49 research outputs found

    Difference image analysis: The interplay between the photometric scale factor and systematic photometric errors

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    Context: Understanding the source of systematic errors in photometry is essential for their calibration. Aims: We investigate how photometry performed on difference images can be influenced by errors in the photometric scale factor. Methods: We explore the equations for difference image analysis (DIA) and we derive an expression describing how errors in the difference flux, the photometric scale factor and the reference flux are propagated to the object photometry. Results: We find that the error in the photometric scale factor is important, and while a few studies have shown that it can be at a significant level, it is currently neglected by the vast majority of photometric surveys employing DIA. Conclusions: Minimising the error in the photometric scale factor, or compensating for it in a post-calibration model, is crucial for reducing the systematic errors in DIA photometry.Comment: Accepted A&

    A massive exoplanet candidate around KOI-13: Independent confirmation by ellipsoidal variations

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    We present an analysis of the KOI-13.01 candidate exoplanet system included in the September 2011 Kepler data release. The host star is a known and relatively bright (mKP=9.95)(m_{\rm KP} = 9.95) visual binary with a separation significantly smaller (0.8 arcsec) than the size of a Kepler pixel (4 arcsec per pixel). The Kepler light curve shows both primary and secondary eclipses, as well as significant out-of-eclipse light curve variations. We confirm that the transit occurs round the brighter of the two stars. We model the relative contributions from (i) thermal emission from the companion, (ii) planetary reflected light, (iii) Doppler beaming, and (iv) ellipsoidal variations in the host-star arising from the tidal distortion of the host star by its companion. Our analysis, based on the light curve alone, enables us to constrain the mass of the KOI-13.01 companion to be MC=8.3±1.25MJM_{\rm C} = 8.3 \pm 1.25M_{\rm J} and thus demonstrates that the transiting companion is a planet (rather than a brown dwarf which was recently proposed by \cite{b7}). The high temperature of the host star (Spectral Type A5-7V, Teff=8511−8020T_{\rm eff} = 8511-8020 K), combined with the proximity of its companion KOI-13.01, may make it one of the hottest exoplanets known, with a detectable thermal contribution to the light curve even in the Kepler optical passband. However, the single passband of the Kepler light curve does not enable us to unambiguously distinguish between the thermal and reflected components of the planetary emission. Infrared observations may help to break the degeneracy, while radial velocity follow-up with σ∼\sigma \sim 100 m s−1^{-1} precision should confirm the mass of the planet.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    An algorithm for correcting CoRoT raw light curves

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    We introduce the CoRoT detrend algorithm (CDA) for detrending CoRoT stellar light curves. The algorithm CDA has the capability to remove random jumps and systematic trends encountered in typical CoRoT data in a fully automatic fashion. Since enormous jumps in flux can destroy the information content of a light curve, such an algorithm is essential. From a study of 1030 light curves in the CoRoT IRa01 field, we developed three simple assumptions which upon CDA is based. We describe the algorithm analytically and provide some examples of how it works. We demonstrate the functionality of the algorithm in the cases of CoRoT0102702789, CoRoT0102874481, CoRoT0102741994, and CoRoT0102729260. Using CDA in the specific case of CoRoT0102729260, we detect a candidate exoplanet around the host star of spectral type G5, which remains undetected in the raw light curve, and estimate the planetary parameters to be Rp=6.27Re and P=1.6986 days.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Difference image analysis : automatic kernel design using information criteria

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    This publication was made possible by NPRP grant # X-019-1-006 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation).We present a selection of methods for automatically constructing an optimal kernel model for difference image analysis which require very few external parameters to control the kernel design. Each method consists of two components; namely, a kernel design algorithm to generate a set of candidate kernel models, and a model selection criterion to select the simplest kernel model from the candidate models that provides a sufficiently good fit to the target image. We restricted our attention to the case of solving for a spatially invariant convolution kernel composed of delta basis functions, and we considered 19 different kernel solution methods including six employing kernel regularization. We tested these kernel solution methods by performing a comprehensive set of image simulations and investigating how their performance in terms of model error, fit quality, and photometric accuracy depends on the properties of the reference and target images. We find that the irregular kernel design algorithm employing unregularized delta basis functions, combined with either the Akaike or Takeuchi information criterion, is the best kernel solution method in terms of photometric accuracy. Our results are validated by tests performed on two independent sets of real data. Finally, we provide some important recommendations for software implementations of difference image analysis.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Characterizing Transiting Extrasolar Planets with Narrow-Band Photometry and GTC/OSIRIS

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    We report the first extrasolar planet observations from the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC), currently the world's largest, fully steerable, single-aperture optical telescope. We used the OSIRIS tunable filter imager on the GTC to acquire high-precision, narrow-band photometry of the transits of the giant exoplanets, TrES-2b and TrES-3b. We obtained near-simultaneous observations in two near-infrared (NIR) wavebands (790.2 and 794.4 +/- 2.0 nm) specifically chosen to avoid water vapor absorption and skyglow so as to minimize the atmospheric effects that often limit the precision of ground-based photometry. Our results demonstrate a very-high photometric precision with minimal atmospheric contamination despite relatively poor atmospheric conditions and some technical problems with the telescope. We find the photometric precision for the TrES-2 observations to be 0.343 and 0.412 mmag for the 790.2 and 794.4 nm light curves, and the precision of the TrES-3 observations was found to be 0.470 and 0.424 mmag for the 790.2 and 794.4 nm light curves. We also discuss how future follow-up observations of transiting planets with this novel technique can contribute to the characterization of Neptune- and super-Earth-size planets to be discovered by space-based missions like CoRoT and Kepler, as well as measure atmospheric properties of giant planets, such as the strength of atmospheric absorption features.Comment: 9 pages, including 3 figures and 2 tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Qatar Exoplanet Survey : Qatar-3b, Qatar-4b and Qatar-5b

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    We report the discovery of Qatar-3b, Qatar-4b, and Qatar-5b, three new transiting planets identified by the Qatar Exoplanet Survey (QES). The three planets belong to the hot Jupiter family, with orbital periods of PQ3bP_{Q3b}=2.50792 days, PQ4bP_{Q4b}=1.80539 days, and PQ5bP_{Q5b}=2.87923 days. Follow-up spectroscopic observations reveal the masses of the planets to be MQ3bM_{Q3b}=4.31±0.47\pm0.47 MJM_{\rm J}, MQ4bM_{Q4b}=6.10±0.54 \pm0.54 MJM_{\rm J}, and MQ5bM_{Q5b} = 4.32±0.18 \pm0.18 MJM_{\rm J}, while model fits to the transit light curves yield radii of RQ3bR_{Q3b} = 1.096±0.14 \pm0.14 RJR_{\rm J}, RQ4bR_{Q4b} = 1.135±0.11 \pm0.11 RJR_{\rm J}, and RQ5bR_{Q5b} = 1.107±0.064 \pm0.064 RJR_{\rm J}. The host stars are low-mass main sequence stars with masses and radii MQ3M_{Q3} = 1.145±0.064 \pm0.064 M⊙M_{\odot}, MQ4M_{Q4} = 0.896±0.048 \pm0.048 M⊙M_{\odot}, MQ5M_{Q5} = 1.128±0.056 \pm0.056 M⊙M_{\odot} and RQ3R_{Q3} = 1.272±0.14 \pm0.14 R⊙R_{\odot}, RQ4R_{Q4} = 0.849±0.063\pm0.063 R⊙R_{\odot} and RQ5R_{Q5} = 1.076±0.051\pm0.051 R⊙R_{\odot} for Qatar-3, 4 and 5 respectively. The V magnitudes of the three host stars are VQ3V_{Q3}=12.88, VQ4V_{Q4}=13.60, and VQ5V_{Q5}=12.82. All three new planets can be classified as heavy hot Jupiters (M > 4 MJM_{J}).Comment: 13Pages, 8Figure