1,842 research outputs found

    A geometry for optimizing nanoscale magnetic resonance force microscopy

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    We implement magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM) in an experimental geometry, where the long axis of the cantilever is normal to both the external magnetic field and the RF microwire source. Measurements are made of the statistical polarization of 1^1H in polystyrene with negligible magnetic dissipation, gradients greater than 10510^5 T/m within 100 nm of the magnetic tip, and rotating RF magnetic fields over 12 mT at 115 MHz. This geometry could facilitate the application of nanometer-scale MRFM to nuclear species with low gyro-magnetic ratios and samples with broadened resonances, such as In spins in quantum dots.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Antiferromagnetic s-d exchange coupling in GaMnAs

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    Measurements of coherent electron spin dynamics in Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As/Al(0.4)Ga(0.6)As quantum wells with 0.0006% < x < 0.03% show an antiferromagnetic (negative) exchange bewteen s-like conduction band electrons and electrons localized in the d-shell of the Mn2+ impurities. The magnitude of the s-d exchange parameter, N0 alpha, varies as a function of well width indicative of a large and negative contribution due to kinetic exchange. In the limit of no quantum confinement, N0 alpha extrapolates to -0.09 +/- 0.03 eV indicating that antiferromagnetic s-d exchange is a bulk property of GaMnAs. Measurements of the polarization-resolved photoluminescence show strong discrepancy from a simple model of the exchange enhanced Zeeman splitting, indicative of additional complexity in the exchange split valence band.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures and one action figur

    Boundary between the thermal and statistical polarization regimes in a nuclear spin ensemble

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    As the number of spins in an ensemble is reduced, the statistical uctuations in its polarization eventually exceed the mean thermal polarization. This transition has now been surpassed in a number of recent nuclear magnetic resonance experiments, which achieve nanometer-scale detection volumes. Here, we measure nanometer- scale ensembles of nuclear spins in a KPF6 sample using magnetic resonance force microscopy. In particular, we investigate the transition between regimes dominated by thermal and statistical nuclear polarization. The ratio between the two types of polarization provides a measure of the number of spins in the detected ensemble

    Spin dynamics in electrochemically charged CdSe quantum dots

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    We use time-resolved Faraday rotation to measure coherent spin dynamics in colloidal CdSe quantum dots charged in an electrochemical cell at room temperature. Filling of the 1Se electron level is demonstrated by the bleaching of the 1Se-1S3/2 absorption peak. One of the two Lande g-factors observed in uncharged quantum dots disappears upon filling of the 1Se electron state. The transverse spin coherence time, which is over 1 ns and is limited by inhomogeneous dephasing, also appears to increase with charging voltage. The amplitude of the spin precession signal peaks near the half-filling potential. Its evolution at charging potentials without any observable bleaching of the 1Se-1S3/2 transition suggests that the spin dynamics are influenced by low-energy surface states.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Local Manipulation of Nuclear Spin in a Semiconductor Quantum Well

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    The shaping of nuclear spin polarization profiles and the induction of nuclear resonances are demonstrated within a parabolic quantum well using an externally applied gate voltage. Voltage control of the electron and hole wave functions results in nanometer-scale sheets of polarized nuclei positioned along the growth direction of the well. RF voltages across the gates induce resonant spin transitions of selected isotopes. This depolarizing effect depends strongly on the separation of electrons and holes, suggesting that a highly localized mechanism accounts for the observed behavior.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Deferring the learning for better generalization in radial basis neural networks

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    Proceeding of: International Conference Artificial Neural Networks — ICANN 2001. Vienna, Austria, August 21–25, 2001The level of generalization of neural networks is heavily dependent on the quality of the training data. That is, some of the training patterns can be redundant or irrelevant. It has been shown that with careful dynamic selection of training patterns, better generalization performance may be obtained. Nevertheless, generalization is carried out independently of the novel patterns to be approximated. In this paper, we present a learning method that automatically selects the most appropriate training patterns to the new sample to be predicted. The proposed method has been applied to Radial Basis Neural Networks, whose generalization capability is usually very poor. The learning strategy slows down the response of the network in the generalisation phase. However, this does not introduces a significance limitation in the application of the method because of the fast training of Radial Basis Neural Networks

    Electric field sensing with a scanning fiber-coupled quantum dot

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    We demonstrate the application of a fiber-coupled quantum-dot-in-a-tip as a probe for scanning electric field microscopy. We map the out-of-plane component of the electric field induced by a pair of electrodes by measurement of the quantum-confined Stark effect induced on a quantum dot spectral line. Our results are in agreement with finite element simulations of the experiment. Furthermore, we present results from analytic calculations and simulations which are relevant to any electric field sensor embedded in a dielectric tip. In particular, we highlight the impact of the tip geometry on both the resolution and sensitivity.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
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