1,092 research outputs found

    Network multimedia technologies in the project activity of students

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    The relevance of the work is due to the widespread introduction of innovative ways of teaching in the educational process of higher education, which are based on modern educational technologies, such as networking and multimedia technologiesАктуальность работы обусловлена широким внедрением инновационных способов обучения в образовательный процесс высшей школы, которые базируются на современных образовательных технологиях, таких как сетевые и мультимедиа технологи

    НАЦІОНАЛЬНЕ У СТРУКТУРІ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ В УКРАЇНСЬКИХ ПРИГОДНИЦЬКИХ РОМАНАХ СЕРЕДИНИ ХХ СТ. (National in the identity structure in Ukrainian adventure novels of middle ХХth c.)

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    Дослідження присвячено аналізу розмаїття у ставленні до національного аспекту ідентичності в українській пригодницькій літературі для юнацтва середини ХХ ст. Оглянуто кілька моделей реалізації національного у структурі ідентичності в підрадянській та діаспорній українській літературі: від зведення його до рівня регіонального колориту до загостреного плекання національної ідентичності і консервації культурної традиції перед обличчям «Чужого» (The study is dedicated to the diversity in dealing with national aspect of identity in middle-20-c Ukrainian adventure novels for youth. Several models how the national is presented in the identity structure in Ukrainian literature in the Soviet Union and in diaspora are considered: from neglecting it as merely ‘local flavour’ to dramatizing the experience of national identity and cultural tradition facing the Other


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    In this article aspects of use of a functional training, and also his in-fluence on the state of health of the people who are doing fitness are af-fected. The research has shown that when using a functional training at engaged physical abilities increase and the health improves.В данной статье затронуты аспекты использования функционального тренинга, а так же его влияние на состояние здоровья людей занимающихся фитнесом. Исследование показало, что при использовании функионального тренинга у занимающихся повышаются физические способности и улучшается самочувствие

    Isolation and properties of genetically defined strains of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha CBS4732

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    Genetically defined strains of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha were constructed froth a clone of H. polymorpha CBS4732 with very low mating and sporulation abilities. Mating, spore viability, and the percentage of four-spore-containing asci were increased to a level at which tetrad analysis was possible. Auxotrophic mutations in 30 genes were isolated and used to construct strains with multiple markers for mapping studies, transformation with plasmid DNA, and mutant screening. Various other types of mutants were isolated and characterized, among them mutants that displayed an altered morphology, methanol-utilization deficient mutants and strains impaired in the biosynthesis of alcohol oxidase and catalase. Also, the mutability of H. polymorpha CBS4732 vs H. polymorpha NCYC495 was compared. The data revealed clear differences in frequencies of appearance and mutational spectra of some mutants isolated. Many of the mutants isolated had good mating abilities, and diploids resulting from their crossing displayed high sporulation frequencies and high spore viability. Most of the markers used revealed normal Mendelian segregation during meiosis. The frequency of tetratype spore formation was lower than in Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggesting a lower frequency of recombination during the second meiotic division. The properties of genetically defined strains of H. polymorpha CBS4732 as well as their advantages for genetics and molecular studies are discussed


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    The article deals with peculiarities of conducting forensic economic studies connected with collecting income tax and value added tax as well as the order for recording debt conversion in financial accounting. It discusses methods that are used while conducting the studies, lists the relevant articles of normative acts that regulate the order of recording debt conversion transactions in financial accounting. It also considers a number ofpossible situations for debt conversion transactions, the order of recording them in financial accounting and tax consequences of these transactions. Having analyzed the requirements of the tax legislation, the article claims that debt conversion transactions constitute an object exempt of income tax and vale added tax because: such transactions cannot be classified as obtaining income and do not constitute trade in debt obligations; the transfer of credit debt of one debtor to another is still a liability and not a commodity (work or service); such transactions do not conform with any definition of transactions for the supply of goods, services or factoring.Розглянуто особливості проведення судово-економічних досліджень із питань, пов’язаних з оподаткуванням податком на прибуток підприємств і податком на додану вартість операцій з переведення боргу


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    Статьяпосвященаоценкеэффективностисоциокультурныхпроектов. В ходе исследования определены особенности социокультурных проектов, а также проблемы связанные с их оценкой. Авторами предложены способы оценки эффективностисоциокультурных проектов, разработана шкала оценки эффективности.The article is about the evaluation of the efficiency of social and cultural projects. The research identified specificity of socio-cultural projects, and problems associated with project’s evaluation. The authors proposed methods to evaluate the efficiency of social and cultural projects, developed a rating scale of efficiency