35 research outputs found

    Time-resolved CARS measurements of vibrational decoherence of I₂ isolated in matrix Ar

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    Time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering is applied to prepare and interrogate vibrational coherences on the ground electronic surface of molecular iodine isolated in Ar matrices. The coherence decay time shows a linear dependence on vibrational quantum numbers, for v = 3–15. The temperature dependence of decoherence rates is negligible for v < 7, in the experimental range T = 18–32 K. For a v = 13, 14 superposition, the temperature dependence indicates dephasing by a 66 cm–¹ pseudo-local phonon, just outside the Debye edge of the solid. The accuracy of the data is limited due to two-photon induced dissociation of the molecule, which process is characterized using polarized fields. The T → 0 limit of dephasing is discussed

    Equine mesenchymal stem/stromal cells freeze-dried secretome (Lyosecretome) for the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases: Production process validation and batch release test for clinical use

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    In the last decades, it has been demonstrated that the regenerative therapeutic efficacy of mesenchymal stromal cells is primarily due to the secretion of soluble factors and extracellular vesicles, collectively known as secretome. In this context, our work described the preparation and characterization of a freeze-dried secretome (Lyosecretome) from adipose tissue-derived mesenchy-mal stromal cells for the therapy of equine musculoskeletal disorder. An intraarticular injectable pharmaceutical powder has been formulated, and the technological process has been validated in an authorized facility for veterinary clinical-use medicinal production. Critical parameters for quality control and batch release have been identified regarding (i) physicochemical properties; (ii) extracellular vesicle morphology, size distribution, and surface biomarker; (iii) protein and lipid content; (iv) requirements for injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms such as sterility, bacterial endotoxin, and Mycoplasma; and (v) in vitro potency tests, as anti-elastase activity and proliferative activity on musculoskeletal cell lines (tenocytes and chondrocytes) and mesenchymal stromal cells. Finally, proteins putatively responsible for the biological effects have been identified by Lyosecretome pro-teomic investigation: IL10RA, MXRA5, RARRES2, and ANXA1 modulate the inflammatory process RARRES2, NOD1, SERPINE1, and SERPINB9 with antibacterial activity. The work provides a proof-of-concept for the manufacturing of clinical-grade equine freeze-dried secretome, and prototypes are now available for safety and efficacy clinical trials in the treatment of equine musculoskeletal diseases

    Traditional knowledge on medicinal and food plants used in Val San Giacomo (Sondrio, Italy)- An alpine ethnobotanical study

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: This work increases the ethnobotanical data from Northern Italy and, in particular, the Lombardy region, till now poorly documented, safeguarding the local folk knowledge, and provides information on new or scarcely reported properties of medicinal plants, whose traditional use needs to be validated experimentally. Aim of the study: The present study aimed to gather, analyse and evaluate the ethnobotanical information on the species used for medicinal and food purposes by the native people of Val San Giacomo. Materials and methods: The plant use was documented by speaking with more than 100 people, mainly over 60 years old, born and resident in Val San Giacomo. Information was collected using semi-structured interviews and then analysed by indices such as Ethnophytonomic Index (EPI), Ethnobotanicity Index (EI), relative frequency of citation (RFC), use value (UV), relative importance (RI) and factor informant consensus (FIC). Results: Information on 66 plants belonging to 35 families (Asteraceae, Rosaceae and Lamiaceae, mainly) was gathered. The preference ranking placed Achillea moschata Wulfen at first place, both for the citation number and for RFC and UV. Arnica montana L.; Thymus pulegioides L. and Artemisia genipi Stechm. were also in relevant use. Sixty species were wild and six were cultivated. Leaves, flowers, complete aerial parts and fruits were the plant parts most commonly used for remedy preparation (infusion, especially). The interviewees collected local flora for medicinal purposes, specifically. About 51.5% of the plant species were used to treat gastrointestinal tract of humans as digestive, depurative, appetiser, laxative, astringent and carminative remedies. About 56% of the plants were used in cookery, 24.2% in veterinary field, and 3% as cosmetics. The calculated indices demonstrated that in the studied area there is a small retention of plant knowledge. Only 6.2% of the autochthonous plants proved useful in folk tradition. Despite this, the uses of Sempervivum montanum L.; Rhododendron ferrugineum L. and Panicum miliaceum L. were never documented by other ethnobotanical investigations conducted in the alpine area. Conclusions: This survey was an extension of the ethnobotanical investigations performed in the Italian Alps. A study like this, though performed in a small area with a reduced traditional knowledge, could be the basis for subsequent research on the species that are interesting from a phytochemical point of view and on the potential use of their active metabolites

    Fracturas osteoporóticas de cadera en adultos mayores en Ecuador 2016

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    Objetivos: Conocer la incidencia de fracturas de cadera en Ecuador en el 2016, determinando si hubo variaciones por región geográfica, residencia o estacionalidad. Materiales y métodos: Estudio epidemiológico, descriptivo y retrospectivo. Se utilizó el Anuario de Egresos Hospitalarios de Ecuador para determinar el número de personas de 60 ó más años hospitalizadas con fractura de cadera desde el 1 de enero hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2016. Para calcular la incidencia por 100.000 habitantes/año se utilizó como denominador la proyección poblacional ecuatoriana de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) para el año 2016. Se calculó la incidencia estandarizada por edad por el método directo usando 2 poblaciones de referencia: 1) la de 60 ó más años para América Latina elaboradas por el Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Demografía (CELADE) en 2016; y 2) con la población de Ecuador del año 2010. Resultados: Un total de 2.054 personas fueron hospitalizadas con diagnóstico de fractura de cadera (1.470 mujeres y 584 hombres) en el 2016. La incidencia anual cruda fue de 123 casos por 100.000 habitantes/año (74,6 por 100.000 hombres/año y 165,8 por 100.000 mujeres/año). La incidencia ajustada por edad aumentó exponencialmente con la edad en ambos sexos, y en mayor magnitud en las mujeres. La incidencia estandarizada con la población de América Latina fue de 165,4 y 80,1 por 100.000/año, en mujeres y hombres respectivamente. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue 5,1% y 3,8% en mujeres y hombres, respectivamente. Conclusiones: La incidencia de fracturas de cadera es mayor en mujeres que en hombres, existiendo un aumento exponencial con la edad, siendo más evidente después de los 80 años. No hubo diferencias por región geográfica. En comparación con países desarrollados y otros países de América Latina la incidencia de fracturas de cadera fue más baja en Ecuador