1,499 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Jenis Media Kultur in Vitro Dan Jenis Eksplan Terhadap Morfogenesis Lili Oriental

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    . Pramanik, D. and F. Rachmawati. 2010. The Effect of In Vitro Culture Media and Explants onMorphogenesis of Oriental Lily. Tissue culture technique is the promising method for plant multiplication. Theaim of this study was to evaluate the effect of in vitro media and explants on the morphogenesis of oriental lily cv.Donau. The research was conducted by using randomized complete design with two factors and three replications.The first factor was media, that were A = Murashige and Skoog (MS)+BAP 1 ppm+2.4-D 1 ppm, B = MS+NAA0.5 ppm+TDZ 0.08 ppm, C = MS+NAA 1 ppm+TDZ 2 ppm, and D = MS+2.4-D 1.5 ppm+Kinetin 1 ppm+TDZ 1ppm. While second factors was explants, i.e. petal, peduncle, ovule, and bulb-scale. The results of the study showedthat there was a very significant difference of interaction between first factor and second factor to all parametersobserved. B medium combined with ovule explants gave the best treatment for explants-swollen induction. MeanwhileB medium with petal explants and D medium with petal and bulb-scale explants were the best treatment for callusinduction. A medium with bulb-scale explants provided the best condition for shoot and root formation. A mediumwith bulb-scale explants and C medium with peduncle explants showed the best treatment in micro-bulb induction.The best result on embryogenic callus induction was D medium combined with petal explants

    Evolution and development of flowers, fruits and inflorescences of Phalaenopsis and other orchid species

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    The study of orchid flowers, fruits, and inflorescences is crucial due to the remarkable diversity of orchid species and their unique adaptations to pollinators and seed dispersers. However, our understanding of the evolution and development of these organs within the orchid family remains limited. This research aims to fill this knowledge gap by investigating the genetic mechanisms underlying the evolution and development of floral structures, fruits and resupination in orchids, and the relationship between inflorescence stalk lignification and orientation. The research also includes a methodological chapter on the application of transcriptomics for plant species identification. Using advanced techniques such as microscopy imaging, 3D CT scanning, and anatomical analysis, the study provides detailed insights into the processes of root and fruit resupination and shows that inflorescence lignification is a heritable trait, with closely related orchid species displaying similar levels of lignification compared to distantly related species. The findings significantly advance our understanding of orchid biology by filling gaps in our knowledge of the evolutionary and developmental processes involved in flower and fruit development, resupination, and inflorescence lignification. By identifying specific genes and pathways associated with these traits, the study offers valuable insights into the genetic mechanisms that drive orchid diversity and adaptation. From a practical perspective, these findings hold great promise for the development of new orchid varieties with more robust and visually appealing varieties. The research also highlights the importance of conservation efforts to protect orchid diversity and their ecological relationships with pollinators and seed dispersal vectors.The Sustainable Management for Agriculture Research and Development (SMARTD) project of Indonesian Agency of Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD), Ministry of Agriculture. Grant number 133/KPTS/Kp.320/02/2018Naturali

    The interparticle interaction and crossover in critical lines on field-temperature plane in Pr0.5_{0.5}Sr0.5_{0.5}MnO3_{3} nanoparticles

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    The magnetic properties and the effects of interparticle interaction on it have been studied in nanoparticles of half doped Pr0.5_{0.5}Sr0.5_{0.5}MnO3_{3}. Three samples consisting of nanoparticles of different average particle sizes are synthesized to render the variation in interparticle interaction. Though all the samples crystallize in the same structure to that of their bulk compound, the low temperature ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic transition, which is present in bulk compound, is not evident in the nanoparticles. Linear as well as nonlinear ac susceptibility coupled with dc magnetic measurements have shown the superparamagnetic behavior of these nanoparticles where the blocking temperature increases with the increasing particle size. Presence of interparticle interaction is confirmed from the temperature variation of coercive field and the analysis of frequency dependent ac susceptibility. We have identified the nature of this interaction to be of dipolar type, and show that its strength decreases with the increasing particle size. The effect of this dipolar interaction on magnetic properties is intriguing as the compounds exhibit crossover from de Almeida-Thouless to Gabay-Toulouse like critical lines on field-temperature plane above their respective interaction field. In agreement with theoretical prediction, we infer that this crossover is induced by the unidirectional anisotropy arising from interparticle interaction, and this is confirmed from the presence of exchange bias phenomenon.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Pengaruh Durasi Pemanasan terhadap Keberadaan Chrysanthemum Virus-B pada Tiga Varietas Krisan Terinfeksi

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    . Chrysanthemum virus-B (CVB) merupakan salah satu jenis virus penting yang dapat menyebabkan degenerasi pertumbuhan pada tanaman krisan. Usaha eliminasi virus pada tanaman terinfeksi merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mendapatkan kembali tanaman sehat dengan potensi genetik yang sesuai dengan varietas asalnya. Usaha eliminasi ini dapat ditempuh dengan menggunakan kombinasi metode pemanasan dan kultur meristem. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh durasi pemanasan terhadap kandungan partikel CVB pada plantlet 3 varietas krisan terinfeksi. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan dan Laboratorium Virologi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias Segunung dari bulan Februari hingga Agustus 2005. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok lengkap dengan 5 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah 3 varietas krisan yaitu Cut Nyak Dien, Sakuntala, dan Yellow Fiji. Faktor kedua adalah durasi terapi pemanasan dengan 3 taraf, yaitu 1, 2, dan 3 minggu pemanasan suhu 38-40oC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan toleransi antarvarietas yang dicoba terhadap durasi suhu tinggi akibat perlakuan pemanasan. Pada ketiga varietas yang dicoba, jumlah plantlet hidup pascaperlakuan pemanasan menurun seiring dengan semakin lamanya durasi pemanasan. Persentase plantlet bebas virus semakin meningkat seiring dengan lamanya durasi pemanasan yang dilakukan dan perlakuan pemanasan selama 3 minggu yang diikuti kultur meristem secara efektif dapat membebaskan plantlet krisan dari infeksi CVB

    An intensive audit on 250 patients of advanced ovarian cancer to improve quality of care in a tertiary referral oncology centre in India

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    Background: A clinical audit provides the framework to improve the quality of patient care in a systematic way. In this study, we intensively audited our 250 advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) patients aiming to improve our patient care.Methods: Ambispective study of 250 patients of advanced EOC was done from our prospectively maintained computerized database in the department of surgical oncology, AIIMS, New Delhi from 2013 to 2020.We audited the demographic profile, treatment patterns, perioperative and survival outcomes in different subgroups.Results: In this study, 83.6% stage III and 16.4% stage IV A. There was 62 (24.8%) upfront, 112 (44.8%) interval and 76 (30.4%) secondary group. 126 underwent cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and 124 CRS and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). There was 24.8% early and 8.4% late postop complications. Median follow up 50 months. Overall, the median disease-free survival (DFS) 39 months. PFS was 12 months among 68 patients with recurrence. Attrition rate 4%. In the upfront setting, the median DFS 44 months in CRS only group and DFS not reached (p=0.032) in CRS and HIPEC group still. In the interval setting, the median DFS 39 months in CRS only group and 44 months in CRS and HIPEC group (p=0.06). In recurrent setting, the median DFS 14 months in CRS group and 23 months in CRS and HIPEC group (p=0.02)Conclusions: Audit is an integral part of any clinical practice. It teaches us to improve the quality of care and thereby better outcomes. We recommend 6 monthly clinical audits in any cancer treatment for better outcomes in future

    Pengaruh Jenis Media Kultur In Vitro dan Jenis Eksplan terhadap Morfogenesis Lili Oriental

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    ABSTRAK. Perbanyakan secara in vitro merupakan teknik yang sangat menjanjikan untuk perbanyakan tanaman.Dengan teknik ini dapat diperoleh bibit tanaman yang banyak dalam waktu singkat. Tujuan penelitian ialahmemperoleh informasi mengenai pengaruh jenis media dan jenis eksplan tehadap morfogenesis lili secara in vitro.Varietas yang digunakan ialah lili oriental cv. Donau. Penelitiaan dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan BalaiPenelitian Tanaman Hias, Segunung, Cianjur, Jawa Barat, dari bulan Januari-Desember 2007. Percobaan menggunakanrancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial dua faktor dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama ialah empat jenis media, yaituA = Murashige dan Skoog (MS)+BAP 1 ppm+2,4-D 1 ppm, B = MS+NAA 0,5 ppm+TDZ 0,08 ppm, C=MS+NAA1 ppm+TDZ 2 ppm, dan D = MS+2,4-D 1,5 ppm+Kinetin 1 ppm+TDZ 1 ppm dan faktor kedua adalah empat jeniseksplan (petal, petiol, ovul, dan sisik umbi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang nyata padainteraksi antara faktor pertama dan faktor kedua pada semua parameter yang diamati. Media B yang dikombinasikandengan eksplan ovul memberikan hasil tertinggi untuk inisiasi pembengkakan eksplan, sedangkan media B denganeksplan petal, serta media D dengan eksplan petal dan sisik umbi memberikan hasil terbaik untuk induksi kalus. MediaA dan sisik umbi merupakan kondisi terbaik untuk pembentukan tunas dan akar. Media A dengan eksplan sisik umbidan media C dengan eksplan tangkai bunga menunjukkan hasil perlakuan terbaik dalam menginduksi umbi mikro.Pembentukan kalus embriogenik tertinggi terjadi pada media D dengan eksplan petal.ABSTRACT. Pramanik, D. and F. Rachmawati. 2010. The Effect of In Vitro Culture Media and Explants onMorphogenesis of Oriental Lily. Tissue culture technique is the promising method for plant multiplication. Theaim of this study was to evaluate the effect of in vitro media and explants on the morphogenesis of oriental lily cv.Donau. The research was conducted by using randomized complete design with two factors and three replications.The first factor was media, that were A = Murashige and Skoog (MS)+BAP 1 ppm+2.4-D 1 ppm, B = MS+NAA0.5 ppm+TDZ 0.08 ppm, C = MS+NAA 1 ppm+TDZ 2 ppm, and D = MS+2.4-D 1.5 ppm+Kinetin 1 ppm+TDZ 1ppm. While second factors was explants, i.e. petal, peduncle, ovule, and bulb-scale. The results of the study showedthat there was a very significant difference of interaction between first factor and second factor to all parametersobserved. B medium combined with ovule explants gave the best treatment for explants-swollen induction. MeanwhileB medium with petal explants and D medium with petal and bulb-scale explants were the best treatment for callusinduction. A medium with bulb-scale explants provided the best condition for shoot and root formation. A mediumwith bulb-scale explants and C medium with peduncle explants showed the best treatment in micro-bulb induction.The best result on embryogenic callus induction was D medium combined with petal explants
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