154 research outputs found

    Employees\u27 Emotional Intelligence Determinants in Handling Dengue Fever (Case Study: Jember Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia)

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    β€” Dengue fever is one of endemic diseases in Jember regency. The research observes and analyzes the effect of working motivation, compensation, working satisfaction, and working climate towards emotional intelligence of employees. The research samples are 96 operational employees of civil servants in handling dengue fever (DBD) in Jember regency. The research data was analyzed using double linier regression analysis. The research result indicated that working motivation, compensation, working satisfaction and working climate showed significantly positive effect towards emotional intelligence. The variable of working satisfaction showed the most dominant effect towards emotional intelligence

    Pemanfaatan Penginderaan Jauh Dan Sistem Informasi Geografi Untuk Penentuan Lokasi Prioritas Pendaratan Darurat Pesawat Aerosport Sebagian Wilayah Terbang Daerah Kabupaten Bantul

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di wilayah Kabupaten Bantul dan sekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) menetapkan parameter yang digunakan untuk menentukan lokasi prioritas pendaratan darurat, 2) menentukan lokasi pendaratan darurat pesawat aerosport berdasarkan pada data penginderaan jauh melalui kesesuaian lahan dan prioritasnya di daerah sebagian Kabupaten Bantul dan sekitarnya. Metode penelitian adalah interpretasi visual citra Quickbird dan penyadapan informasi dari peta RBI. Parameter lahan yang dibutuhkan sebagai syarat lahan alternatif lokasi pendaratan darurat pesawat aerosport berdasarkan pada parameter kemiringan lereng, penggunaan lahan, ukuran lokasi, bentuk lokasi, dan halangan (obstacle) di sekitar lokasi. Dalam interpretasi dilakukan penampisan terhadap obyek yang tidak memenuhi syarat. Setelah semuanya selesai, dilakukan pemrioritasan lokasi berdasarkan halangan disekitarnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemilihan lahan dapat ditentukan dengan pemodelan spasial berdasarkan pada 5 parameter tersebut. Faktor ukuran lokasi, bentuk lokasi, dan halangan disadap dari citra dan survei lapangan, sedangkan kemiringan lereng dan penggunaan lahan disadap dari peta RBI dan survei lapangan. Di wilayah Kabupaten Sleman terdapat 2 lokasi, di wilayah Kabupaten Kulonprogo terdapat 5 lokasi, dan di wilayah Kabupaten Bantul terdapat 14 lokasi

    Aplikasi Game Mewarnai dengan Macromedia Flash 8

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    Scientific writing is about the making of Game edutaintment.yang intended forchildren age play group, kindergarten and elementary school children in grade 1,many included images that allows users colored objects in coloredgambar.Game consists of two core components. The first component is thechoice of colors, usually displayed with the color blocks and objects whichbecome targets coloring and added sound notification on every color. Incompleting this writing, the author approached by reading books, articles andbrowse the Internet to get as much information so it can be used to solve theproblem in this writing

    Pengaruh Preklorinasi Terhadap Proses Start Up Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tapioka Sistem Anaerobic Baffled Reactor

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    Tingginya kandungan sianida dalam limbah cair tapioka ditengarai dapatmenjadi inhibitor bagi proses pengolahan biologi. Keberadaan sianida dapatmengakibatkan lebih lamanya waktu start up diperlukan untuk memperolehkultur bakteri dalam reaktor anaerob yang dapat bekerja stabil menurunkankadar polutan dan memperlambat proses dekomposisi senyawa organik. Kajianmengenai pengaruh preklorinasi fresh feed terhadap proses start up operasiAnaerobic Baffled Reactor 2 baffle perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini terbagimenjadi 3 tahapan utama yaitu inokulasi benih lumpur, preklorinasi fresh feeddan operasi start up secara batch sampai tercapai kadar COD efluen yangstabil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa limbah cair tapioka dengan CODinfluen 8000 mg/L dan pH 4,84 memerlukan 9 hari start up dengan COD efluen954 mg/L. Peningkatan pH influen menjadi 8 mampu menghasilkan kadar CODefluen 347 mg/L dalam 6 hari start up. Preklorinasi terhadap fresh feed denganpenambahan kalsium hipoklorit berdasar perbandingan rasio mol klor dansianida sebesar 1:1 dapat mengurangi waktu start up hingga hanya menjadi 5hari dan menurunnya COD efluen hingga mencapai kadar 230 mg/L

    Precise event sampling on AMD versus intel: quantitative and qualitative comparison

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    Precise event sampling is a profiling feature in commodity processors that can sample hardware events and accurately locate the instructions that trigger the events. This feature has been used in a large number of tools to detect application performance issues. Although precise event sampling is readily supported in modern multicore architectures, vendor supports exhibit great differences that affect their accuracy, stability, overhead, and functionality. This work presents the most comprehensive study to date on benchmarking the event sampling features of Intel PEBS and AMD IBS and performs in-depth analysis on key differences through series of microbenchmarks. Our qualitative and quantitative analysis shows that PEBS allows finer-grained and more accurate sampling of hardware events, while IBS offers richer set of information at each sample though it suffers from lower accuracy and stability. Moreover, OS signal delivery, which is a common method used by the profiling software, introduces significant time overhead to the original overhead incurred by the hardware mechanisms in both PEBS and IBS. We also found that both PEBS and IBS have bias in sampling events across multiple different locations in a code. Lastly, we demonstrate how our findings on microbenchmarks under different thread counts hold for a full-fledged profiling tool that runs on the state-of-the-art Intel and AMD machines. Overall our detailed comparisons serve as a great reference and provide invaluable information for hardware designers and profiling tool developers

    Comparison of Gamma Irradiated and Raw Lignite in Bioliquefaction Process by Fungus T5

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    The bioliquefaction of coal is a processing technology for converting solid coal to liquid oil at ambient temperature by helping microorganism. The pretreated of lignite is important to decrease the hydrofobic of lignite surface. One of pretreated method was irradiation by gamma rays. Aim of this research was to compare the gamma irradiated lignite and raw lignite in bioliquefaction process by selected fungus T5. The fungus was identified by molecular method using 18S rDNA. Treatments were A (MSS + gamma irradiated lignite 5% + T5) and B (MSS + raw lignite 5% + T5) and culture type was sub-merged. The parameters observed were colonization, bacterial and fungal enumeration, identify of dominant bacteria using 16S rDNA and characterization of bioliquefaction product by UV-Vis spectroscopy dan gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GCMS). The results showed that fungus T5 belongs to Ascomycota, Trichoderma asperellum. Fungus has the ability to growth and liquefy gamma irradiated and raw lignite. Bacteria were detected in raw lignite treatment and dominant bacteria were identified as Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus thuringensis. UV-Vis analysis showed that boliquefaction product mainly contained naphtacene, naphthalene, and anthracene for gamma irradiated lignite, but anthracene and benzene for raw lignite. For GCMS analysis, 22 and 38 compounds were identified for gamma irradiated and raw lignite. Both treatment had different number of hydrocarbon, i.e. C6 – C35 (A) and C10 – C35 (B) and dominated by aromatic acids, aliphatic and phenylethers. Percent area of gasoline (C7 – C11) and diesel (C10 – C24) fractions on the treatment B was 7.23% and 62.35%, while in treatment A was 7.22% and 44.27%. Based on the results, pretreated of lignite by gamma irradiation could be increased the bioliquefaction product.Received: 5 December 2011; Revised: 21 May 2012; Accepted: 11 June 201
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