306 research outputs found

    Analisa Penggunaan Bahan Bakar Bioethanol Dari Batang Padi Sebagai Campuran Pada Bensin

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    Kandungan minyak bumi didunia semakin menipis, karena semakin bertambahnya kebutuhan manusia terhadap penggunaan minyak bumi sebagai bahan bakar. Dengan kondisi yang semakin menipis ini, cadangan minyak diprediksi hanya cukup untuk beberapa tahun ke depan. Semakin menipisnya kandungan minyak bumi menyebabkan harga bahan bakar melambung tinggi. Indonesia merupakan negara yang mempunyai sumber daya alam yang melimpah. Banyak kekayaan alam yang terdapat di Indonesia, dimana sektor pertanian merupakan salah satu urat nadi bangsa Indonesia. Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor yang mempunyai peranan strategis dalam struktur pembangunan perekonomian nasional. Melimpahnya sumber daya alam dan semakin menipisnya kandungan minyak bumi di Indonesia mendorong manusia beralih menggunakan bahan bakar alternative yang ramah lingkungan dan mempunyai jumlah atau stok yang banyak. Bahan bakar yang berasal dari alam disebut bioethanol. Salah satu sumber daya alam yang bisa digunakan untuk dijadikan bahan bakar yaitu Batang padi. Pada saat panen padi para petani hanya mengambil biji atau berasnya saja, sekam dan batang padi hasil panen dibuang begitu saja padahal sekam dan batang padi bisa digunakan untuk membuat bahan bakar alternative yaitu bioethanol. Penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana pembuatan bioethanol dari batang padi, kandungan ethanol dalam batang padi, uji performa mesin otto dengan variasi konsentrasi bahan bakar bensin dengan etanol dengan variasi 100% Bensin, 75% Bensin + 25%Etanol, 50% Bensin + 50% Etanol, 25% Bensin + 75% Etanol dan 100% Etanol. Serta dengan variasi pembebanan yaitu dengan menggunakan beban 500, 1000, 1500, 2000,2500 watt. Selain itu juga dilakukan penelitian emisi yang dihasilkan oleh bahan bakar bioethanol. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan bahan bakar bioethanol memilki kandungan ethanol sebesar 95% dan hasil uji performa dari mesin otto dengan menggunakan variasi konsentrasi bahan bakar dan variasi pembebanan menunjukkan bahwa Daya, RPM, Torsi dan SFOC dari penggunaan variasi bahan bakar dan pembebanan menunjukkan bahwa semua parameter tersebut mengalami peningkatan apabila dibandingkan dengan penggunaan bahan bakar bensin. Selain itu dari segi emisi yang dihasilkan, emisi NOx mengalami peningkatan

    Pengaruh Perubahan Bentuk Intake Manifold Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Motor Diesel Dengan Metode Simulasi

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    Berbagai modifikasi pada mesin diesel dewasa ini telah banyak dilakukan. Mesin diesel mengalami pemodifikasian tidak lain adalah untuk meningkatkan unjuk kerja atau performa. Bagian mesin diesel yang paling banyak dimodifikasi adalah Intake Manifold. Pada permukaan dalam intake manifold ditambahkan pelat yang berbentuk ulir. Penambahan ulir akan mengakibatkan meningkatnya turbulensi aliran udara (swirl) yang akan masuk ke dalam ruang bakar. Semakin meningkatnya turbulensi aliran udara yang mengalir ke ruang bakar menghasilkan pencampuran udara dan bahan bakar yang lebih baik sehingga kualitas proses pembakaran akan semakin baik. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil analisa aliran yang dilakukan pada software. Dengan memodifikasi Intake Manifold dapat meningkatkan performa mesin diesel dimana terjadi pengurangan pembentukan jelaga pada gas buang, meningkatkan efisiensi konsumsi bahan bakar yang diuji lansung pada mesin diesel. Hasil terbaik dari pengujian diperoleh penggunaan ulir dengan panjang gelombang 100 mm

    Evaluation of the combining ability of CMS lines in crosses with samples of grain sorghum and Sudan grass

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    Received: April 2nd, 2021 ; Accepted: July 28th, 2021 ; Published: August 3rd, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] versatility of use, species diversity, and high drought resistance have ensured the demand for sorghum among agricultural crops in the world. Currently, the most promising direction of breeding is the creation of F1 sorghum hybrids, which is based on the identification and selection of parental forms with high combining ability. In this paper, the combining ability analysis crosses of two hybridization schemes: grain×grain sorghum and grain sorghum×Sudan grass was carried out using topcross method. Gene action governing inheritance of a particular trait can be measured in terms of general and specific combining ability estimates, where general combining ability effects are mostly indicative of additive gene action (ms (GCA)/ms (SCA)>1)and specific combining ability effects - non-additive (ms (GCA)/ms (SCA)<1). Genes with an additive effect participate in the genetic control of breeding-valuable traits, which is proven byms(GCA)/ms (SCA) ratios changing within1.10-28.01 range. It is advisable to involve CMS-lines A3 Feterita 14, A2 KVV 114 and A2 O-1237 to create high-yielding hybrids of grain sorghum; highly productive sorghum-sudangrasshybridss - lines L-106, L-143 and Anastasiya, Kinelskaya 100, Elegiya variety samples; with a high share of grain in the total biomass – Allegoriya, Krasnodarskaya 75 and Zonalskaya 6 variety samples. CMS lines are distinguished by high and average CA values both in crosses with samples of grain sorghum and Sudan grass: by weight of 1,000 grains - A2 O-1237; by seed yield and weight of 1,000 grains - A2 KVV 114

    Influence of flow confinement on the drag force on a static cylinder

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    The influence of confinement on the drag force FF on a static cylinder in a viscous flow inside a rectangular slit of aperture h0h_0 has been investigated from experimental measurements and numerical simulations. At low enough Reynolds numbers, FF varies linearly with the mean velocity and the viscosity, allowing for the precise determination of drag coefficients λ\lambda_{||} and λ\lambda_{\bot} corresponding respectively to a mean flow parallel and perpendicular to the cylinder length LL. In the parallel configuration, the variation of λ\lambda_{||} with the normalized diameter β=d/h0\beta = d/h_0 of the cylinder is close to that for a 2D flow invariant in the direction of the cylinder axis and does not diverge when β=1\beta = 1. The variation of λ\lambda_{||} with the distance from the midplane of the model reflects the parabolic Poiseuille profile between the plates for β1\beta \ll 1 while it remains almost constant for β1\beta \sim 1. In the perpendicular configuration, the value of λ\lambda_{\bot} is close to that corresponding to a 2D system only if β1\beta \ll 1 and/or if the clearance between the ends of the cylinder and the side walls is very small: in that latter case, λ\lambda_{\bot} diverges as β1\beta \to 1 due to the blockage of the flow. In other cases, the side flow between the ends of the cylinder and the side walls plays an important part to reduce λ\lambda_{\bot}: a full 3D description of the flow is needed to account for these effects


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    The surface hardening of laser of powder coat the system Fe-Cr-B-Si to permit lower wear of the coat. The theory of resistence of wear of the laser based an analisis strengthening of interection of atoms complex particles of the powder and detail we showed the influence of the speed of ray and diameter of stain of the laser. The theory and experiments of BNTU (Minsk) showed satisfactorily agreement for the system Fe-Cr-B-Si. This theory is the base of nanotechnology of the laser.The surface hardening of laser of powder coat the system Fe-Cr-B-Si to permit lower wear of the coat. The theory of resistence of wear of the laser based an analisis strengthening of interection of atoms complex particles of the powder and detail we showed the influence of the speed of ray and diameter of stain of the laser. The theory and experiments of BNTU (Minsk) showed satisfactorily agreement for the system Fe-Cr-B-Si. This theory is the base of nanotechnology of the laser

    Assessment of drought resistance in sorghum CMS lines based on various sterility sources

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    Background. Global climate changes have recently led to a more frequent occurrence of adverse factors and a decrease in the productivity of major crops. Sorghum is a highly drought-resistant crop that can tolerate long-term soil and air droughts with much lower harvest losses than wheat or barley. It is important to understand physiological mechanisms affecting drought tolerance when breeding efforts are aimed at improving the adaptability to abiotic conditions and productivity of sorghum hybrids.Materials and methods. Twenty sterile lines of grain sorghum with 8 types of CMS were studied in 2019 and 2020 in the arid conditions of Saratov Province. Indicators of the leaf water regime were assessed according to VIR’s guidelines. Statistical processing of the research results was performed using the AGROS 2.09 software.Results. The indicators of the leaf water regime that reflected differentiated responses of the CMS-line plants to the prevailing water and temperature stressors during the critical flowering period for sorghum were analyzed. Four CMS lines were identified according to the chosen set of indicators: they manifested 71.13–72.02% of total water content, 5.26–9.08% of water deficit, and 57.40–83.17% of water retention capacity on average for the two years of research. For the first time, the effect of CMS in sorghum on the manifestation of water regime indicators was registered. In isonuclear CMS lines, the greatest effect on drought resistance was shown by cytoplasm A3 versus A4 (with the Zheltozernoe 10 genome), cytoplasm A5 versus A1 (with the Karlik 4v genome), and M35-1A versus the analog on cytoplasm 9E (with the Pischevoe 614 genome).Conclusion. It is shown that genetically different types of sterility can be used in breeding practice to increase the resistance to abiotic stressors in components of F1 crosses and hybrids

    Балльно-прогностическая шкала оценки риска ущемления паховых и бедренных грыж

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     Today, algorithms have been developed for actions after excluding hernia incarceration directly during the patient’s hospitalization, but there are no clear recommendations for how to proceed: to offer surgery in this hospitalization or  to recommend planned surgical treatment. To answer this question, it is necessary to assume the probability of repeated incarceration. To solve this  problem, we have suggested high, medium and low risk of incarceration of  inguinal or femoral hernia and determine the optimal timing of surgery.  На сегодняшний день разработан алгоритм действий хирурга при вправившейся ущемленной грыже непосредственно при госпитализации пациента, но нет четких рекомендаций как быть дальше, после исключения ущемления: предлагать операцию в данную госпитализацию  или рекомендовать плановое оперативное  лечение. Чтобы аргументированно ответить на этот вопрос, необходимо прогнозировать вероятность повторного ущемления. Для решения данной проблемы  нами была предложена балльно-прогностическая шкала  оценки риска ущемления паховых и бедренных грыж. Применение данной шкалы на практике позволит выявлять  пациентов с высоким, умеренным и низким риском ущемления  паховой или бедренной грыжи и определять оптимальные  сроки для хирургического лечения.

    Балльно-прогностическая шкала оценки риска ущемления послеоперационных вентральных грыж

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    The problem of treatment for strangulated incisional hernia does not lose its relevance due to the large number of postoperative complications and high mortality rates, which significantly exceed these indicators in selective surgery. One of the solutions to this problem is to identify patients with a high risk of strangulation, which will allow you to perform the operation in a timely manner and avoid possible complications. The most relevant issue is the timing of surgery in patients with postoperative hernias after strangulation. Проблема лечения ущемленных послеоперационных вентральных грыж не теряет своей актуальности по причине большого количества послеоперационных осложнений и высокого уровня летальности, которые значительно превышают данные показатели в плановой хирургии. Один из вариантов решения данной проблемы — выявление пациентов с высоким риском ущемления, что позволит своевременно выполнить плановую операцию и избежать возможных осложнений. Наиболее актуальным является решение вопроса о сроках операции у пациентов с разущемившимися послеоперационными грыжами.