987 research outputs found

    Atmospheric Dynamics of Short-period Extra Solar Gas Giant Planets I: Dependence of Night-Side Temperature on Opacity

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    More than two dozen short-period Jupiter-mass gas giant planets have been discovered around nearby solar-type stars in recent years, several of which undergo transits, making them ideal for the detection and characterization of their atmospheres. Here we adopt a three-dimensional radiative hydrodynamical numerical scheme to simulate atmospheric circulation on close-in gas giant planets. In contrast to the conventional GCM and shallow water algorithms, this method does not assume quasi hydrostatic equilibrium and it approximates radiation transfer from optically thin to thick regions with flux-limited diffusion. In the first paper of this series, we consider synchronously-spinning gas giants. We show that a full three-dimensional treatment, coupled with rotationally modified flows and an accurate treatment of radiation, yields a clear temperature transition at the terminator. Based on a series of numerical simulations with varying opacities, we show that the night-side temperature is a strong indicator of the opacity of the planetary atmosphere. Planetary atmospheres that maintain large, interstellar opacities will exhibit large day-night temperature differences, while planets with reduced atmospheric opacities due to extensive grain growth and sedimentation will exhibit much more uniform temperatures throughout their photosphere's. In addition to numerical results, we present a four-zone analytic approximation to explain this dependence.Comment: 35 Pages, 13 Figure

    Tidal Barrier and the Asymptotic Mass of Proto Gas-Giant Planets

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    Extrasolar planets found with radial velocity surveys have masses ranging from several Earth to several Jupiter masses. While mass accretion onto protoplanetary cores in weak-line T-Tauri disks may eventually be quenched by a global depletion of gas, such a mechanism is unlikely to have stalled the growth of some known planetary systems which contain relatively low-mass and close-in planets along with more massive and longer period companions. Here, we suggest a potential solution for this conundrum. In general, supersonic infall of surrounding gas onto a protoplanet is only possible interior to both of its Bondi and Roche radii. At a critical mass, a protoplanet's Bondi and Roche radii are equal to the disk thickness. Above this mass, the protoplanets' tidal perturbation induces the formation of a gap. Although the disk gas may continue to diffuse into the gap, the azimuthal flux across the protoplanets' Roche lobe is quenched. Using two different schemes, we present the results of numerical simulations and analysis to show that the accretion rate increases rapidly with the ratio of the protoplanet's Roche to Bondi radii or equivalently to the disk thickness. In regions with low geometric aspect ratios, gas accretion is quenched with relatively low protoplanetary masses. This effect is important for determining the gas-giant planets' mass function, the distribution of their masses within multiple planet systems around solar type stars, and for suppressing the emergence of gas-giants around low mass stars

    On disc driven inward migration of resonantly coupled planets with application to the system around GJ876

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    We consider two protoplanets gravitationally interacting with each other and a protoplanetary disc. The two planets orbit interior to a tidally maintained disc cavity while the disc interaction indices inward migration. When the migration is slow enough, the more rapidly migrating outer protoplanet approaches and becomes locked in a 2:1 commensurability with the inner one. This is maintained in subsequent evolution. We study this evolution using a simple anaytic model, full hydrodynamic 2D simulations of the disc planet system and longer time N body integrations incorporating simple prescriptions for the effect of the disc on the planet orbits. The eccentricity of the protoplanets are found to be determined by the migration rate induced in the outer planet orbit by the external disc. We apply our results to the recently discovered resonant planets around GJ876. Simulation shows that a disc with parameters expected for protoplanetary discs causes trapping in the 2:1 commensurability when the planets orbit in an inner cavity and that eccentricities in the observed range may be obtained.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to A&A on 30/03/200

    On the observability of bow shocks of Galactic runaway OB stars

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    Massive stars that have been ejected from their parent cluster and supersonically sailing away through the interstellar medium (ISM) are classified as exiled. They generate circumstellar bow shock nebulae that can be observed. We present two-dimensional, axisymmetric hydrodynamical simulations of a representative sample of stellar wind bow shocks from Galactic OB stars in an ambient medium of densities ranging from n_ISM=0.01 up to 10.0/cm3. Independently of their location in the Galaxy, we confirm that the infrared is the most appropriated waveband to search for bow shocks from massive stars. Their spectral energy distribution is the convenient tool to analyze them since their emission does not depend on the temporary effects which could affect unstable, thin-shelled bow shocks. Our numerical models of Galactic bow shocks generated by high-mass (~40 Mo) runaway stars yield Hα\alpha fluxes which could be observed by facilities such as the SuperCOSMOS H-Alpha Survey. The brightest bow shock nebulae are produced in the denser regions of the ISM. We predict that bow shocks in the field observed at Ha by means of Rayleigh-sensitive facilities are formed around stars of initial mass larger than about 20 Mo. Our models of bow shocks from OB stars have the emission maximum in the wavelength range 3 <= lambda <= 50 micrometer which can be up to several orders of magnitude brighter than the runaway stars themselves, particularly for stars of initial mass larger than 20 Mo.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures. Accepted to MNRAS (2016

    The Vertical Structure of Planet-induced Gaps in Proto-Planetary Discs

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    Giant planets embedded in circumstellar discs are expected to open gaps in these discs. We examine the vertical structure of the gap edges. We find that the planet excites spiral arms with significant (Mach number of a half) vertical motion of the gas, and discuss the implications of these motions. In particular, the spiral arms will induce strong vertical stirring of the dust, making the edge appeared `puffed up' relative to the bulk of the disc. Infra-red observations (sensitive to dust) would be dominated by the light from the thick inner edge of the disc. Sub-millimetre observations (sensitive to gas velocities) would appear to be hot in `turbulent' motions (actually the ordered motion caused by the passage of the spiral arms), but cold in chemistry. Resolved sub-millimetre maps of circumstellar discs might even be able to detect the spiral arms directly.Comment: Revision adds new data, and corrects physical intepretatio

    3D-MHD simulations of an accretion disk with star-disk boundary layer

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    We present global 3D MHD simulations of geometrically thin but unstratified accretion disks in which a near Keplerian disk rotates between two bounding regions with initial rotation profiles that are stable to the MRI. The inner region models the boundary layer between the disk and an assumed more slowly rotating central, non magnetic star. We investigate the dynamical evolution of this system in response to initial vertical and toroidal fields imposed in a variety of domains contained within the near Keplerian disk. Cases with both non zero and zero net magnetic flux are considered and sustained dynamo activity found in runs for up to fifty orbital periods at the outer boundary of the near Keplerian disk. Simulations starting from fields with small radial scale and with zero net flux lead to the lowest levels of turbulence and smoothest variation of disk mean state variables. For our computational set up, average values of the Shakura & Sunyaev (1973) α\alpha parameter in the Keplerian disk are typically 0.004±\pm 0.002. Magnetic field eventually always diffuses into the boundary layer resulting in the build up of toroidal field inward angular momentum transport and the accretion of disk material. The mean radial velocity, while exhibiting large temporal fluctuations is always subsonic. Simulations starting with net toroidal flux may yield an average α∌0.04.\alpha \sim 0.04. While being characterized by one order of magnitude larger average α\alpha, simulations starting from vertical fields with large radial scale and net flux may lead to the formation of persistent non-homogeneous, non-axisymmetric magnetically dominated regions of very low density.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Dynamical evolution and leading order gravitational wave emission of Riemann-S binaries

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    An approximate strategy for studying the evolution of binary systems of extended objects is introduced. The stars are assumed to be polytropic ellipsoids. The surfaces of constant density maintain their ellipsoidal shape during the time evolution. The equations of hydrodynamics then reduce to a system of ordinary differential equations for the internal velocities, the principal axes of the stars and the orbital parameters. The equations of motion are given within Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism. The special case when both stars are axially symmetric fluid configurations is considered. Leading order gravitational radiation reaction is incorporated, where the quasi-static approximation is applied to the internal degrees of freedom of the stars. The influence of the stellar parameters, in particular the influence of the polytropic index nn, on the leading order gravitational waveforms is studied.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures, typos correcte

    Orbital Migration and Mass Accretion of Protoplanets in 3D Global Computations with Nested Grids

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    We investigate the evolution of protoplanets with different masses embedded in an accretion disk, via global fully three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations. We consider a range of planetary masses extending from one and a half Earth's masses up to one Jupiter's mass, and we take into account physically realistic gravitational potentials of forming planets. In order to calculate accurately the gravitational torques exerted by disk material and to investigate the accretion process onto the planet, the flow dynamics has to be thoroughly resolved on long as well as short length scales. We achieve this strict resolution requirement by applying a nested-grid refinement technique which allows to greatly enhance the local resolution. Our results from altogether 51 simulations show that for large planetary masses, approximately above a tenth of the Jupiter's mass, migration rates are relatively constant, as expected in type II migration regime and in good agreement with previous two-dimensional calculations. In a range between seven and fifteen Earth's masses, we find a dependency of the migration speed on the planetary mass that yields time scales considerably longer than those predicted by linear analytical theories. This property may be important in determining the overall orbital evolution of protoplanets. The growth time scale is minimum around twenty Earth-masses, but it rapidly increases for both smaller and larger mass values. Significant differences between two- and three-dimensional calculations are found in particular for objects with masses smaller than ten Earth-masses. We also derive an analytical approximation for the numerically computed mass growth rates.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures. To appear in The Astrophysical Journal vol.586 (March 20, 2003 issue

    Causal Viscosity in Accretion Disc Boundary Layers

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    The structure of the boundary layer region between the disc and a comparatively slowly rotating star is studied using a causal prescription for viscosity. The vertically integrated viscous stress relaxes towards its equilibrium value on a relaxation timescale τ\tau, which naturally yields a finite speed of propagation for viscous information. For a standard alpha prescription with alpha in the range 0.1-0.01, and ratio of viscous speed to sound speed in the range 0.02-0.5, details in the boundary layer are strongly affected by the causality constraint. We study both steady state polytropic models and time dependent models, taking into account energy dissipation and transport. Steady state solutions are always subviscous with a variety of Ω\Omega profiles which may exhibit near discontinuities. For alpha =0.01 and small viscous speeds, the boundary layer adjusted to a near steady state. A long wavelength oscillation generated by viscous overstability could be seen at times near the outer boundary. Being confined there, the boundary layer remained almost stationary. However, for alpha =0.1 and large viscous speeds, short wavelength disturbances were seen throughout which could significantly affect the power output in the boundary layer. This could be potentially important in producing time dependent behaviour in accreting systems such as CVs and protostars.Comment: 10 LateX pages, requires lamuphys.sty and psfig.sty, 3 figures included, to appear in the Proceedings of the EARA Workshop on Accretion Disks (Garching, Oct. 96), Lecture Notes in Physic
