103 research outputs found

    Governed Anaphors in Basque

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    Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (1982


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    In this study we explore the potential for improving the stock assessment of Mediterranean Albacore by integrating environmental indicators. For this purpose we developed a catch at age model within the A4A stock assessment approach. The input data was similar to that used in the official SCRS stock assessment in 2017 but with an updated larval index. The environmental indicator provides information on the interannual variability of the sea surface temperature in the Balearic Sea during the spawning season, and it is included in the “Environmental pressure” component of the Ecosystem Report Card. The indicator is included in the assessment model in different ways, as index of the class age 0, as vector for the Stock/recruitment model, and as productivity value in other stock recruitment models (Ricker, Beverton-Holt). The results showed that incorporating the environmental variability indicators provide a better stock assessment fits (AIC, BIC), and also show the need for more advanced techniques to test stock assessment performance when testing the inclusion of environmental variability

    An alternative index of abundance for Atlantic skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) based on catch ratio and abundance of a reference species.

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    Indices of abundance, frequently based on catch rates per unit effort (CPUE), are one of the main inputs to tropical tuna stock assessments. While standardized longline CPUE series are routinely obtained and used in the stock assessments of yellowfin and bigeye tunas, the standardization of the effort in fisheries targeting skipjack tuna is more problematic, due to several factors that are known to affect the efficiency of the fleets but are difficult to quantify. In this scenario, alternative approaches need to be tested. In this document, we propose an alternative approach based on the ratio in the catch of skipjack vs yellowfin tuna, using the abundance of the reference species as an offset in the standardization.En prens


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    In this study we explore the potential for improving the stock assessment of Mediterranean Albacore by integrating environmental indicators. For this purpose we developed a catch at age model within the A4A stock assessment approach. The input data was similar to that used in the official SCRS stock assessment in 2017 but with an updated larval index. The environmental indicator provides information on the interannual variability of the sea surface temperature in the Balearic Sea during the spawning season, and it is included in the “Environmental pressure” component of the Ecosystem Report Card. The indicator is included in the assessment model in different ways, as index of the class age 0, as vector for the Stock/recruitment model, and as productivity value in other stock recruitment models (Ricker, Beverton-Holt). The results showed that incorporating the environmental variability indicators provide a better stock assessment fits (AIC, BIC), and also show the need for more advanced techniques to test stock assessment performance when testing the inclusion of environmental variabilityEn prens

    Brief update on the satellite tagging of Atlantic swordfish

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    This paper provides a brief update of the study on habitat use for swordfish, developed within the working plan of the Swordfish Species Group of ICCAT. A total of 9 miniPAT tags have been deployed by observers on Portuguese and Spanish vessels and the Uruguayan research cruise in the North and South Atlantic. Data from eight tags/specimens are available, four specimens suffered from post-release mortality and one individual tag pop-up date has not occurred yet. These preliminary results showed swordfish moved in several directions, travelling considerable distances. Swordfish spent most of the daytime in deeper waters, being closer to the surface during night-time. The main plan for the next phase of the project is to continue the tag deployment during 2020 in several regions of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea

    Efficacy of glutamine in the prevention of acute radiation enteritis: a randomized controlled trial

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    [Abstract] Background: Acute radiation enteritis is a common adverse effect related to radiotherapy (RT). Glutamine is an immune modulator and antioxidant amino acid that can exert a protective role in patients receiving abdominal or pelvic radiation. The aim of this study was to test if glutamine prevents radiation enteritis during RT. Materials and Methods: Double-blind, randomized, controlled trial including 69 patients who needed RT because of pelvic or abdominal malignancies and received glutamine (30 g/d) or placebo (casein, 30 g/d). Enteritis was evaluated according to the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group scale, intestinal inflammation using fecal calprotectin, and gut integrity with citrulline. The incidence of enteritis was analyzed by Kaplan-Meier curves, and the hazard ratio (HR) was calculated using Cox regression. Results: Patients were predominantly male (65.2%), with an average (SD) age of 66.6 (9.9) years, with urologic (44.9%), rectal (24.6%), or gynecological cancer (23.1%). More patients developed enteritis with glutamine than with the placebo (55.9% vs 22.0%; P =.002), with an HR of 1.59 (95% confidence interval, 0.62-4.05). There were no differences in final calprotectin levels (glutamine, 57.9 [85.8] mg/kg vs placebo, 54.0 [57.7] mg/kg; P =.182) or the number of patients with values >50 mg/kg (glutamine, 58.1% vs placebo, 54.6%; P =.777). Final citrulline levels were similar between groups (glutamine, 26.31 [10.29] mmol/L vs placebo, 27.69 [12.31] mmol/L; P =.639), without differences in the number of patients with <20 mmol/L (glutamine, 24.1% vs placebo, 25.0%; P =.938). Citrulline concentration was reduced during RT with placebo but remained unchanged with glutamine. Conclusion: Glutamine does not prevent the development of enteritis during RT. © 2013 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.Castilla y León. Consejería de Sanidad, SACYL GRS 326/B/0

    North Atlantic oscillation affects the physical condition of migrating bullet tuna Auxis rochei (Risso, 1810) from the Western Mediterranean Sea

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    Climate oscillations exert direct control over the environment in which they occur and may influence the physical condition of migratory marine species, such as tuna, as reported by several authors. The main aim of thisstudywastoexploretheassociationbetweenthepotentialeffectsoftheNorthAtlanticOscillation(NAO)on thefitness condition of bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) migrating to the Spanish Mediterranean Sea. A total of 2357 length-weight pairs of data obtained from individuals collected on the Spanish Mediterranean coast were analysed. A non-parametric Spearman test was used to investigate correlations between the atmospheric oscillation indexes and two physical condition indexes. The results suggest that, in general, positive phases of the NAO index improve the physical condition offish migrating to spawning grounds in the Mediterranean Sea. These results could be explained by changes in the dominant winds, which could favour pre-spawning migration, and by nutrients availability, which guarantees their recovery after the spawning period.En prens


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    This paper provides a brief update of the study on habitat use for swordfish, developed within the working plan of the Swordfish Species Group of ICCAT. A total of 9 miniPAT tags have been deployed by observers on Portuguese and Spanish vessels and the Uruguayan research cruise in the North and South Atlantic. Data from eight tags/specimens are available, four specimens suffered from post-release mortality and one individual tag pop-up date has not occurred yet. These preliminary results showed swordfish moved in several directions, travelling considerable distances. Swordfish spent most of the daytime in deeper waters, being closer to the surface during night-time. The main plan for the next phase of the project is to continue the tag deployment during 2020 in several regions of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean SeaEn prens

    Preliminary management strategy evaluation for blue shark in the Indian Ocean using a data-limited approach

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    In tuna-RFMOs there has been an effort to move to quantitative stock assessments for pelagic sharks, especially for the main species such as blue shark Prionace glauca. In IOTC, blue shark was last assessed in 2017 with the use of an integrated length-based age-structured model (SS3). This paper now presents a preliminary exercise with data-limited Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) to test options for different potential management procedures (MPs), using the data-limited methods toolkit (DLMtool). Reference points have not yet been adopted for sharks in IOTC, so for this exercise we set some tentative reference points noting that those can be updated in the future as needed. Eighty-nine MPs were evaluated with 9 considered potentially acceptable. Options and tradeoffs between those MPs are shown and described in the paper. We have focused mainly on trade-offs between biomass and yield, but according to the management objectives agreed other performance metrics can be applied. Even thought this is a preliminary exercise at this point, we hope that it provides initial thoughts and opens the discussion for the advancement of the blue shark management and conservation in the Indian Ocean