624 research outputs found

    JPL Energy Consumption Program (ECP) documentation: A computer model simulating heating, cooling and energy loads in buildings

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    The engineering manual provides a complete companion documentation about the structure of the main program and subroutines, the preparation of input data, the interpretation of output results, access and use of the program, and the detailed description of all the analytic, logical expressions and flow charts used in computations and program structure. A numerical example is provided and solved completely to show the sequence of computations followed. The program is carefully structured to reduce both user's time and costs without sacrificing accuracy. The user would expect a cost of CPU time of approximately $5.00 per building zone excluding printing costs. The accuracy, on the other hand, measured by deviation of simulated consumption from watt-hour meter readings, was found by many simulation tests not to exceed + or - 10 percent margin

    Expression of NM23 in human melanoma progression and metastasis.

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    NM23 is a putative metastasis-suppressor gene for some human cancers. Here we have studied NM23 expression during melanoma progression using Northern blotting and immunocytochemistry. There was no significant difference in the average amounts of NM23 mRNA between cell lines derived from metastatic and primary melanomas. The level of NM23 mRNA was also determined for three pairs of poorly metastatic parental (P) and their highly metastatic variant (M) cell lines; the ratios for M/P were 1.2, 0.98 and 0.80. Next we used immunocytochemistry to study NM23 protein in normal skin, benign naevi and primary and metastatic melanomas. Melanocytes in all normal skin and benign samples were positive for NM23; however most primary melanomas (7/11) were not stained by the antibody. All metastatic melanoma samples (5/5) were positively stained. Findings were similar with an antiserum reactive with both forms of NM23 (H1 and H2), and with an antibody specific for NM23-H1. No relationship was apparent between NM23 immunoreactivity in primary tumours and their aggressiveness or prognosis. Hence, in contrast to the situation described for murine melanoma, the amount of NM23 mRNA or protein in human melanoma did not correlate inversely with metastasis

    Magnetic record of deglaciation using FORC-PCA, sortable-silt grain size, and magnetic excursion at 26 ka, from the Rockall Trough (NE Atlantic)

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    Core MD04-2822 from the Rockall Trough has apparent sedimentation rates of āˆ¼ 1 m/kyr during the last deglaciation (Termination I). Component magnetization directions indicate a magnetic excursion at 16.3 m depth in the core, corresponding to an age of 26.5 ka, implying an excursion duration of āˆ¼350 years. Across Termination I, the mean grain size of sortable silt implies reduced bottom-current velocity in the Younger Dryas and Heinrich Stadial (HS)āˆ’1A, and increased velocities during the BĆølling-AllerĆød warm period. Standard bulk magnetic parameters imply fining of magnetic grain size from the mid-Younger Dryas (āˆ¼12 ka) until āˆ¼ 8 ka. First-order reversal curves (FORCs) were analyzed using ridge extraction to differentiate single domain (SD) from background (detrital) components. Principal component analysis (FORC-PCA) was then used to discriminate three end members corresponding to SD, pseudo-single domain (PSD), and multidomain (MD) magnetite. The fining of bulk magnetic grain size from 12 to 8 ka is due to reduction in concentration of detrital (PSDā€‰+ā€‰MD) magnetite, superimposed on a relatively uniform concentration of SD magnetite produced by magnetotactic bacteria. The decrease in PSD+MD magnetite concentration from 12 to 8 ka is synchronized with increase in benthic Ī“13C, and with major (āˆ¼70 m) regional sea-level rise, and may therefore be related to detrital sources on the shelf that had reduced influence as sea level rose, and to bottom-water reorganization as Northern Source Water (NSW) replaced Southern Source Water (SSW)

    KCDC - The KASCADE Cosmic-ray Data Centre

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    KCDC, the KASCADE Cosmic-ray Data Centre, is a web portal, where data of astroparticle physics experiments will be made available for the interested public. The KASCADE experiment, financed by public money, was a large-area detector for the measurement of high-energy cosmic rays via the detection of air showers. KASCADE and its extension KASCADE-Grande stopped finally the active data acquisition of all its components including the radio EAS experiment LOPES end of 2012 after more than 20 years of data taking. In a first release, with KCDC we provide to the public the measured and reconstructed parameters of more than 160 million air showers. In addition, KCDC provides the conceptional design, how the data can be treated and processed so that they are also usable outside the community of experts in the research field. Detailed educational examples make a use also possible for high-school students and early stage researchers.Comment: 8 pages, accepted proceeding of the ECRS-symposium, Kiel, 201

    RelaÅ£ia dintre conÅ£inutul Ć®n macroelemente al solului şi plantei, la unele soiuri de prun

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    The minerals requirements of different species are related to the species biological feature and even depend on the every varieties characteristic feature. In this context, this article is focused on the determination of some correlation between soil and plant mineral content with a view to assure an equilibrate nutrients supply during the vegetation period. The soil supply with minerals was slightly different for the three analyzed plum cultivars (Rivers timpuriu, Stanley, Centenar), but generally, the soil had a good supply with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The content of minerals on different organs had variable limits: 9.04 to 12.67% - leaves; 4.54 to 5.14% - fruits; 4.89 to 8.12% - shoots of 1 year old and 4.89 to 8.12% - shoots of 2 years old. The highest average content of minerals in the 4 organs analyzed was determined for the flowering phenophase (6.70%) and the average content of minerals for the organs analyzed in the three phenophases ranged between 6.02% (Centenar cv.) and 7.82% (Stanley cv.). For leaves, the lowest content of minerals was determined in August, during trees entrance in the dormancy perio
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