94 research outputs found

    Transport spectroscopy of disordered graphene quantum dots etched into a single graphene flake

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    We present transport measurements on quantum dots of sizes 45, 60 and 80 nm etched with an Ar/O2-plasma into a single graphene sheet, allowing a size comparison avoiding effects from different graphene flakes. The transport gaps and addition energies increase with decreasing dot size, as expected, and display a strong correlation, suggesting the same physical origin for both, i.e. disorder-induced localization in presence of a small confinement gap. Gate capacitance measurements indicate that the dot charges are located in the narrow device region as intended. A dominant role of disorder is further substantiated by the gate dependence and the magnetic field behavior, allowing only approximate identification of the electron-hole crossover and spin filling sequences. Finally, we extract a g-factor consistent with g=2 within the error bars.Comment: 5 pages, 4 (color) figure

    Cotunneling Spectroscopy in Few-Electron Quantum Dots

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    Few-electron quantum dots are investigated in the regime of strong tunneling to the leads. Inelastic cotunneling is used to measure the two-electron singlet-triplet splitting above and below a magnetic field driven singlet-triplet transition. Evidence for a non-equilibrium two-electron singlet-triplet Kondo effect is presented. Cotunneling allows orbital correlations and parameters characterizing entanglement of the two-electron singlet ground state to be extracted from dc transport.Comment: related papers available at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed

    Pure hydrogen low-temperature plasma exposure of HOPG and graphene: Graphane formation?

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    Single- and multilayer graphene and highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) were exposed to a pure hydrogen low-temperature plasma (LTP). Characterizations include various experimental techniques such as photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and scanning probe microscopy. Our photoemission measurement shows that hydrogen LTP exposed HOPG has a diamond-like valence-band structure, which suggests double-sided hydrogenation. With the scanning tunneling microscopy technique, various atomic-scale charge-density patterns were observed, which may be associated with different C-H conformers. Hydrogen-LTP-exposed graphene on SiO₂ has a Raman spectrum in which the D peak to G peak ratio is over 4, associated with hydrogenation on both sides. A very low defect density was observed in the scanning probe microscopy measurements, which enables a reverse transformation to graphene. Hydrogen-LTP-exposed HOPG possesses a high thermal stability, and therefore, this transformation requires annealing at over 1000 °C

    Hybrid Quantum Dot-2D Electron Gas Devices for Coherent Optoelectronics

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    We present an inverted GaAs 2D electron gas with self-assembled InAs quantum dots in close proximity, with the goal of combining quantum transport with quantum optics experiments. We have grown and characterized several wafers -- using transport, AFM and optics -- finding narrow-linewidth optical dots and high-mobility, single subband 2D gases. Despite being buried 500 nm below the surface, the dots are clearly visible on AFM scans, allowing precise localization and paving the way towards a hybrid quantum system integrating optical dots with surface gate-defined nanostructures in the 2D gas.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (color

    Intrinsic Metastabilities in the Charge Configuration of a Double Quantum Dot

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    We report a thermally activated metastability in a GaAs double quantum dot exhibiting real-time charge switching in diamond shaped regions of the charge stability diagram. Accidental charge traps and sensor back action are excluded as the origin of the switching. We present an extension of the canonical double dot theory based on an intrinsic, thermal electron exchange process through the reservoirs, giving excellent agreement with the experiment. The electron spin is randomized by the exchange process, thus facilitating fast, gate-controlled spin initialization. At the same time, this process sets an intrinsic upper limit to the spin relaxation time.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (color

    Method for Cooling Nanostructures to Microkelvin Temperatures

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    We propose a new scheme aimed at cooling nanostructures to microkelvin temperatures, based on the well established technique of adiabatic nuclear demagnetization: we attach each device measurement lead to an individual nuclear refrigerator, allowing efficient thermal contact to a microkelvin bath. On a prototype consisting of a parallel network of nuclear refrigerators, temperatures of 1\sim 1\,mK simultaneously on ten measurement leads have been reached upon demagnetization, thus completing the first steps toward ultracold nanostructures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 (color) figure

    Electrical spin protection and manipulation via gate-locked spin-orbit fields

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    The spin-orbit (SO) interaction couples electron spin and momentum via a relativistic, effective magnetic field. While conveniently facilitating coherent spin manipulation in semiconductors, the SO interaction also inherently causes spin relaxation. A unique situation arises when the Rashba and Dresselhaus SO fields are matched, strongly protecting spins from relaxation, as recently demonstrated. Quantum computation and spintronics devices such as the paradigmatic spin transistor could vastly benefit if such spin protection could be expanded from a single point into a broad range accessible with in-situ gate-control, making possible tunable SO rotations under protection from relaxation. Here, we demonstrate broad, independent control of all relevant SO fields in GaAs quantum wells, allowing us to tune the Rashba and Dresselhaus SO fields while keeping both locked to each other using gate voltages. Thus, we can electrically control and simultaneously protect the spin. Our experiments employ quantum interference corrections to electrical conductivity as a sensitive probe of SO coupling. Finally, we combine transport data with numerical SO simulations to precisely quantify all SO terms.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures (color), plus supplementary information 18 pages, 8 figures (color) as ancillary arXiv pd

    GaAs Quantum Dot Thermometry Using Direct Transport and Charge Sensing

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    We present measurements of the electron temperature using gate defined quantum dots formed in a GaAs 2D electron gas in both direct transport and charge sensing mode. Decent agreement with the refrigerator temperature was observed over a broad range of temperatures down to 10 mK. Upon cooling nuclear demagnetization stages integrated into the sample wires below 1 mK, the device electron temperature saturates, remaining close to 10 mK. The extreme sensitivity of the thermometer to its environment as well as electronic noise complicates temperature measurements but could potentially provide further insight into the device characteristics. We discuss thermal coupling mechanisms, address possible reasons for the temperature saturation and delineate the prospects of further reducing the device electron temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 3 (color) figure