455 research outputs found

    A study in a teritary centre for clinical assessment of pelvic inflammatory disease risk among women attending outpatient department

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    Background: Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is associated with major medical and economic consequences for women of reproductive age. Identification of the risk factors associated with PID is crucial to efforts for prevention of these consequences. This study is done to evaluate the risk factors for PID in women attending OPD at Gangori hospital.Methods: This Study is an observational study, Conducted in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gangori hospital, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, From January 2015 to June 2015. Risk factors of PID were assessed in 70 women with PID (study group) and then it was compared with 70 controls attending the Women's Clinic at the same institution. Significance of difference in proportion in various variables of PID in both the group was inferred by odd’s ratio and Chi-square test. Logistic regression analysis was used to adjust for confounding variables.Results: A total of 70 women with PID and an equal number of controls were included. Cases were significantly younger than controls (p0, Odds ratio 2.521 (95% CI: 1.140 to 5.577) P value 0.033. Spontaneous abortion >0, Odds ratio 3.11 (95% CI: 1.311 to 7.362) P value 0.015. Lack of a birth control method, Odds ratio 7.18 (95% confidence interval: 3.091 to 16.662) p value0, lack of contraception, vaginal discharge and age at first sex.Conclusions: Identification of the risk factors associated with PID is most important effort for prevention of the disease and its sequelae. Educating the women, encouraging the use of condoms and other methods of contraception for PID prevention, sexually transmitted disease prevention and also birth control. Another finding is that, it is better to avoid coitus during the menses

    Clinical study of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in tertiary care centre

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    Background: A true definition of polycystic ovarian syndrome involves a blending of the morphological and histological ovarian changes with endocrine abnormalities associated with these changes. Objective of present study was to detect the differences among women with PCOS and without PCOS.Methods: Twenty-five subjects with PCOS were included in the study on first cum first basis and twenty-five non PCOS subjects just next to each PCOS cases were included as control group.Results: Mean age of PCOS and Non PCOS subjects were 42.68 and 43.88 years respectively. Sixteen percentage of PCOS were from higher socio-economic status, which was statistically significant. PCOS subjects had 96% hirsuitism, 48% acne, 4% heavy voice and breast atropy which was also statistically significant.Conclusions: Women with PCOS have a hormonal imbalance and metabolism problems that may affect their health and fertility, we found PCOS subjects are more in urban population with strong family history. Lifestyle modification and dietary modification helps for the long-term health prognosis. women who are at risk of PCOS to be educated and managed for the continuing health risk and planned potential therapeutic strategies. Further research has to look into possibility of genes linked into PCOS

    A Study on the Role of Political Parties in Tamilnadu

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    The political parties are missing inner democracy which keeps many perspective leaders deprived of their rights.some political parties indulge in the use of money and muscle power for winning elections.The use of money and muscle power hamper development and it is against the spirit of democracy .And many peoples are also accepting the bribe which is given by a political party to win the election

    Study of histopathological patterns of endometrium in abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is the commonest presenting symptom in gynaecology out- patient department. Endometrial sampling could be effectively used as the first diagnostic step in AUB. This study was done to evaluate histopathology of endometrium for identifying the endometrial causes of AUB. And also, to observe the incidence of various endometrial pathology in different age groups presenting with abnormal uterine bleeding.Methods: A one-year prospective study conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynaecologist in A. J. institute of medical sciences and research centre which included 200 cases of clinically diagnosed AUB patients. Histopathological examination of endometrial biopsies specimens was done, followed by clinical correlation.Results: The most common age group presenting with AUB was 41-50 years (43.84%). The commonest pattern in these patients was normal cycling endometrium (42.32%). The commonest pathology irrespective of the age group was disordered proliferative pattern (26.15%). Other causes identified atrophic endometrium (11.5%), benign endometrial polyp (5.38%), endometrial hyperplasia (5.41%), carcinomas (0.79%) and chronic endometritis (1.54%).Conclusions: The knowledge of endometrial pattern in a case of AUB helps to decide a plan of management. Endometrial sampling plays a very important role in management of AUB, especially in the age group of more than 40 years; i.e., the peri and post-menopausal age groups, where incidence of malignant or pre malignant conditions was noted to be the highest

    Prescription pattern of antimicrobials in pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in a tertiary care hospital in Telangana, India

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    Background: Pregnancy is a physiological condition during which immune system is weakened. Therefore, most women are prone to develop infections during this period for which antimicrobials are prescribed. Drugs used during pregnancy may lead to teratogenicity. Therefore, this study was done with the following objectives: 1.to determine the type of infections encountered, 2.to assess the prescription profile of antimicrobials and 3.to assess FDA categories of antimicrobials used in pregnant women in a tertiary care center in Telangana, India.Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted on pregnant women attending antenatal clinic (ANC) at Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences (MIMS) from 1st January 2018 to 30th June 2018.Results: Out of a total of 165 cases enrolled, 57 (34.5%) cases were prescribed antimicrobials and 108 (65.5%) were treated symptomatically. The mean (SD) age of women who were prescribed antimicrobials was 22.9 (2.97) years. Of the conditions encountered, respiratory tract infections (RTIs) accounted for 31%, followed by urinary tract infections (UTIs) 26% and gastroenteritis 25%. Most prevalent infections which required antimicrobials prescription were UTIs (36.84%), followed by Gastroenteritis (17.54%). Majority of the antimicrobials prescribed were from Betalactams (40.34%), followed by Nitrofuranes (29.82%), Nitroimidazoles (17.54%) and Antifungals (8.77%). Antimicrobials prescription was more in the 3rd trimester (63.1%), followed by 2nd trimester (31.6%) and 1st trimester (5.3%). Majority of the antimicrobials were administered orally (75.44%), followed by injections (15.79%) and per vaginal route (8.77%). Antimicrobials were mostly prescribed from FDA Category B (96%).Conclusions: RTIs were the most common among the conditions encountered. However, UTIs were the leading cause for antimicrobial prescriptions. Antimicrobials prescription was more during 3rd trimester. Most antimicrobials prescribed were safe as they were from FDA Category B

    Efficacy of oral L-arginine on amniotic fluid index in pregnant women with oligohydramnios attending antenatal clinic in a tertiary care hospital in Telangana, India

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    Background: Oligohydramnios leads to feto-maternal morbidity and mortality. Though there is no specific treatment for oligohydramnios, use of L-arginine seems to be promising. As a nitric oxide donor, it causes vasodilatation, increases placental perfusion and finally increases amniotic fluid. However, data on the use of L-arginine for oligohydramnios is scarce. Hence, this study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy of oral L-arginine on Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) and to document the pregnancy outcomes in women with oligohydramnios.Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted on pregnant women attending antenatal clinic (ANC) at Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences (MIMS), Ghanpur, Telangana, India from 1st January 2018 to 30th June 2018.Results: A total of 50 participants were enrolled and 4 participants among them were lost to follow- up. Mean age (SD) of the women enrolled was 23.3 (3.49) years. Mean gestational age (SD) at the time of diagnosis was 34.61 (1.53) weeks. Mean AFI (SD) at the time of diagnosis and after treatment with L-arginine were 6.8 (1.3) cm and 9.4 (2.82) cm respectively. After a mean treatment duration (SD) of 3.23 (1.38) weeks, a mean (SD) increase of AFI by 2.6 (1.57) cm (P <0.0001) was observed. An increase of AFI was noted in 84.78% of cases (P <0.0001). Mean (SD) Gestational age at the time of delivery was 38.25 (1.48) weeks. Only 37% of participants required operational deliveries. Mean (SD) birth weight of the new borns was 2.54 (0.47) kg. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) admissions were required in 32.6% of new borns.Conclusions: L-arginine is efficacious in improving AFI in oligohydramnios. AFI improvement could possibly lead to better neonatal outcomes by reducing preterm deliveries and operative interventions

    Agile Software Development: A Case Study of Web Application

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    Agile methodology is an approach used for the development of a project which helps to respond to the unpredictability of building software through incremental, iterative work cadences. These methodologies are used to deal with the situations where the waterfall model fails. The biggest drawback of waterfall model is that it assumes that every requirement of the project can be identified before any design or coding occurs [1]. In this paper we are specifying the differences in the development of a project by using the Agile Methods: Extreme Programming (XP) and Scrum through a case study on Women2019;s Era (WE- A State Level Women Development and Support)

    Screening of in vitro free radical scavenging activities of the fruit extracts of Psidium guajava L.

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    The objective of the current investigation was to evaluate the in vitro free radical scavenging properties of fruit extracts of two varieties of Psidium guajava L. (PG) i.e., Lalit (LA) and Allahabad safeda (AS). The ethanolic fruit extracts of LA and AS of PG were obtained from the soxhlet extraction procedure and the same was used for in vitro antioxidant assays. Total phenols, flavonoid contents and free radical scavenging assays viz., ABTS, DPPH, nitric oxide and superoxide were analysed at 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 µg/mL concentrations. Phytochemical investigation exhibited higher phenols, flavonoid contents in fruit extracts of LA compared to AS. The fruit extracts of PG showed remarkable ABTS, DPPH, nitric oxide and superoxide free radical scavenging activity in a dose dependent manner. The fruit extracts of LA exhibited higher free radical scavenging activity in contrast to AS. The present investigation revealed, a high in vitro antioxidant property of LA due to its higher phenolic content. Hence, the fruit extract of Psidium guajava L. can be used in therapeutics for the treatment of pathologic conditions involving free radicals

    Training in Aura Reading: Results from a Small Quasi-Experimental Study in India (Research Note)

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    The aura is believed to be an invisible field surrounding the physical body, interpenetrating and extending beyond it. The present study examines whether appearance of an aura-like phenomenon around the hand can be perceived visually after a short training session. A quasi-experimental research design was employed with 47 participants with a mean age of 19 years. Results from before and after attempting to view an aura-like phenomenon around the hand were analyzed using Contingency Coefficient analysis. The results suggest that an aura-like phenomenon can be detected around the hand since the participants narrated several experiences that were novel (
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