18,342 research outputs found

    The Highly Oscillatory Behavior of Automorphic Distributions for SL(2)

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    Automorphic distributions for SL(2) arise as boundary values of modular forms and, in a more subtle manner, from Maass forms. In the case of modular forms of weight one or of Maass forms, the automorphic distributions have continuous first antiderivatives. We recall earlier results of one of us on the Holder continuity of these continuous functions and relate them to results of other authors; this involves a generalization of classical theorems on Fourier series by S. Bernstein and Hardy-Littlewood. We then show that the antiderivatives are non-differentiable at all irrational points, as well as all, or in certain cases, some rational points. We include graphs of several of these functions, which clearly display a high degree of oscillation. Our investigations are motivated in part by properties of "Riemann's nondifferentiable function", also known as "Weierstrass' function".Comment: 27 pages, 6 Figures; version 2 corrects misprints and updates reference

    On the arithmetic of Krull monoids with infinite cyclic class group

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    Let HH be a Krull monoid with infinite cyclic class group GG and let GPGG_P \subset G denote the set of classes containing prime divisors. We study under which conditions on GPG_P some of the main finiteness properties of factorization theory--such as local tameness, the finiteness and rationality of the elasticity, the structure theorem for sets of lengths, the finiteness of the catenary degree, and the existence of monotone and of near monotone chains of factorizations--hold in HH. In many cases, we derive explicit characterizations

    Adiabatic pumping through a quantum dot in the Kondo regime: Exact results at the Toulouse limit

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    Transport properties of ultrasmall quantum dots with a single unpaired electron are commonly modeled by the nonequilibrium Kondo model, describing the exchange interaction of a spin-1/2 local moment with two leads of noninteracting electrons. Remarkably, the model possesses an exact solution when tuned to a special manifold in its parameter space known as the Toulouse limit. We use the Toulouse limit to exactly calculate the adiabatically pumped spin current in the Kondo regime. In the absence of both potential scattering and a voltage bias, the instantaneous charge current is strictly zero for a generic Kondo model. However, a nonzero spin current can be pumped through the system in the presence of a finite magnetic field, provided the spin couples asymmetrically to the two leads. Tunneling through a Kondo impurity thus offers a natural mechanism for generating a pure spin current. We show, in particular, that one can devise pumping cycles along which the average spin pumped per cycle is closely equal to \hbar. By analogy with Brouwer's formula for noninteracting systems with two driven parameters, the pumped spin current is expressed as a geometrical property of a scattering matrix. However, the relevant %Alex: I replaced topological with geometrical in the sentence above scattering matrix that enters the formulation pertains to the Majorana fermions that appear at the Toulouse limit rather than the physical electrons that carry the current. These results are obtained by combining the nonequilibrium Keldysh Green function technique with a systematic gradient expansion, explicitly exposing the small parameter controlling the adiabatic limit.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, revised versio

    A variational framework for flow optimization using semi-norm constraints

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    When considering a general system of equations describing the space-time evolution (flow) of one or several variables, the problem of the optimization over a finite period of time of a measure of the state variable at the final time is a problem of great interest in many fields. Methods already exist in order to solve this kind of optimization problem, but sometimes fail when the constraint bounding the state vector at the initial time is not a norm, meaning that some part of the state vector remains unbounded and might cause the optimization procedure to diverge. In order to regularize this problem, we propose a general method which extends the existing optimization framework in a self-consistent manner. We first derive this framework extension, and then apply it to a problem of interest. Our demonstration problem considers the transient stability properties of a one-dimensional (in space) averaged turbulent model with a space- and time-dependent model "turbulent viscosity". We believe this work has a lot of potential applications in the fluid dynamics domain for problems in which we want to control the influence of separate components of the state vector in the optimization process.Comment: 30 page

    Entropic stochastic resonance: the constructive role of the unevenness

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    We demonstrate the existence of stochastic resonance (SR) in confined systems arising from entropy variations associated to the presence of irregular boundaries. When the motion of a Brownian particle is constrained to a region with uneven boundaries, the presence of a periodic input may give rise to a peak in the spectral amplification factor and therefore to the appearance of the SR phenomenon. We have proved that the amplification factor depends on the shape of the region through which the particle moves and that by adjusting its characteristic geometric parameters one may optimize the response of the system. The situation in which the appearance of such entropic stochastic resonance (ESR) occurs is common for small-scale systems in which confinement and noise play an prominent role. The novel mechanism found could thus constitute an important tool for the characterization of these systems and can put to use for controlling their basic properties.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Biased diffusion in confined media: Test of the Fick-Jacobs approximation and validity criteria

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    We study biased, diffusive transport of Brownian particles through narrow, spatially periodic structures in which the motion is constrained in lateral directions. The problem is analyzed under the perspective of the Fick-Jacobs equation which accounts for the effect of the lateral confinement by introducing an entropic barrier in a one dimensional diffusion. The validity of this approximation, being based on the assumption of an instantaneous equilibration of the particle distribution in the cross-section of the structure, is analyzed by comparing the different time scales that characterize the problem. A validity criterion is established in terms of the shape of the structure and of the applied force. It is analytically corroborated and verified by numerical simulations that the critical value of the force up to which this description holds true scales as the square of the periodicity of the structure. The criterion can be visualized by means of a diagram representing the regions where the Fick-Jacobs description becomes inaccurate in terms of the scaled force versus the periodicity of the structure.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Double Entropic Stochastic Resonance

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    We demonstrate the appearance of a purely entropic stochastic resonance (ESR) occurring in a geometrically confined system, where the irregular boundaries cause entropic barriers. The interplay between a periodic input signal, a constant bias and intrinsic thermal noise leads to a resonant ESR-phenomenon in which feeble signals become amplified. This new phenomenon is characterized by the presence of two peaks in the spectral amplification at corresponding optimal values of the noise strength. The main peak is associated with the manifest stochastic resonance synchronization mechanism involving the inter-well noise-activated dynamics while a second peak relates to a regime of optimal sensitivity for intra-well dynamics. The nature of ESR, occurring when the origin of the barrier is entropic rather than energetic, offers new perspectives for novel investigations and potential applications. ESR by itself presents yet another case where one constructively can harvest noise in driven nonequilibrium systems.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures ; Europhys. Lett., in press (2009

    Commensurate-Incommensurate Magnetic Phase Transition in Magnetoelectric Single Crystal LiNiPO4_4

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    Neutron scattering studies of single-crystal LiNiPO4_4 reveal a spontaneous first-order commensurate-incommensurate magnetic phase transition. Short- and long-range incommensurate phases are intermediate between the high temperature paramagnetic and the low temperature antiferromagnetic phases. The modulated structure has a predominant antiferromagnetic component, giving rise to satellite peaks in the vicinity of the fundamental antiferromagnetic Bragg reflection, and a ferromagnetic component giving rise to peaks at small momentum-transfers around the origin at (0,±Q,0)(0,\pm Q,0). The wavelength of the modulated magnetic structure varies continuously with temperature. It is argued that the incommensurate short- and long-range phases are due to spin-dimensionality crossover from a continuous to the discrete Ising state. These observations explain the anomalous first-order transition seen in the magnetoelectric effect of this system

    Raman Scattered He II λ\lambda 6545 Line in the Symbiotic Star V1016 Cygni

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    We present a spectrum of the symbiotic star V1016 Cyg observed with the 3.6 m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, in order to illustrate a method to measure the covering factor of the neutral scattering region around the giant component with respect to the hot emission region around the white dwarf component. In the spectrum, we find broad wings around Hα\alpha and a broad emission feature around 6545A˚{\rm \AA} that is blended with the [N II]λ \lambda 6548 line. These two features are proposed to be formed by Raman scattering by atomic hydrogen, where the incident radiation is proposed to be UV continuum radiation around Lyβ\beta in the former case and He II λ\lambda 1025 emission line arising from n=6n=2n=6\to n=2 transitions for the latter feature. We remove the Hα\alpha wings by a template Raman scattering wing profile and subtract the [N II] λ\lambda 6548 line using the 3 times stronger [N II] λ\lambda 6583 feature in order to isolate the He II Raman scattered 6545 \AA line. We obtain the flux ratio F6545/F6560=0.24F_{6545}/F_{6560}=0.24 of the He II λ\lambda 6560 emission line and the 6545 \AA feature for V1016 Cyg. Under the assumption that the He II emission from this object is isotropic, this ratio is converted to the ratio Φ6545/Φ1025=0.17\Phi_{6545}/\Phi_{1025}=0.17 of the number of the incident photons and that of the scattered photons. This implies that the scattering region with H I column density NHI1020cm2N_{HI}\ge 10^{20}{\rm cm^{-2}} covers 17 per cent of the emission region. By combining the presumed binary period 100\sim 100 yrs of this system we infer that a significant fraction of the slow stellar wind from the Mira component is ionized and that the scattering region around the Mira extends a few tens of AU, which is closely associated with the mass loss process of the Mira component.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap