26 research outputs found

    Ultrasound investigation in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus

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    Introduction. Ultrasound (US) has been used in obstetrics for more than 30 years and is considered to be reliable, simple, quick in results, painless and cheap method. The aim: to optimize the use of US in childbirth in pregnant women with diabetes and determine the outcome of childbirth, taking into account the condition of the fetus and newborn. Materials and methods. 52 pregnant women, among them 32 with diabetes mellitus (pre-gestational diabetes was in 20 persons and 12 persons had gestational diabetes) have been examined.  The average age of pregnant women in the main group was 29.8 ± 5.4 years, in the control group - 25.7 ± 4.3 years. All women in the main and control groups were primiparous. The gestation period in the main group was 39.1 ± 0.5 weeks [38.0; 39.6], in the control group - 39.5 ± 0.7 [38.4; 40.5] weeks. Clinical-laboratory and instrumental examinations were made. Control group consisted of  20 physiologically pregnant women. To determine the condition and size of the fetus and its progress in labor, immediately at the end of the first and during the second staage of labor, transabdominal and transperineal US and Doppler examination were performed with device HD 11 XE Phillips (USA). Results. Pregnant women with diabetes are more likely to have a pathological second stage of labors due to macrosomia and problems with the birth of the fetus, as evidenced by the lack of increased angle of progress and decreased head-perineal distance. The data obtained indicate the prospects of using ultrasound in childbirth as an objective non-invasive method for predicting the likelihood of vaginal birth, which will reduce operative delivery and perinatal pathology. Conclusions. The use of ultrasound in childbirth in women with diabetes and diabetic fetopathy can determine the possibility of complications in the promotion of the fetus, including clinical narrow pelvis, shoulder dystocia, the occurrence of distress, as evidenced by the Apgar scale and CLS. Intraparietal ultrasound helps to guide the plan of childbirth, reduce the frequency of cesarean delivery, perinatal morbidity and mortality, and birth trauma

    Russian Students’ Readiness for Distance Learning: Current Situation and Future Challenges

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    Данная исследовательская статья посвящена вопросу владения студентами технологиями дистанционного обучения, актуальность которого резко возросла в условиях коронавирусной пандемии. Есть основания полагать, что и после ее преодоления высшая школа будет все более активно использовать эти технологии. Целью проведенного авторами исследования являлась оценка готовности студентов российских вузов к использованию технологий дистанционного обучения. В ходе анкетирования 428 студентов, обучающихся в вузах г. Ростова-на-Дону, были собраны сведения о развитии у опрошенных навыков использования интернет-технологий в сфере образования. Результаты исследования показали, что в предпандемический период необходимыми навыками для участия в видеоконференциях владели не более четверти студентов, навыками для самостоятельного освоения онлайн-курсов – около 16 %. Владение обеими технологиями, обеспечивающее эффективное дистанционное обучение, имело место лишь у 6,5 % респондентов. Полученные сведения о связи успеваемости с самостоятельным участием в онлайн-курсах, а также о соотношении этих показателей с общей цифровой грамотностью и погруженностью в социальные сети следует учитывать при широкой цифровой трансформации образования в условиях пандемии.In the context of the COVID pandemic, there has dramatically increased the significance of distance learning technologies. Higher education will most probably increase their usage even after overcoming the coronavirus. This paper aims at assessing Russian university students’ readiness to exercise distance learning technologies. The survey within Rostov-on-Don universities provided data on 428 students’ skills in using Internet technologies when studying. It is shown that in the pre-pandemic period, no more than a quarter of students had the necessary skills to participate in video conferences, and about 16 % of students took online courses autonomously. Only 6,5 % of the respondents could manage both technologies that comprise distance learning. The results obtained on the relationship between academic performance and self-participation in online courses, as well as on the relationship of these indicators with general digital literacy and immersion in social networks, should be taken into account within wide computerization of education during the pandemic.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Министерства науки и высшего образования РФ в рамках Постановления № 218 «Создание высокотехнологичного производства программного комплекса для управления человеческим капиталом на основе нейротехнологий для предприятий высокотехнологичного сектора Российской Федерации» (шифр 2019-218-11-8185). Также авторы статьи выражают признательность Южному федеральному университету, предоставившему площадку для организации онлайн-анкетирования.The survey was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Decree No. 218 «Creation of a High-Tech Production of a Software Package for Human Capital Management Based on Neurotechnologies for Enterprises of the High-Tech Sector of the Russian Federation», 2019-218-11-8185). The authors are also grateful to Southern Federal University for having provided facilities to organize an online survey

    A novel operando approach to analyze the structural evolution of metallic materials during friction with application of synchrotron radiation

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    In this study, we describe an experimental setup and a new approach for operando investigation of structural evolution of materials during wear and friction. The setup is particularly suited for testing various friction pairs, including those in which both rubbing bodies are made of metals. The developed device allows circumventing the problems related to significant scattering of X-rays produced by metals and makes it possible using “real samples” in synchrotron beamlines operating in reflection mode. To demonstrate the capabilities of the device and the proposed new approach, an iron-based massive sample was subjected to thousands of friction cycles using a cemented carbide pin. The material was probed with synchrotron X-ray radiation within a few milliseconds after leaving the friction zone. The results of the microstructural and structural analysis, as well as results obtained from diverse mathematical models, allowed us to evaluate several features, including gradual accumulation of defects, microstructural refinement, dislocation density changes, surface layer oxidation, as well as several other phenomena caused by the dry sliding friction process. Mainly, it was possible to conclude that the process of wear occurred due to the cooperative action of oxidation and plastic deformation, which began during the first cycle of frictional interaction and was manifested in increasing the dislocation density, whose type was changed gradually during testing. The number of defects quickly reached a threshold value and subsequently fluctuated around it due to periodically repeated processes of defect accumulation and stress relaxation resulting from material wear. It was also observed that friction led to the quick formation of a mechanically mixed layer, consisting of the sample material and a mixture of two types of iron oxide – hematite and magnetite. The delamination of this layer was probably the primary wear mechanism


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    Goal: to compare the main parameters of toilet skills formation in between children of the common population and those from families with a high social and economic status. Methods: 1068 parents with children 2–5 years of age were questioned using a specially developed questionnaire. Results: 1012 children from the common population (CP) and 56 children from families with a relatively high economic and social status (RHESS) were studied. The average age at the beginning of toilet training appeared to be the same 15,17 ± 0,23 months (CP) and 15,6 ± 0,8 months (RHESS). In the CP group 29.5% of parents started toilet training before their children reached the age of 1 year — which is twice more often than in the RHESS group. The RHESS children finish toilet training approx. 1.9 months earlier. The overall training turned out to be shorter in the RHESS group by more than 2 months: 10,5 ± 0,6 against 12,88 ± 0,41 months (р < 0,05). Serious differences were discovered in the teaching methods: parents from the CP group are more inclined towards forced placement of the child onto the pot and to more active actions demonstrating at the same time more variety in methodology, while in the RHESS group the methodology is more homogeneous with techniques oriented at the child’s choice and a moderate parental activity are dominating. Conclusion. The methods of child toilet training in families with a high economic and social status is different from those most popular in the general population. The training in the RHESS group is slightly faster and is concluded earlier.  Цель исследования: сравнение основных параметров формирования навыков туалета у детей из семей общей популяции и детей из семей с высоким социально-экономическим статусом. Методы. Проведено анкетирование 1068 родителей детей в возрасте от 2 до 5 лет с помощью специально разработанного опросника. Результаты. Всего обследовано 1012 детей общей популяции (ОП) и 56 детей из семей с относительно высоким социально-экономическим статусом (ВСЭС). Средний возраст детей к моменту начала обучения навыкам туалета в группах оказался одинаковым: 15,17 ± 0,23 мес (группа ОП) и 15,6 ± 0,8 мес (группа ВСЭС). В группе ОП обучение в возрасте ребенка до 1 года жизни начинало 29,5% родителей ― в два раза чаще, чем в группе ВСЭС. Дети из группы высокого социально-экономического статуса завершают обучение примерно на 1,9 мес раньше. Средняя продолжительность обучения туалетным навыкам от самых первых попыток обучения до полного освоения туалетных навыков в группе ВСЭС оказалась более чем на 2 мес короче, чем в группе ОП: 10,5 ± 0,6 против 12,88 ± 0,41 мес (р < 0,05). Выявлены существенные различия в методологии обучения: родители группы ОП более привержены к принудительным высаживаниям ребенка на горшок и более активным действиям при большей вариабельности методологии, тогда как в группе ВСЭС методология более однородна и доминируют техники, ориентированные на выбор ребенка и умеренную активность родительских действий в основной стадии обучения. Заключение. Методология обучения детей навыкам туалета в семьях с высоким социально-экономическим статусом отличается от наиболее популярных в общей популяции. Обучение туалетным навыкам в группе ВСЭС несколько быстрее и завершается также несколько ранее.


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    The rehabilitation of patients after surgery is an integral part of treatment in modern medicine. Restorative treatment is a complex of measures which includes participation of different medical specialists. The goal of child post-surgery rehabilitation is the restoration of physical and social adaptation of the patient. This article covers the main principles of restorative treatment in a multi-profile children’s medical institution. Examples of child rehailitation after reconstructive surgery of most frequent orthopedic pathologies are included.Реабилитация пациентов после оперативного лечения в современной медицине является неотъемлемой частью лечебного процесса. Восстановительное лечение — это комплекс мероприятий, включающий в себя участие врачей разных специальностей. Целью реабилитации детей в послеоперационном периоде является восстановление физической и социальной адаптации пациента. В статье изложены основные принципы восстановительного лечения в условиях многопрофильного детского медицинского учреждения. Приведены клинические примеры реабилитации детей после реконструктивных операций при наиболее распространенной ортопедической патологии.

    Methods for Characterising Microphysical Processes in Plasmas

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    Friction-induced phase transformations and evolution of microstructure of austenitic stainless steel observed by operando synchrotron X-ray diffraction

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    A materials’ structure and its evolution due to friction play a crucial role in understanding wear and related processes. So far, structural changes caused by friction are mostly studied using ex situ destructive characterization techniques, such as microscopy of post-mortem the prepared specimen by polishing and etching techniques. In this paper, the structural changes of AISI 321 austenitic stainless steel (ASS) during frictional loading were observed by the nondestructive operando method based on synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD). Although the martensitic transformation in AISI 321 steel starts at ca. -187 °C, frictional loading induces γ -(ε, α′) transformation in this alloy at room or even higher temperatures. The ε-martensite formation is observed only for a relatively short time. Subsequently, a mechanically-mixed layer (MML), composed mainly of the α′ phase, forms at the sample’s surface. Using XRD peak profile analysis, we observed the accumulation of dislocations, their ordering, and/or stress field shielding before and after phase transformations. The steady-state conditions are reached after ca. 69 friction cycles manifested in reaching the threshold values of the size of the coherent scattering regions (CSRs) and dislocation density in γ and α′ phases. For a better understanding of structural evolution, the microstructure of the sample was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) after the experiment. The structure of the MML, its delamination, the formation of vortices, and carbide crushing are discussed

    Composites of copper and cast iron fabricated via the liquid: In the vicinity of the limits of strength in a non-deformed condition

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    In this study, the effect of copper on the structure and properties of cast iron is discussed. The experimental samples, with copper content from 0.09 wt% to 14.2 wt%, were synthesized in an induction furnace. The structure of the samples was characterized using light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The influence of copper on the volume fraction of graphite and pearlite, and its interlamellar spacing and the tendency of the composites to form a white iron structure are discussed. In particular, precipitation of s-copper was investigated. For a better understanding of the structural evolution, the isoplethal section of 3 wt% C in the Fe-Cu-C phase diagram was calculated. The hardness, tensile strength, friction coefficient and wear resistance of the composites were measured. The addition of copper leads to hardening and strengthening of the composites. However, at a high copper content, the strength of alloys decreases due to the formation of a brittle white iron structure. Copper has a positive effect on the friction coefficient and reduces wear resistance by promoting the formation of ledeburite.111sciescopu

    Microstructure and lattice parameters of suction-cast Ti–Nb alloys in a wide range of Nb concentrations

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    Metastable alloys based on the Ti–Nb system are considered promising candidates to replace the biomaterials currently used in medicine. Several very promising alloys like TNTM, TNZT, etc., were recently developed by adding Zr, Ta, Mo, Fe, or other elements to the Ti–Nb system. However, only a few fundamental studies were devoted to the structural characterisation of Ti–Nb alloys in the as-cast state. In this study, we analyze the microstructure, the phase transformations, the lattice parameters, the interaction of different phases, and Young's modulus of a wide range of Ti–Nb alloys produced by suction casting. The structure of experimental samples was investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SXRD) analysis. The samples with a Nb content of less than 17.5 wt % consisted of phase. The pure α’’ phase was observed only in the alloy with 17.5 wt % Nb. The alloys with an intermediate content of Nb (20–30 wt %) contained a mixture of α’’, β and ω phases. The samples with 30–35 wt % Nb consisted of a mix of β and ω phases. The samples with 37.5 and 45 wt % Nb included two types of β phase. In addition to the regular β phase, a little detectable amount of bcc phase was observed with a larger lattice parameter named βminor\beta_{minor} . The mechanical properties strongly depended on the phase composition. We found that for α’’-dominated alloys, there is a correlation between Young's modulus and orthorhombicity and c/a ratio of α’’ phase. The lowest Young's modulus (47 GPa) was observed in the alloy with 17.5 wt % Nb, which has orthorhombicity close to unity and c/a ratio close to 1.58