9,318 research outputs found

    On Neutrino Masses and Family Replication

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    The old issue of why there are more than one family of quarks and leptons is reinvestigated with an eye towards the use of anomaly as a tool for constraining the number of families. It is found that, by assuming the existence of right-handed neutrinos (which would imply that neutrinos will have a mass) and a new chiral SU(2) gauge theory, strong constraints on the number of families can be obtained. In addition, a model, based on that extra SU(2), is constructed where it is natural to have one "very heavy" fourth neutrino and three almost degenerate light neutrinos whose masses are all of the Dirac type.Comment: RevTex, 12 pages with 1 figure, minor changes to the text and added acknowledgment

    Effects of ee+νee^- e^+ \nu_e Decays of Tau Neutrinos Near A Supernova

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    We revisit the constraints implied by SN 1987 A observations on the decay rate of a multi-MeV ντ\nu_\tau decaying into the visible channel ντe+eνe\nu_\tau \rightarrow e^+ e^- \nu_e, if its lifetime is more than 10 {\it sec.}. We discuss its implication for the minimal left-right symmetric model with see-saw mechanism for neutrino masses. We also speculate on the possible formation of a ``giant Capacitor" in intergalactic space due to the decay of "neutronization" ντ\nu_\tau's and spin allignment possibility in the supernova.Comment: 29 Pages, Tex file, UMDHEP 94-4

    A Model of Quark and Lepton Masses I: The Neutrino Sector

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    If neutrinos have masses, why are they so tiny? Are these masses of the Dirac type or of the Majorana type? We are already familiar with the mechanism of how to obtain a tiny Majorana neutrino mass by the famous see-saw mechanism. The question is: Can one build a model in which a tiny Dirac neutrino mass arises in a more or less "natural" way? What would be the phenomenological consequences of such a scenario, other than just merely reproducing the neutrino mass patterns for the oscillation data? In this article, a systematic and detailed analysis of a model is presented, with, as key components, the introduction of a family symmetry as well as a new SU(2) symmetry for the right-handed neutrinos. In particular, in addition to the calculations of light neutrino Dirac masses, interesting phenomenological implications of the model will be presented.Comment: 25 (single-spaced) pages, 11 figures, corrected some typos in Table I, added acknowledgement

    Lepton Flavor Violation and the Tau Neutrino Mass

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    We point out that, in the left-right symmetric model of weak interaction, if ντ\nu_\tau mass is in the keV to MeV range, there is a strong correlation between rare decays such as τ3μ,τ3e\tau \rightarrow 3 \mu, \tau \rightarrow 3 e and the ντ\nu_\tau mass. In particular, we point out that a large range of ντ\nu_\tau masses are forbidden by the cosmological constraints on mντm_{\nu_\tau} in combination with the present upper limits on these processes.Comment: UMDHEP 94-30, 14 pages, TeX file, (some new references added

    Approximate Flavor Symmetries in the Lepton Sector

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    Approximate flavor symmetries in the quark sector have been used as a handle on physics beyond the Standard Model. Due to the great interest in neutrino masses and mixings and the wealth of existing and proposed neutrino experiments it is important to extend this analysis to the leptonic sector. We show that in the see-saw mechanism, the neutrino masses and mixing angles do not depend on the details of the right-handed neutrino flavor symmetry breaking, and are related by a simple formula. We propose several ans\"{a}tze which relate different flavor symmetry breaking parameters and find that the MSW solution to the solar neutrino problem is always easily fit. Further, the νμντ\nu_\mu - \nu_\tau oscillation is unlikely to solve the atmospheric neutrino problem and, if we fix the neutrino mass scale by the MSW solution, the neutrino masses are found to be too small to close the Universe.Comment: 12 pages (no figures), LBL-3459

    Higgs Sector of the Minimal Left-Right Symmetric Model

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    We perform an exhaustive analysis of the most general Higgs sector of the minimal left-right symmetric model (MLRM). We find that the CP properties of the vacuum state are connected to the Higgs spectrum: if CP is broken spontaneously, the MLRM does not approach the Standard Model in the limit of a decoupling left-right symmetry breaking scale. Depending on the size of the CP phases scenarios with extra non-decoupling flavor-violating doublet Higgses or very light SU(2) triplet Higgses emerge, both of which are ruled out by phenomenology. For zero CP phases the non-standard Higgses decouple only if a very unnatural fine-tuning condition is fulfilled. We also discuss generalizations to a non-minimal Higgs sector.Comment: brief discussion of non-minimal Higgs sectors added, journal versio

    Geometric CP Violation with Extra Dimensions

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    We discuss how CP symmetry can be broken geometrically through orbifold projections in hidden extra dimensions in the context of D-brane models for particle unifications. We present a few toy models to illustrate the idea and suggest ways to incorporate this technique in the context of realistic models.Comment: 6 pages, one figure; references updated and a new model adde