176 research outputs found

    Conjugacy of two types of phenotypic variability of small-leaved linden

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    The properties of five bilaterally symmetrical features of the leaf blades of the small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata Mill.) in four populations of the Moscow Region in 2014–2017 were studied. The angle trait was excluded, because it possessed the property of directional asymmetry. Instead, a new linear trait was used: the distance between the base of the second vein of the first order and the base of the first vein of the second order on the first vein of the first order. The population difference in fluctuating asymmetry (FA) was found only in the first two traits (leaf width and distance between the bases of the first vein of the first order and the second vein of the second order). The largest value of FA was in the urban environment, the smallest was in the rural areas. A weak negative correlation was obtained between the magnitude of linear characteristics and the value of FA, as well as a weak positive correlation relationship between the values of FA in five traits. The first trait had the highest fluctuation variability, and the second one had the highest plastic variability. The regression dependence of the fluctuation variability on the plastic variability (b1 = 0.25, p <0.05) and the dependence of these two types of variability on the interaction of the factors “year” and “site of sampling” were revealed. Thus, the conclusion was made about the conjugacy of two types of variability: fluctuation and plastic. According to the authors, asynchronous growth, competition for light in conditions of high solar activity in 2014–2016 compared to the abnormal wet summer of 2017 led to an increase in FA due to destabilization of mechanisms of growth and regulation of gene expression, which contributed to a decrease in the stability of development. The increase in FA and the decrease in the developmental stability in urban ambient in 2016 could be due to: a)an intensive flow of vehicles in spring and summer, b) a high level of groundwater in this part of the city and c) increased hydrolytic acidity of the soil

    Riding a Spiral Wave: Numerical Simulation of Spiral Waves in a Co-Moving Frame of Reference

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    We describe an approach to numerical simulation of spiral waves dynamics of large spatial extent, using small computational grids.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, as accepted by Phys Rev E 2010/03/2

    Validation and Calibration of Models for Reaction-Diffusion Systems

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    Space and time scales are not independent in diffusion. In fact, numerical simulations show that different patterns are obtained when space and time steps (Δx\Delta x and Δt\Delta t) are varied independently. On the other hand, anisotropy effects due to the symmetries of the discretization lattice prevent the quantitative calibration of models. We introduce a new class of explicit difference methods for numerical integration of diffusion and reaction-diffusion equations, where the dependence on space and time scales occurs naturally. Numerical solutions approach the exact solution of the continuous diffusion equation for finite Δx\Delta x and Δt\Delta t, if the parameter γN=DΔt/(Δx)2\gamma_N=D \Delta t/(\Delta x)^2 assumes a fixed constant value, where NN is an odd positive integer parametrizing the alghorithm. The error between the solutions of the discrete and the continuous equations goes to zero as (Δx)2(N+2)(\Delta x)^{2(N+2)} and the values of γN\gamma_N are dimension independent. With these new integration methods, anisotropy effects resulting from the finite differences are minimized, defining a standard for validation and calibration of numerical solutions of diffusion and reaction-diffusion equations. Comparison between numerical and analytical solutions of reaction-diffusion equations give global discretization errors of the order of 10−610^{-6} in the sup norm. Circular patterns of travelling waves have a maximum relative random deviation from the spherical symmetry of the order of 0.2%, and the standard deviation of the fluctuations around the mean circular wave front is of the order of 10−310^{-3}.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Int. J. Bifurcation and Chao

    Existence of a rotating wave pattern in a disk for a wave front interaction model

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    [[abstract]]We study the rotating wave patterns in an excitable medium in a disk. This wave pattern is rotating along the given disk boundary with a constant angular speed. To study this pattern we use the wave front interaction model proposed by Zykov in 2007. This model is derived from the FitzHugh-Nagumo equation and it can be described by two systems of ordinary differential equations for wave front and wave back respectively. Using a delicate shooting argument with the help of the comparison principle, we derive the existence and uniqueness of rotating wave patterns for any admissible angular speed with convex front in a given disk.[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]çŽ™æœŹ[[booktype]]電歐

    Theory of Spike Spiral Waves in a Reaction-Diffusion System

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    We discovered a new type of spiral wave solutions in reaction-diffusion systems --- spike spiral wave, which significantly differs from spiral waves observed in FitzHugh-Nagumo-type models. We present an asymptotic theory of these waves in Gray-Scott model. We derive the kinematic relations describing the shape of this spiral and find the dependence of its main parameters on the control parameters. The theory does not rely on the specific features of Gray-Scott model and thus is expected to be applicable to a broad range of reaction-diffusion systems.Comment: 4 pages (REVTeX), 2 figures (postscript), submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Theory of spiral wave dynamics in weakly excitable media: asymptotic reduction to a kinematic model and applications

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    In a weakly excitable medium, characterized by a large threshold stimulus, the free end of an isolated broken plane wave (wave tip) can either rotate (steadily or unsteadily) around a large excitable core, thereby producing a spiral pattern, or retract causing the wave to vanish at boundaries. An asymptotic analysis of spiral motion and retraction is carried out in this weakly excitable large core regime starting from the free-boundary limit of the reaction-diffusion models, valid when the excited region is delimited by a thin interface. The wave description is shown to naturally split between the tip region and a far region that are smoothly matched on an intermediate scale. This separation allows us to rigorously derive an equation of motion for the wave tip, with the large scale motion of the spiral wavefront slaved to the tip. This kinematic description provides both a physical picture and exact predictions for a wide range of wave behavior, including: (i) steady rotation (frequency and core radius), (ii) exact treatment of the meandering instability in the free-boundary limit with the prediction that the frequency of unstable motion is half the primary steady frequency (iii) drift under external actions (external field with application to axisymmetric scroll ring motion in three-dimensions, and spatial or/and time-dependent variation of excitability), and (iv) the dynamics of multi-armed spiral waves with the new prediction that steadily rotating waves with two or more arms are linearly unstable. Numerical simulations of FitzHug-Nagumo kinetics are used to test several aspects of our results. In addition, we discuss the semi-quantitative extension of this theory to finite cores and pinpoint mathematical subtleties related to the thin interface limit of singly diffusive reaction-diffusion models

    Buckling of scroll waves

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    A scroll wave in a sufficiently thin layer of an excitable medium with negative filament tension can be stable nevertheless due to filament rigidity. Above a certain critical thickness of the medium, such scroll wave will have a tendency to deform into a buckled, precessing state. Experimentally this will be seen as meandering of the spiral wave on the surface, the amplitude of which grows with the thickness of the layer, until a break-up to scroll wave turbulence happens. We present a simplified theory for this phenomenon and illustrate it with numerical examples.Comment: 4 pages main text + 5 pages appendix, 4+2 figures and a movie, as accepted by Phys Rev Letters 2012/09/2

    Controlling domain patterns far from equilibrium

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    A high degree of control over the structure and dynamics of domain patterns in nonequilibrium systems can be achieved by applying nonuniform external fields near parity breaking front bifurcations. An external field with a linear spatial profile stabilizes a propagating front at a fixed position or induces oscillations with frequency that scales like the square root of the field gradient. Nonmonotonic profiles produce a variety of patterns with controllable wavelengths, domain sizes, and frequencies and phases of oscillations.Comment: Published version, 4 pages, RevTeX. More at http://t7.lanl.gov/People/Aric

    The Saffman-Taylor problem on a sphere

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    The Saffman-Taylor problem addresses the morphological instability of an interface separating two immiscible, viscous fluids when they move in a narrow gap between two flat parallel plates (Hele-Shaw cell). In this work, we extend the classic Saffman-Taylor situation, by considering the flow between two curved, closely spaced, concentric spheres (spherical Hele-Shaw cell). We derive the mode-coupling differential equation for the interface perturbation amplitudes and study both linear and nonlinear flow regimes. The effect of the spherical cell (positive) spatial curvature on the shape of the interfacial patterns is investigated. We show that stability properties of the fluid-fluid interface are sensitive to the curvature of the surface. In particular, it is found that positive spatial curvature inhibits finger tip-splitting. Hele-Shaw flow on weakly negative, curved surfaces is briefly discussed.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, RevTex, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Scroll waves in isotropic excitable media : linear instabilities, bifurcations and restabilized states

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    Scroll waves are three-dimensional analogs of spiral waves. The linear stability spectrum of untwisted and twisted scroll waves is computed for a two-variable reaction-diffusion model of an excitable medium. Different bands of modes are seen to be unstable in different regions of parameter space. The corresponding bifurcations and bifurcated states are characterized by performing direct numerical simulations. In addition, computations of the adjoint linear stability operator eigenmodes are also performed and serve to obtain a number of matrix elements characterizing the long-wavelength deformations of scroll waves.Comment: 30 pages 16 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
