2,043 research outputs found

    Rapid consolidation of powdered materials by induction hot pressing

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    A rapid hot press system in which the heat is supplied by RF induction to rapidly consolidate thermoelectric materials is described. Use of RF induction heating enables rapid heating and consolidation of powdered materials over a wide temperature range. Such rapid consolidation in nanomaterials is typically performed by spark plasma sintering (SPS) which can be much more expensive. Details of the system design, instrumentation, and performance using a thermoelectric material as an example are reported. The Seebeck coefficient, electrical resistivity, and thermal diffusivity of thermoelectric PbTe material pressed at an optimized temperature and time in this system are shown to agree with material consolidated under typical consolidation parameters

    Low effective mass leading to high thermoelectric performance

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    High Seebeck coefficient by creating large density-of-states effective mass through either electronic structure modification or manipulating nanostructures is commonly considered as a route to advanced thermoelectrics. However, large density-of-state due to flat bands leads to large transport effective mass, which results in a simultaneous decrease of mobility. In fact, the net effect of such a high effective mass is a lower thermoelectric figure of merit, zT, when the carriers are predominantly scattered by phonons according to the deformation potential theory of Bardeen–Shockley. We demonstrate that the beneficial effect of light effective mass contributes to high zT in n-type thermoelectric PbTe, where doping and temperature can be used to tune the effective mass. This clear demonstration of the deformation potential theory to thermoelectrics shows that the guiding principle for band structure engineering should be low effective mass along the transport direction

    Weak electron–phonon coupling contributing to high thermoelectric performance in n-type PbSe

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    PbSe is a surprisingly good thermoelectric material due, in part, to its low thermal conductivity that had been overestimated in earlier measurements. The thermoelectric figure of merit, zT, can exceed 1 at high temperatures in both p-type and n-type PbSe, similar to that found in PbTe. While the p-type lead chalcogenides (PbSe and PbTe) benefit from the high valley degeneracy (12 or more at high temperature) of the valence band, the n-type versions are limited to a valley degeneracy of 4 in the conduction band. Yet the n-type lead chalcogenides achieve a zT nearly as high as the p-type lead chalcogenides. This effect can be attributed to the weaker electron–phonon coupling (lower deformation potential coefficient) in the conduction band as compared with that in the valence band, which leads to higher mobility of electrons compared to that of holes. This study of PbSe illustrates the importance of the deformation potential coefficient of the charge-carrying band as one of several key parameters to consider for band structure engineering and the search for high performance thermoelectric materials

    A Study to Determine the Feasibility of Establishing a Dual Marketing/Business Education Teacher Certification Curriculum in Virginia Colleges and Universities

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    The following questions were established to guide this research: What should the requirements for teacher certification in marketing education be? What should the requirements for teacher certification in business education be? Can the two certification requirements be combined into one teacher education program

    The Basis Risk of Catastrophic-Loss Index Securities

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    This paper analyzes the basis risk of catastrophic-loss (CAT) index derivatives, which securitize losses from catastrophic events such as hurricanes and earthquakes. We analyze the hedging effectiveness of these instruments for 255 insurers writing 93 percent of the insured residential property values in Florida, the state most severely affected by exposure to hurricanes. County-level losses are simulated for each insurer using a sophisticated model developed by Applied Insurance Research. We analyze basis risk by measuring the effectiveness of hedge portfolios, consisting of a short position each insurer's own catastrophic losses and a long position in CAT-index call spreads, in reducing insurer loss volatility, value-at-risk, and expected losses above specified thresholds. Two types of loss indices are used -- a statewide index based on insurance losses in four quadrants of the state. The principal finding is that firms in the three largest Florida market-share quartiles can hedge almost as effectively using the intra-state index contracts as they can using contracts that settle on their own losses. Hedging with the statewide contracts is effective only for insurers with the largest market shares and for smaller insurers that are highly diversified throughout the state. The results also support the agency-theoretic hypotheses that mutual insurers are more diversified than stocks and that unaffiliated single firms are more diversified than insurers that are members of groups.

    Reevaluation of PbTe_(1−x)I_x as high performance n-type thermoelectric material

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    Thermoelectric transport properties of n-type PbTe_(1−x)I_x with carrier concentrations ranging from 5.8 × 10^(18)–1.4 × 10^(20) cm^(−3) are reinvestigated from room temperature to 800 K. The electronic transport properties, resistivity and Seebeck coefficient in this study are effectively consistent with prior reports, however the thermal conductivity has been found to be historically overestimated. The reassessment of the thermal transport properties, in combination with careful control of the carrier density by iodine doping, reveals a significantly larger figure of merit, zT ~ 1.4, than often previously reported for n-type PbTe. The results and analysis of the data from this study lead to a redetermination of zT for this historical thermoelectric material and provide a renewed interest in n-type PbTe based materials

    Processing parameters in laser powder bed fusion metal additive manufacturing

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    JPO acknowledges Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT - MCTES) for its financial support via the projects UIDB/00667/2020 and UIDB/50025/2020 .As metallic additive manufacturing grew in sophistication, users have requested greater control over the systems, namely the ability to fully change the process parameters. The goal of this manuscript is to review the effects of major process parameters on build quality (porosity, residual stress, and composition changes) and materials properties (microstructure and microsegregation), and to serve as a guide on how these parameters may be modified to achieve specific design goals for a given part. The focus of this paper is on laser powder bed fusion, but elements can be applied to electron beam powder bed fusion or direct energy deposition techniques.publishersversionpublishe

    Seidel elements and mirror transformations

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    The goal of this article is to give a precise relation between the mirror symmetry transformation of Givental and the Seidel elements for a smooth projective toric variety XX with −KX-K_X nef. We show that the Seidel elements entirely determine the mirror transformation and mirror coordinates.Comment: 36 pages. We corrected several issues as pointed out by the refere

    Thermopower enhancement in Pb_(1−x)Mn_xTe alloys and its effect on thermoelectric efficiency

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    The Seebeck coefficient of p-type PbTe can be enhanced at 300 K, either due to the addition of Tl-resonant states or by manipulation of the multiple valence bands by alloying with isovalent compounds, such as MgTe. PbTe alloyed with MnTe shows a similar thermopower enhancement that could be due to either mechanism. Here we investigate the characteristics that distinguish the resonant state mechanism from that due to multiple valence bands and their effect on the thermoelectric figure of merit, zT. Ultimately, we find that the transport properties of PbTe alloyed with MnTe can be explained by alloy scattering and multiple band model that result in a zT as high as 1.6 at 700 K, and additionally a ~30% enhancement of the average zT

    A second reported malignancy in a patient with Morquio syndrome

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    Morquio syndrome is a rare lysosomal storage disease that affects multiple organ systems. However, it is rarely associated with malignancy. We present the case of a 30-year old man with Morquio syndrome associated with gastric adenocarcinoma. This case also demonstrates two other findings that have not been previously described in patients with Morquio syndrome - malrotation of brainstem and cerebellum, without clinical neurologic deficit, and persistence of fetal lobulation in the kidney
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