratory at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). This identification cannot be adequately accomplished through theoretical work alone since the thermodynamic properties of many species at these temperatnres (94 K, HASI measurement [5]) are not known

    Choice of AC Operating Voltage in HV DC/AC/DC System

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