4,188 research outputs found

    Popper's Thought Experiment Reinvestigated

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    Popper's original thought experiment probed some fundamental and subtle rules of quantum mechanics. Two experiments have directly and indirectly tested Popper's hypothesis, but they seem to give contrasting results. The equations governing these two experiments and Popper's thought experiment will be derived from basic quantum principles. The experimental constants will be inputted and it will show that the two experiments agree with each other and with quantum theory

    Cold Atom Physics Using Ultra-Thin Optical Fibers: Light-Induced Dipole Forces and Surface Interactions

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    The strong evanescent field around ultra-thin unclad optical fibers bears a high potential for detecting, trapping, and manipulating cold atoms. Introducing such a fiber into a cold atom cloud, we investigate the interaction of a small number of cold Caesium atoms with the guided fiber mode and with the fiber surface. Using high resolution spectroscopy, we observe and analyze light-induced dipole forces, van der Waals interaction, and a significant enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate of the atoms. The latter can be assigned to the modification of the vacuum modes by the fiber.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Design of C-sections Against Deformational Lip Buckling

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    Deformational lip buckling is one of the considerations affecting the choice of cross-section dimensions which were adopted for the C-sectlon chord members of a space frame system. No guidance on lip buckling of channel sections is given in the current British design specification. A method was therefore required for determining the lip buckling resistance of the members when subjected to axial compression or bending. A design procedure was formulated in which the lips are represented as a strut on an elastic foundation, the stiffness of which depends on the deformational stiffness of the section. The critical buckling stress and the wavelength of buckling can then be determined. By assigning imperfections to the nominally straight lips, the critical lip buckling stress can be introduced into the Perry-Roberston formulation for the strength of columns, and the lip buckling strength can be estimated. Comparative resulis from the design formulation, experiments, and non-linear elasto-plasttc finite element analysis are given. It is shown that the proposed design model is satisfactory but conservative

    The time-reversal test for stochastic quantum dynamics

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    The calculation of quantum dynamics is currently a central issue in theoretical physics, with diverse applications ranging from ultra-cold atomic Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) to condensed matter, biology, and even astrophysics. Here we demonstrate a conceptually simple method of determining the regime of validity of stochastic simulations of unitary quantum dynamics by employing a time-reversal test. We apply this test to a simulation of the evolution of a quantum anharmonic oscillator with up to 6.022Ă—10236.022\times10^{23} (Avogadro's number) of particles. This system is realisable as a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice, for which the time-reversal procedure could be implemented experimentally.Comment: revtex4, two figures, four page

    Heralded Two-Photon Entanglement from Probabilistic Quantum Logic Operations on Multiple Parametric Down-Conversion Sources

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    An ideal controlled-NOT gate followed by projective measurements can be used to identify specific Bell states of its two input qubits. When the input qubits are each members of independent Bell states, these projective measurements can be used to swap the post-selected entanglement onto the remaining two qubits. Here we apply this strategy to produce heralded two-photon polarization entanglement using Bell states that originate from independent parametric down-conversion sources, and a particular probabilistic controlled-NOT gate that is constructed from linear optical elements. The resulting implementation is closely related to an earlier proposal by Sliwa and Banaszek [quant-ph/0207117], and can be intuitively understood in terms of familiar quantum information protocols. The possibility of producing a ``pseudo-demand'' source of two-photon entanglement by storing and releasing these heralded pairs from independent cyclical quantum memory devices is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; submitted to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, special issue on "Quantum Internet Technologies

    General linear-optical quantum state generation scheme: Applications to maximally path-entangled states

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    We introduce schemes for linear-optical quantum state generation. A quantum state generator is a device that prepares a desired quantum state using product inputs from photon sources, linear-optical networks, and postselection using photon counters. We show that this device can be concisely described in terms of polynomial equations and unitary constraints. We illustrate the power of this language by applying the Grobner-basis technique along with the notion of vacuum extensions to solve the problem of how to construct a quantum state generator analytically for any desired state, and use methods of convex optimization to identify bounds to success probabilities. In particular, we disprove a conjecture concerning the preparation of the maximally path-entangled |n,0)+|0,n) (NOON) state by providing a counterexample using these methods, and we derive a new upper bound on the resources required for NOON-state generation.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum reflection of atoms from a solid surface at normal incidence

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    We observed quantum reflection of ultracold atoms from the attractive potential of a solid surface. Extremely dilute Bose-Einstein condensates of ^{23}Na, with peak density 10^{11}-10^{12}atoms/cm^3, confined in a weak gravito-magnetic trap were normally incident on a silicon surface. Reflection probabilities of up to 20 % were observed for incident velocities of 1-8 mm/s. The velocity dependence agrees qualitatively with the prediction for quantum reflection from the attractive Casimir-Polder potential. Atoms confined in a harmonic trap divided in half by a solid surface exhibited extended lifetime due to quantum reflection from the surface, implying a reflection probability above 50 %.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (December 2004)5 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of an atom on a quantum guided field in a weakly driven fiber-Bragg-grating cavity

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    We study the interaction of an atom with a quantum guided field in a weakly driven fiber-Bragg-grating (FBG) cavity. We present an effective Hamiltonian and derive the density-matrix equations for the combined atom-cavity system. We calculate the mean photon number, the second-order photon correlation function, and the atomic excited-state population. We show that, due to the confinement of the guided cavity field in the fiber cross-section plane and in the space between the FBG mirrors, the presence of the atom in the FBG cavity can significantly affect the mean photon number and the photon statistics even though the cavity finesse is moderate, the cavity is long, and the probe field is weak.Comment: Accepted for Phys. Rev.
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