7,632 research outputs found

    Feedback mapping - The curricular cornerstone of an "educational alliance".

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    PURPOSE: The "educational alliance" concept articulates a collaborative framework to facilitate effective feedback through transparency of opportunities aligned with learner stage and intended educational outcomes. Using this framework, we evaluated feedback across a 5 year undergraduate medical program to support embedding a successful learner - teacher "educational alliance". METHOD: A comprehensive mapping exercise used an iterative action research process of source documentary analysis, consultations with key curriculum stakeholders and qualitative analysis. The "educational alliance" model provided a critical lens through which to ensure feedback opportunities aligned with intended learning outcomes and developmental progression. RESULTS: Key information about the type, frequency and timing of feedback opportunities was identified within 188 curricular components. The purpose and intended learning outcomes were mapped, aligning with the stage of learning and with an expectation of supporting learners' capacity for self-regulation. This focus providing clear articulation of feedback opportunities supported the longitudinal developmental curricular review, and facilitated enhanced awareness of dialogic feedback within the "educational alliance". CONCLUSIONS: Explicit alignment of learning intentions between learner and educator is key to forming a successful "educational alliance". The feedback map provides clarity ensuring mutual understanding of intended learning outcomes. The iterative process additionally certified feedback aligned with maturing learner developmental needs across the program

    A new method for monitoring global volcanic activity

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    The ERTS Data Collection System makes it feasible for the first time to monitor the level of activity at widely separated volcanoes and to relay these data rapidly to one central office for analysis. While prediction of specific eruptions is still an evasive goal, early warning of a reawakening of quiescent volcanoes is now a distinct possibility. A prototypical global volcano surveillance system was established under the ERTS program. Instruments were installed in cooperation with local scientists on 15 volcanoes in Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, California, Iceland, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. The sensors include 19 seismic event counters that count four different sizes of earthquakes and six biaxial borehole tiltmeters that measure ground tilt with a resolution of 1 microradian. Only seismic and tilt data are collected because these have been shown in the past to indicate most reliably the level of volcano activity at many different volcanoes. Furthermore, these parameters can be measured relatively easily with new instrumentation

    Religiosity and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Latina Adolescents: Trends from 1995 to 2008

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine trends in the influence of religiosity on sexual activity of Latina adolescents in the United States from 1995 to 2008 and to determine if differences existed between the Mexican American and other Latina groups. Methods: The sample comprised the subset of unmarried, 15–21-year-old (mean 17 years) Latina female respondents in the 1995 (n=267), 2002 (n=306), and 2006–2008 (n=400) National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) datasets. Associations between religiosity (importance of religion and service attendance) and history of ever having sex, number of sex partners, and age of sexual debut were investigated. Results: Less than one half of Latinas in 1995 (44%) and in 2006–2008 (44%) reported that religion was very important to them, whereas in 2002, 50% reported it was important. Only in 1995 did Latinas who viewed religion as very important have a significantly lower level of sexual initiation. In 1995 and in 2006–2008, Latinas who held religion as very important had significantly fewer partners. In all three cohorts, the higher religious importance group had higher virgin survival rates. Across cohorts, approximately one third of respondents reported frequent religious attendance. In all cohorts, frequent attenders were less likely to have had sex, had fewer partners, and had older age at sexual debut. The survival rate as virgins for Mexican origin Latinas was higher in 1995 and 2002 compared to non-Mexican Latinas but was almost the same in 2006–2008. Conclusions: Religiosity had a protective association with sexual activity among Latina adolescents. The association of importance of religion with sexual activity has diminished from 1995 to 2008, however, whereas the importance of service attendance has remained stable. The influence of religion was more apparent among the Latinas of Mexican origin, but this greater influence also diminished by 2006–2008

    Medical Student Perceptions of Feedback and Feedback Behaviors Within the Context of the “Educational Alliance”

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    Purpose: Using the "educational alliance" as a conceptual framework, the authors explored medical students' beliefs about feedback and how their feedback behaviors reflect their perceptions. Method: Five focus groups (four to six medical students each) at one UK medical school in 2015 were used to capture and elucidate learners' feedback perceptions and behaviors within the context of the learner-educator relationship. A map of key feedback opportunities across the program was used as a tool for exploring student engagement with the feedback process. Qualitative data were analyzed using an approach based on grounded theory principles. Results: Three learner feedback behaviors emerged: recognizing, using, and seeking feedback. Five core themes influencing these behaviors were generated: learner beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions; relationships; teacher attributes; mode of feedback; and learning culture. Conceptual models illustrating the relationships between the themes and each behavior were developed. Learning culture influenced all three behaviors with a wide context of influences. Conclusions: Ensuring that feedback leads to improved performance requires more than training educators in best practices. The conceptual models support the educational alliance framework and illustrate the context and complexity of learning culture surrounding the educational relationship, learner, and feedback exchange. The educational alliance approach is underpinned by a mutual understanding of purpose and responsibility. Enhancing learners' feedback literacy skills seems to be the key aspect of the educational alliance in need of attention. Empowering learners to recognize, seek, and use feedback received within diverse learning cultures is essential
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