4,082 research outputs found

    CARE1, a TY3-gypsy long terminal repeat retrotransposon in the food legume chickpea (Cicer arietinum L)

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    We report a novel Ty3-gypsy long terminal repeat retrotransposon CARE1 (_Cicer arietinum_ retro-element 1) in chickpea. This 5920-bp AT-rich (63%) element carries 723-bp 5' and 897-bp 3' LTRs respectively flanking an internal region of 4300-bp. The LTRs of CARE1 show 93.9% nucleotide identity to each other and have 4-bp (ACTA) terminal inverted repeats. A 17-bp potential tRNAmet primer binding site downstream to 5' LTR and a 13-bp polypurine tract upstream to 3' LTR have been identified. The order of domains (Gag-proteinase-reverse transcriptase-RNaseH-integrase) in the deduced amino acid sequence and phylogenetic tree constructed using reverse transcriptase sequences places CARE1 in the gypsy group of retrotransposons. Homologues of a number of _cis_-elements including CCAAT, TATA and GT-1 have been detected in the regulatory region or the 5' LTR of CARE1. Transgenic tobacco plants containing 5' LTR:GUS construct show that its 5'-LTR is inactive in a heterologous system under normal as well as tissue culture conditions. Genomic Southern blot experiments using 5’LTR of the element as a probe show that CARE1 or its related elements are present in the genomes of various chickpea accessions from various geographic regions

    Better band gaps for wide-gap semiconductors from a locally corrected exchange-correlation potential that nearly eliminates self-interaction errors

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    This work constitutes a comprehensive and improved account of electronic-structure and mechanical properties of silicon-nitride (Si3N4) polymorphs via van Leeuwen and Baerends (LB) exchange-corrected local density approximation (LDA) that enforces the exact exchange potential asymptotic behavior. The calculated lattice constant, bulk modulus, and electronic band structure of Si3N4 polymorphs are in good agreement with experimental results. We also show that, for a single electron in a hydrogen atom, spherical well, or harmonic oscillator, the LB-corrected LDA reduces the (self-interaction) error to exact total energy to ~10%, a factor of three to four lower than standard LDA, due to a dramatically improved representation of the exchange-potential.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Counting Black Holes: The Cosmic Stellar Remnant Population and Implications for LIGO

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    We present an empirical approach for interpreting gravitational wave signals of binary black hole mergers under the assumption that the underlying black hole population is sourced by remnants of stellar evolution. Using the observed relationship between galaxy mass and stellar metallicity, we predict the black hole count as a function of galaxy stellar mass. We show, for example, that a galaxy like the Milky Way should host millions of ∼30 M⊙\sim 30~M_\odot black holes and dwarf satellite galaxies like Draco should host ∼100\sim 100 such remnants, with weak dependence on the assumed IMF and stellar evolution model. Most low-mass black holes (∼10M⊙\sim10 M_\odot) typically reside within massive galaxies (M⋆≃1011M⊙M_\star \simeq 10^{11} M_\odot) while massive black holes (∼50 M⊙\sim 50~M_\odot) typically reside within dwarf galaxies (M⊙≃109M⊙M_\odot \simeq 10^9 M_\odot) today. If roughly 1%1\% of black holes are involved in a binary black hole merger, then the reported merger rate densities from Advanced LIGO can be accommodated for a range of merger timescales, and the detection of mergers with >50 M⊙> 50~M_\odot black holes should be expected within the next decade. Identifying the host galaxy population of the mergers provides a way to constrain both the binary neutron star or black hole formation efficiencies and the merger timescale distributions; these events would be primarily localized in dwarf galaxies if the merger timescale is short compared to the age of the universe and in massive galaxies otherwise. As more mergers are detected, the prospect of identifying the host galaxy population, either directly through the detection of electromagnetic counterparts of binary neutron star mergers or indirectly through the anisotropy of the events, will become a realistic possibility.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Dynamics of a passive sliding particle on a randomly fluctuating surface

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    We study the motion of a particle sliding under the action of an external field on a stochastically fluctuating one-dimensional Edwards-Wilkinson surface. Numerical simulations using the single-step model shows that the mean-square displacement of the sliding particle shows distinct dynamic scaling behavior, depending on whether the surface fluctuates faster or slower than the motion of the particle. When the surface fluctuations occur on a time scale much smaller than the particle motion, we find that the characteristic length scale shows anomalous diffusion with ξ(t)∼t2ϕ\xi(t)\sim t^{2\phi}, where ϕ≈0.67\phi\approx 0.67 from numerical data. On the other hand, when the particle moves faster than the surface, its dynamics is controlled by the surface fluctuations and ξ(t)∼t1/2\xi(t)\sim t^{{1/2}}. A self-consistent approximation predicts that the anomalous diffusion exponent is ϕ=2/3\phi={2/3}, in good agreement with simulation results. We also discuss the possibility of a slow cross-over towards asymptotic diffusive behavior. The probability distribution of the displacement has a Gaussian form in both the cases.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, error in reference corrected and new reference added, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Better Band Gaps with Asymptotically Corrected Local Exchange Potentials

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    We formulate a spin-polarized van Leeuwen and Baerends (vLB) correction to the local density approximation (LDA) exchange potential [Phys. Rev. A 49, 2421 (1994)] that enforces the ionization potential (IP) theorem following Stein et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 266802 (2010)]. For electronic-structure problems, the vLB-correction replicates the behavior of exact-exchange potentials, with improved scaling and well-behaved asymptotics, but with the computational cost of semi-local functionals. The vLB+IP corrections produces large improvement in the eigenvalues over that from LDA due to correct asympotic behavior and atomic shell structures, as shown on rare-gas, alkaline-earth, zinc-based oxides, alkali-halides, sulphides, and nitrides. In half-Heusler alloys, this asymptotically-corrected LDA reproduces the spin-polarized properties correctly, including magnetism and half-metallicity. We also considered finite-sized systems [e.g., ringed boron-nitirde (B12_{12}N12_{12}) and graphene (C24_{24})] to emphasize the wide applicability of the method.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Dark Matter from Early Decays

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    Two leading dark matter candidates from supersymmetry and other theories of physics beyond the standard model are WIMPs and weak scale gravitinos. If the lightest stable particle is a gravitino, then a WIMP will decay into it with a natural lifetime of order a month ~ M_{pl}^2/M_{weak}^3. We show that if the bulk of dark matter today came from decays of neutral particles with lifetimes of order a year or smaller, then it could lead to a reduction in the amount of small scale substructure, less concentrated halos and constant density cores in the smallest mass halos. Such beneficial effects may therefore be realized naturally, as discussed by Cembranos, Feng, Rajaraman, and Takayama, in the case of supersymmetry.Comment: Matches version accepted for publication in PRD. Added a paragraph to Sec V. 9 pages, 3 figure

    In Vitro screening of tomato genotypes for drought resistance using polyethylene glycol

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    Drought is a major abiotic factor that limits plant growth and productivity. Tomato is an important vegetable crop and area under production is limited by irrigation water scarcity. Effort was made toscreen tomato germplasm under in vitro condition using polyethylene glycol (PEG) at four concentrations (0, 20, 40 and 60 g/l) with two replications in factorial CRD. Important seedling characters like root length and weight; shoot length and weight were recorded. Drought resistant mutant derivatives and hybrid produced using mutant derivative as female parent performed significantly superior for root characters. Decrease in seedling growth was worth notice with increasing concentration of PEG indicating precise nature of the in vitro screening. Mutant hybrid and its derivatives were observed with outstanding ability to continue root growth under in vitro stressconditions indicating there ability to fight with sever water stress situation. These results were further confirmed for early indication traits in raised bed seedlings and fully-grown mature plants under fieldconditions. At all three experimental conditions, mutant derivatives and hybrids performed better than cultivated genotypes under all levels of water stress. Based on results, Hy-3 and MTG 1-4 were foundto be drought resistant due to there remarkable performance at all levels of water stress. This in vitro screening method is potential and cost effective method to screen large set of germplasm within veryless time period and accurately
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