5,460 research outputs found

    Composite Repairs To Cracked Metallic Components- Experiment and Theory

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    In this paper we show how the published literature reveals that the analytical solution for a composite repair to a cracked metallic plate is inconsistent with experimental data, and that the fibre bridging effect is often a second order effect. The result is that prediction of the effect of a composite repair on the structural integrity of cracked components repaired by an externally bonded composite repair is dramatically simplified

    Numerical simulation of unconstrained cyclotron resonant maser emission

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    When a mainly rectilinear electron beam is subject to significant magnetic compression, conservation of magnetic moment results in the formation of a horseshoe shaped velocity distribution. It has been shown that such a distribution is unstable to cyclotron emission and may be responsible for the generation of Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR) an intense rf emission sourced at high altitudes in the terrestrial auroral magnetosphere. PiC code simulations have been undertaken to investigate the dynamics of the cyclotron emission process in the absence of cavity boundaries with particular consideration of the spatial growth rate, spectral output and rf conversion efficiency. Computations reveal that a well-defined cyclotron emission process occurs albeit with a low spatial growth rate compared to waveguide bounded simulations. The rf output is near perpendicular to the electron beam with a slight backward-wave character reflected in the spectral output with a well defined peak at 2.68GHz, just below the relativistic electron cyclotron frequency. The corresponding rf conversion efficiency of 1.1% is comparable to waveguide bounded simulations and consistent with the predictions of kinetic theory that suggest efficient, spectrally well defined radiation emission can be obtained from an electron horseshoe distribution in the absence of radiation boundaries.Publisher PD

    Stability and transport of parallel velocity shear driven mode with negative magnetic shear

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    The linear and quasilinear behavior of the drift-like perturbation with a parallel velocity shear is studied in a sheared slab geometry. Full analytic studies show that when the magnetic shear has the same sign as the second derivative of the parallel velocity with respect to the radial coordinate, the linear mode may become unstable and turbulent momentum transport increases. On the other hand, when the magnetic shear has opposite sign to the second derivative of the parallel velocity, the linear mode is completely stabilized and turbulent momentum transport reduces

    Life cycle analysis of steel railway bridges

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    This paper focuses on the growth of cracks that arise from natural corrosion in steel bridges. It is shown that these two effects of corrosion and stress, need to be simultaneously analysed. A methodology used to compute the growth of such cracks in bridge steels is presented. A better understanding of the remaining life of steel bridges would help establish an assessment procedure and guide engineers when deciding between reinforcement and replacement

    Simulations of Electron Acceleration at Collisionless Shocks: The Effects of Surface Fluctuations

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    Energetic electrons are a common feature of interplanetary shocks and planetary bow shocks, and they are invoked as a key component of models of nonthermal radio emission, such as solar radio bursts. A simulation study is carried out of electron acceleration for high Mach number, quasi-perpendicular shocks, typical of the shocks in the solar wind. Two dimensional self-consistent hybrid shock simulations provide the electric and magnetic fields in which test particle electrons are followed. A range of different shock types, shock normal angles, and injection energies are studied. When the Mach number is low, or the simulation configuration suppresses fluctuations along the magnetic field direction, the results agree with theory assuming magnetic moment conserving reflection (or Fast Fermi acceleration), with electron energy gains of a factor only 2 - 3. For high Mach number, with a realistic simulation configuration, the shock front has a dynamic rippled character. The corresponding electron energization is radically different: Energy spectra display: (1) considerably higher maximum energies than Fast Fermi acceleration; (2) a plateau, or shallow sloped region, at intermediate energies 2 - 5 times the injection energy; (3) power law fall off with increasing energy, for both upstream and downstream particles, with a slope decreasing as the shock normal angle approaches perpendicular; (4) sustained flux levels over a broader region of shock normal angle than for adiabatic reflection. All these features are in good qualitative agreement with observations, and show that dynamic structure in the shock surface at ion scales produces effective scattering and can be responsible for making high Mach number shocks effective sites for electron acceleration.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    Age and growth of longfinned eels (Anguilla dieffenbachii) in pastoral and forested streams in the Waikato River basin, and in two hydro-electric lakes in the North Island, New Zealand

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    Growth rates of New Zealand endemic longfinned eels (Anguilla dieffenbachii) from streams in pasture and indigenous forest, and from two hydroelectric lakes (Lakes Karapiro and Matahina), were estimated by otolith examination. Habitat-specific growth was further investigated with measurement of widths of annual bands in otoliths. Longfinned eels 170-1095 mm in length ranged between 4 and 60 years old (N=252). Eels in pastoral streams grew faster (mean annual length increment ±95% CL = 24 ± 3 mm to 36 ± 7 mm) than eels in streams in indigenous forest (annual length increment 12 ± 2 mm to 15 ± 3 mm). Eels from the hydro-electric lakes had growth rates (annual length increments 19 ± 4 and 19 + 7 mm) similar to eels from pastoral streams. Otoliths of most eels showed annual band widths that indicated growth in several different habitats, corresponding to growth during upstream migration, and limited movement among adult habitats. Estimated age at marketable size (220 g) ranged between 7 and 26 years. The particularly slow growth of longfinned eels in streams in indigenous forest has considerable implications for management. The fast growth rates of eels in hydro-electric lakes provides evidence for the potential of increased eel production by stocking. The probable selective production of female eels in these lakes may be nationally important to allow enhancement of breeding stocks

    First-order thermal correction to the quadratic response tensor and rate for second harmonic plasma emission

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    Three-wave interactions in plasmas are described, in the framework of kinetic theory, by the quadratic response tensor (QRT). The cold-plasma QRT is a common approximation for interactions between three fast waves. Here, the first-order thermal correction (FOTC) to the cold-plasma QRT is derived for interactions between three fast waves in a warm unmagnetized collisionless plasma, whose particles have an arbitrary isotropic distribution function. The FOTC to the cold-plasma QRT is shown to depend on the second moment of the distribution function, the phase speeds of the waves, and the interaction geometry. Previous calculations of the rate for second harmonic plasma emission (via Langmuir-wave coalescence) assume the cold-plasma QRT. The FOTC to the cold-plasma QRT is used here to calculate the FOTC to the second harmonic emission rate, and its importance is assessed in various physical situations. The FOTC significantly increases the rate when the ratio of the Langmuir phase speed to the electron thermal speed is less than about 3.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Physics of Plasma
