26 research outputs found

    Distortion of meteor count rates due to cosmic radio noise and atmospheric particularities

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    The determination of the meteoroid flux is still a scientifically challenging task. This paper focusses on the impact of extraterrestrial noise sources as well as atmospheric phenomena on the observation of specular meteor echoes. The effect of cosmic radio noise on the meteor detection process is estimated by computing the relative difference between radio loud and radio quiet areas and comparing the monthly averaged meteor flux for fixed signal-to-noise ratios or fixed electron line density measurements. Related to the cosmic radio noise is the influence of D-layer absorption or interference with sporadic E-layers, which can lead to apparent day-to-day variation of the meteor flux of 15–20%

    Long-term variability of mean winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere at low latitudes

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    Long-term variations of monthly mean zonal and meridional winds in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (MLT) at low-latitudes are analyzed using four medium frequency (MF) radars and three meteor radars located in the Asia-Oceania region. Radar data taken at close-by latitudes are appended to construct long-term data sets. With this, we have long-term data from five distinct latitudes within ±22° (viz., 22°N, ∼9°N, 0–2°N, 6–7°S and 21°S). The data length varies at different latitudes and spans a maximum of two decades during 1990–2010. The zonal winds show semiannual oscillation (SAO) at all locations with westward (eastward) winds during equinoxes (solstices). The month height pattern of SAO is similar within ±9° and is different at ±22°. The westward winds in the March equinox were enhanced every two or three years during 1990–2002. We define this phenomenon as Mesospheric Quasi-Biennial Enhancement (MQBE). Such signature is not clear after 2002. The meridional winds show annual oscillation (AO), with northward and southward winds during the December and June solstices, respectively. However, the timing at which the wind direction changes does not coincide at all latitudes. The amplitude of the AO is enhanced after 2004 and 2008 at ∼9°N and ∼7°S, respectively. Orthogonal components of SAO and AO are detected with persistent phase relation, which suggests that the zonal and meridional winds are coupled. The meridional winds show long-term trends at latitudes of ∼9°N and ∼6–7°S, but not at other latitudes. The zonal winds do not show significant long-term trends.N. Venkateswara Rao, T. Tsuda, D. M. Riggin, S. Gurubaran, I. M. Reid, and R. A. Vincen

    Global Dynamics of the MLT

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    Long-term variations of the mesospheric wind field at mid-latitudes

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    Abstract. Continuous MF radar observations at the station Juliusruh (54.6 â—¦ N; 13.4 â—¦ E) have been analysed for the time interval between 1990 and 2005, to obtain information about solar activity-induced variations, as well as long-term trends in the mesospheric wind field. Using monthly median values of the zonal and the meridional prevailing wind components, as well as of the amplitude of the semidiurnal tide, regression analyses have been carried out with a dependence on solar activity and time. The solar activity causes a significant amplification of the zonal winds during summer (increasing easterly winds) and winter (increasing westerly winds). The meridional wind component is positively correlated with the solar activity during summer but during winter the correlation is very small and non significant. Also, the solar influence upon the amplitude of the semidiurnal tidal componen