3,247 research outputs found

    Pesticide Sprays to Control Botrytis Rot, Anthracnose, and Tarnished Plant Bug In Day-Neutral Strawberries, 1992

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    The trial was held at the Iowa State University Horticulture Farm. Day-neutral strawberries planted into plastic mulch in May 1992 on sandy loam soil (fine, loamy, mixed mesic, Typic Hapludoll) were arranged in a randomized complete block design with five treatments and four replications. Each block consisted of five 20-ft-long double rows of plants with 12-in spacing between plants in the double rows, and each 20-ft segment was a treatment subplot. In three treatments ( post-infection ), timing of fungicide sprays was based on a leaf wetness-temperature model proposed by M. Ellis (pers. comm., Department of Plant Pathology, OARDC, Wooster, OH, and Bulger et al, Phytopathology 77:1225-1230) for control of Botrytis fruit rot. In the same treatments, timing of insecticide sprays for tarnished plant bug (IPB) were based on thresholds of TPB counts; a spray was applied when the mean number of TPB\u27s (sum of nymphs and adults) per fruit cluster equaled or exceeded the threshold number. TPB numbers were assessed 2x/week by beating 10 fruit clusters per plot (one cluster per sampled plant) twice over a white plastic dish and counting TPB nymphs and adults in the dish. A fourth treatment ( weekly ) was a weekly spray of fungicides and insecticides, and a fifth treatment ( unsprayed ) received no pesticide sprays. Pesticide spraying was started as berries began to ripen (14 Jul). Fungicides used (rates per 100 gal) were Ronilan FL (0.5 pt) plus Benlate 50 WP (4 oz). After 17 Aug, when anthracnose had become severe, Captan 50 WP (2 lb) was substituted for Benlate. The insecticide used was Sevin 50 WP (2 lb). Pesticides were applied to runoff using a Solo backpack sprayer (Model No. 425) with a flat-fan nozzle at approximately 30 psi. Leaf wetness and temperature were measured approximately 0.3 mi from the strawberry plot, using a CR- 10 micrologger and appropriate sensors (Campbell Scientific, Logan, Ul). Ripe fruit were picked by hand, counted, and weighed 1 to 3x/ wk. At each picking, damaged berries were classed by the probable source of damage, and these classes were counted and weighed

    Unified Framework for Correlations in Terms of Local Quantum Observables

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    We provide a unified framework for nonsignalling quantum and classical multipartite correlations, allowing all to be written as the trace of some local (quantum) measurements multiplied by an operator. The properties of this operator define the corresponding set of correlations.We then show that if the theory is such that all local quantum measurements are possible, one obtains the correlations corresponding to the extension of Gleason's Theorem to multipartite systems. Such correlations coincide with the quantum ones for one and two parties, but we prove the existence of a gap for three or more parties.Comment: 4 pages, final versio

    Small optic suspensions for Advanced LIGO input optics and other precision optical experiments

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    We report on the design and performance of small optic suspensions developed to suppress seismic motion of out-of-cavity optics in the Input Optics subsystem of the Advanced LIGO interferometric gravitational wave detector. These compact single stage suspensions provide isolation in all six degrees of freedom of the optic, local sensing and actuation in three of them, and passive damping for the other three

    Spray timing to control Botrytis fruit rot and tarnished plant bug in day-neutral strawberries, 1991I

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    The trial was held at the Iowa State University Horticulture Farm in 1991. Day-neutral strawberries planted in May 1991 on sand loam (fine, loamy, mixed mesic, Typic Halpudoll) soil were arranged in a randomized complete block design with five replications and 3 treatments. Each block was a 100-ft-long double row of plants with 12-in. spacing between plants, and treatment subplots within blocks were 20-ft segments of the double row. Data were taken only from the center 15 ft of each subplot. Timing of fungicide sprays for Botrytis fruit rot in the model-driven treatment was based on a leaf wetness-temperature model proposed by M. Ellis (pers. comm., Department of Plant Pathology, OARDC, Wooster, Ohio and Bulger et al, Phytopathology 77:1225-1230). Timing of insecticide sprays for tarnished plant bug in the modeldriven treatment was based on published criteria (Kovach et al. 1990. Strawberry Scouting Procedures. Bulletin No . 203, New York State IPM Program. p. 18). In the weekly treatment, insecticides and fungicides were applied at 7-day inter-vals. No pesticide sprays were applied in either treatment until blooms appeared (5 Jul). Fungicides used (rates per 100 gal) were Ronilan FL (0.5 pt) or Rovral 50 WP (8 oz), tank-mixed with Captan 50 WP (2 lb). The insecticide used was Sevin 50 WP (2 lb). Pesticides were applied to runoff, using a Solo backpack sprayer (Model No. 425) with a flat-fan nozzle at approximately 30 psi pressure. Leaf wetness and temperature were measured in an apple orchard 0.3 mi from the strawberry plot, using a CR-10 micrologger and appropriate sensors (Campbell Scientific, Logan, UT). Tar-nished plant bug (TPB) populations were monitored weekly by tapping 10 fruit clusters per subplot into a white plastic dish and counting the number of TPB nymphs. The action threshold for insecticide spraying in the modeldriven treatment was a mean count of 0.5 nymphs/cluster. Ripe fruit were picked by hand, counted, and weighed one to three times/wk. At each picking, damaged berries were classed by the probable source of damage, and these classes were counted and weighed

    Risk factors for vulnerable youth in urban townships in South Africa: the potential contribution of reactive attachment disorder

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    Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is a psychiatric disorder developing in early or middle childhood as a consequence of significant failures in the caregiving environment. RAD results in children failing to relate socially, either by exhibiting markedly inhibited behaviour or by indiscriminate social behaviour and is associated with significant socio-behavioural problems in the longer term. This study examined RAD in South Africa, a setting with high environmental risks. We recruited a sub-sample of 40 10-year-old children from a cohort enrolled during pregnancy for whom early attachment status was known. Children were purposefully selected to represent the four attachment categories using the data available on the strange situation procedure (SSP) at 18 months. The Manchester Child Attachment Story Task (MCAST) assessed current attachment and RAD was diagnosed using a standardised assessment package. A high proportion of the children (5/40% or 12.5%) fulfilled diagnostic criteria for RAD; all were boys and were displaying the disinhibited type. SSP classification at 18 months was not significantly associated with RAD symptoms at age of 10 years, while current MCAST classifications were. This suggests that children in this sample are at much higher risk of RAD than in high-income populations, and despite a fairly typical attachment distribution in this population at 18 months, RAD was evidenced in later childhood and associated with current attachment disorganisation. The strengths of this research include its longitudinal nature and use of diagnostic assessments. Given increasing evidence that RAD is relatively stable over time and introduces longer term socio-behavioural risks; the high rate of RAD in this sample (12.5%) highlights potential developmental threats to children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Our results should be interpreted with caution given sample size and risk of selection bias. Further research is needed to confirm these findings

    Hopf Structure and Green Ansatz of Deformed Parastatistics Algebras

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    Deformed parabose and parafermi algebras are revised and endowed with Hopf structure in a natural way. The noncocommutative coproduct allows for construction of parastatistics Fock-like representations, built out of the simplest deformed bose and fermi representations. The construction gives rise to quadratic algebras of deformed anomalous commutation relations which define the generalized Green ansatz.Comment: 14 pages, final versio

    Maximally Causal Quantum Mechanics

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    We present a new causal quantum mechanics in one and two dimensions developed recently at TIFR by this author and V. Singh. In this theory both position and momentum for a system point have Hamiltonian evolution in such a way that the ensemble of system points leads to position and momentum probability densities agreeing exactly with ordinary quantum mechanics.Comment: 7 pages,latex,no figures,to appear in Praman

    Fully nonlocal quantum correlations

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    Quantum mechanics is a nonlocal theory, but not as nonlocal as the no-signalling principle allows. However, there exist quantum correlations that exhibit maximal nonlocality: they are as nonlocal as any non-signalling correlations and thus have a local content, quantified by the fraction pLp_L of events admitting a local description, equal to zero. Exploiting the link between the Kochen-Specker and Bell's theorems, we derive, from every Kochen-Specker proof, Bell inequalities maximally violated by quantum correlations. We then show that these Bell inequalities lead to experimental bounds on the local content of quantum correlations which are significantly better than those based on other constructions. We perform the experimental demonstration of a Bell test originating from the Peres-Mermin Kochen-Specker proof, providing an upper bound on the local content pL≲0.22p_L\lesssim 0.22.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures and three tables. To appear in PR
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