332 research outputs found

    Corrected sidereal anisotropy for underground moons

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    Data from underground muon telescopes in New Mexico and Bolivia are analyzed in sidereal time and anti-sidereal time in the rigidity range 20 GV to a few 100's of GV. Using both vertical and north- and south- pointing telescopes in both hemispheres, a latitude range of 70 N to 50 S is covered. It is shown that there is an anti-sidereal variation of the P 1 over 2 type, having opposite phase in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and maximum amplitude at mid latitudes. The anti-sidereal data are used to correct the sidereal data, using the Nagashima method (Nagashima, 1984); the resulting corrected sidereal vectors for northern hemisphere telescopes have their sidereal maxima close to 3h sidereal time, in reasonable agreement with sidereal data at higher energies from small air showers. The Nagashima correction also eliminates effects due to the reversal of the Sun's polar magnetic field which show up in the uncorrected sidereal data

    Cosmic ray intensity and the tilt of the neutral sheet

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    Recent publications have related long-term variations in cosmic ray intensity at the Earth with long term variations in the tilt of the neutral sheet in the inner heliosphere. The tilt of the neutral sheet from 1971 to 1974 is compared with the cosmic ray intensity at Earth, recorded by the Mt. Washington neutron monitor. The remarkable large decreases in cosmic ray intensity which occurred in 1973 and 1974 correlate well with excursions in the tilt of the neutral sheet which occurred earlier during these same two years

    North-south asymmetry in activity on the Sun and cosmic ray density gradients

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    The marked N-S asymmetry in solar activity (with predominant activity in the Sun's Northern Hemisphere) during the 1960's could certainly account for a S-pointing cosmic ray gradient. It is also clear from the data that the response to this change in solar activity asymmetry, and the related change in the perpendicular cosmic ray density gradient, is different for cosmic ray telescopes in the Earth's Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Northern Hemisphere detectors see a S-pointing gradient in the 60's and a N-pointing gradient after 1971, while Southern Hemisphere telescopes see a S-pointing gradient both before and after the reversal

    Statistical Modeling of High-Dimensional Nonlinear Systems: A Projection Pursuit Solution

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    Despite recent advances in statistics, artificial neural network theory, and machine learning, nonlinear function estimation in high-dimensional space remains a nontrivial problem. As the response surface becomes more complicated and the dimensions of the input data increase, the dreaded "curse of dimensionality" takes hold, rendering the best of function approximation methods ineffective. This thesis takes a novel approach to solving the high-dimensional function estimation problem. In this work, we propose and develop two distinct parametric projection pursuit learning networks with wide-ranging applicability. Included in this work is a discussion of the choice of basis functions used as well as a description of the optimization schemes utilized to find the parameters that enable each network to best approximate a response surface. The essence of these new modeling methodologies is to approximate functions via the superposition of a series of piecewise one-dimensional models that are fit to specific directions, called projection directions. The key to the effectiveness of each model lies in its ability to find efficient projections for reducing the dimensionality of the input space to best fit an underlying response surface. Moreover, each method is capable of effectively selecting appropriate projections from the input data in the presence of relatively high levels of noise. This is accomplished by rigorously examining the theoretical conditions for approximating each solution space and taking full advantage of the principles of optimization to construct a pair of algorithms, each capable of effectively modeling high-dimensional nonlinear response surfaces to a higher degree of accuracy than previously possible.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Sadegh, Nader; Committee Member: Liang, Steven; Committee Member: Shapiro, Alexander; Committee Member: Ume, Charles; Committee Member: Vidakovic, Bran

    Photospheric Magnetic Field: Relationship Between North-South Asymmetry and Flux Imbalance

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    Photospheric magnetic fields were studied using the Kitt Peak synoptic maps for 1976-2003. Only strong magnetic fields (B>100 G) of the equatorial region were taken into account. The north-south asymmetry of the magnetic fluxes was considered as well as the imbalance between positive and negative fluxes. The north-south asymmetry displays a regular alternation of the dominant hemisphere during the solar cycle: the northern hemisphere dominated in the ascending phase, the southern one in the descending phase during Solar Cycles 21-23. The sign of the imbalance did not change during the 11 years from one polar-field reversal to the next and always coincided with the sign of the Sun's polar magnetic field in the northern hemisphere. The dominant sign of leading sunspots in one of the hemispheres determines the sign of the magnetic-flux imbalance. The sign of the north-south asymmetry of the magnetic fluxes and the sign of the imbalance of the positive and the negative fluxes are related to the quarter of the 22-year magnetic cycle where the magnetic configuration of the Sun remains constant (from the minimum where the sunspot sign changes according to Hale's law to the magnetic-field reversal and from the reversal to the minimum). The sign of the north-south asymmetry for the time interval considered was determined by the phase of the 11-year cycle (before or after the reversal); the sign of the imbalance of the positive and the negative fluxes depends on both the phase of the 11-year cycle and on the parity of the solar cycle. The results obtained demonstrate the connection of the magnetic fields in active regions with the Sun's polar magnetic field in the northern hemisphere.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    Emergency department contact prior to suicide in mental health patients

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    ObjectivesTo describe attendance at emergency departments (EDs) in the year prior to suicide for a sample of mental health patients. To examine the characteristics of those who attended (particularly those who attended frequently) prior to suicide.DesignCase review of ED records for 286 individuals who died within 12 months of mental health contact in North West England (2003-2005).MethodCases identified through the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide were checked against regional EDs to establish attendance in the year prior to death. Records were examined to establish the number of attendances, reason for the final, non-fatal attendance, treatment offered and outcome.ResultsOne hundred and twenty-four (43%) individuals had attended the ED at least once in the year prior to their death, and of these, 35 (28%) had attended the ED on more than three occasions. These frequent attenders died by suicide significantly sooner after their final, non-fatal attendance than other attenders. A clinical history of alcohol misuse was also associated with early death following ED attendance.ConclusionsOver 40% of our clinical sample attended an ED in the year prior to death, and some individuals attended particularly frequently. EDs may therefore represent an important additional setting for suicide prevention in mental health patients. The majority of attendances prior to suicide were for self-harm or to request psychiatric help. Clinicians should be alert to the risk associated with such presentations and to the possible association between frequent attendance and suicide

    The Zagros Epipalaeolithic revisited: New excavations and ¹⁴C dates from Palegawra cave in Iraqi Kurdistan

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    Palegawra cave, alongside its neighbouring Zarzi, has been an emblematic site of the Epipalaeolithic (Zarzian) cultural horizon in the NW Zagros of Southwest Asia ever since its first exploration in 1951 by Bruce Howe and Robert Braidwood in the context of the Iraq-Jarmo project. At the time scientific excavation, sampling and analysis methods were either under-developed or did not exist. In this paper we present the first results of new excavations at Palegawra conducted in 2016-2017 by the Eastern Fertile Crescent (EFEC) project, a research collaboration of the University of Liverpool and the Sulaymaniyah Directorate of Antiquities and Heritage. Our research has produced the first radiometric evidence pushing back the chronology of the NW Zagros Epipalaeolithic to the Last Glacial Maximum, thus fully aligning it with Epipalaeolithic facies until now known only from the Levant and the south Anatolian coast. We have also unearthed, for the first time in the Palaeolithic of the Zagros, direct archaeobotanical evidence for hitherto elusive Zarzian plant exploitation and the vegetation of the NW Zagros piedmont zone from the LGM to the end of the Lateglacial (~19,600-13,000 cal BP). The new Palegawra chronology alongside our detailed studies of its material culture and faunal and botanical assemblages suggest that the prevailing Epipalaeolithic habitation pattern in the NW Zagros (centred on generalised persistent occupations of small caves and rock-shelters alongside task-oriented ephemeral open-air campsites) remained an enduring characteristic of the Zarzian horizon throughout this period. The Palegawra data clearly show that neither resource levels and climate conditions nor geographic and/or cultural isolation provide adequate explanations for the stability and longevity of Zarzian lifeways during this long timespan. More fieldwork is required, including the discovery, excavation and intensive sampling of other Zarzian sites, for reaching a data-informed understanding of the nature and evolution of the NW Zagros Epipalaeolithic