27 research outputs found

    Influence of ground shaking on the fault: numerical simulation

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    The paper considers a possible model of the behavior of faults under the influence of external influences. A complication in the form of a step is assumed in the structure of the fault banks. A hook on a step leads to the appearance of two local stress concentration regions. A possible mechanism for slowing down the response to external stimuli is discussed. An external influence can be a shaking of the ground from a neighboring earthquake or a deformation tidal wave. The calculation is carried out within the framework of the elastic-brittle medium model by the finite-difference method supplemented with the ability to calculate cracks with the definition of their faces as free surfaces. As a result of the simulation, the emergence of a region of stress concentration is observed, which may not immediately lead to destruction. There will be an accumulation of damage as a result of a hook on the fault step, and the reaction to external influence will slow down. Over time, the medium exhausts the possibilities for implementing all the mechanisms of accommodation to the load, which leads to a break in the vicinity of the roughness with the emission of the next portion of seismic waves

    Chemical and isotopic compositions of sediments and some minerals from the Derugin Basin, Sea of Okhotsk

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    The paper reports specific mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of deposits from local depressions of the Derugin Basin. They were formed in an environment with periodic changes from oxic to anoxic conditions and show evidence for presence of hydrogen sulfide in bottom waters. Deposits of this type can be considered as a modern model for ancient ore-bearing black shale associations. Compared with typical metalliferous black shale sequences, which are characterized by high contents of organic matter, the sediments described here are depleted in elements of the organophilic association (Mo, Ni, Cu, Zn, V, and U), but have higher Mn contents

    In-Situ Crystallization and Continuous Modification of Chromian Spinel in the "Sulfide-Poor Platinum-Group Metal Ores" of the Norilsk-1 Intrusion (Northern Siberia, Russia)

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    Layers rich in chromian spinel (Cr-spinel) occur in numerous differentiated and layered intrusions. These layers are often characterized by elevated and even economic concentrations of platinum-group-elements (PGEs), but only scarce sulfide mineralization. One particular type of such lithology occurs in the roof parts of the Norilsk-type differentiated intrusions (Russia) and is referred to as the "sulfide-poor PGE ores". We investigated rocks containing variable enrichments in Cr-spinel, sulfides, and platinum-group minerals (PGMs) from two sections of the upper zone of the Norilsk-1 intrusion, with a focus on Cr-spinel. The rocks are dominated by two lithological types: (1) leucogabbro/troctolitic and (2) olivine-gabbro. Fine-grained (5-100 mu m) disperse disseminations with varying modal abundances of Cr-spinel are characteristic for the rocks studied. Those abundances range from scarce mineralization through to very dense (up to 30 vol. % Cr-spinel) cloud-like accumulations. However, compact-grained accumulations and cumulate-like textures, which are typical for chromitites of layered intrusions, are not characteristic for the studied rocks. Instead, the disseminations exhibit chain- and trail-like alignments of Cr-spinel grains, which cross the boundaries between enclosing silicates, and sub-circular arrangements. The study revealed millimeter-scaled patchy distribution of Cr-spinel compositions within a given dissemination with Cr-spinel chemistry being strongly correlated with a kind of the enclosing silicate. (1) In unaltered rocks, plagioclase hosts more magnesian Cr-spinel (Mg# 30-60), while Cr-spinel in mafic minerals is less magnesian (Mg# 18-35). (2) In altered rocks, more magnesian Cr-spinel is hosted by less altered silicates, while strongly altered silicates mainly host less magnesian Cr-spinel. Systematics of trivalent cations exhibits divergent trends, even on a scale of a thin section, and depends on a kind of hosting lithology. Leucogabbro/troctolite lithologies contain Cr-spinel with anomalously low Fe(3+)and extremely high Ti contents, whereas Cr-spinel from olivine-gabbro lithologies have moderate Fe(3+)and moderately-high Ti contents. It is envisaged that crystallization of Cr-spinel and their host rocks occurred from viscous mingled magmas, which had different compositions and redox state. Subsequent processes involved (1) high-temperature re-equilibration of Cr-spinel with enclosing silicates and (2) post-magmatic alteration and partial recrystallization of Cr-spinel. During these processes, Cr-spinel was losing Mg and Al and gaining Fe and Ti. These chemical trends are generally coincident with those established for other intrusions worldwide, but the upper zone of the Norilsk-1 intrusion seems to possess an exceptional variety of Cr-spinel compositions, not recorded elsewhere.Peer reviewe