1,985 research outputs found

    The Management and Security Expert (MASE)

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    The Management and Security Expert (MASE) is a distributed expert system that monitors the operating systems and applications of a network. It is capable of gleaning the information provided by the different operating systems in order to optimize hardware and software performance; recognize potential hardware and/or software failure, and either repair the problem before it becomes an emergency, or notify the systems manager of the problem; and monitor applications and known security holes for indications of an intruder or virus. MASE can eradicate much of the guess work of system management

    Progress report on the ultra heavy cosmic ray experiment (AO178)

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    The Ultra Heavy Cosmic Ray Experiment (UHCRE) is based on a modular array of 192 side-viewing solid state nuclear track detector stacks. These stacks were mounted in sets of four in 48 pressure vessels employing sixteen peripheral Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) trays. The extended duration of the LDEF mission has resulted in a greatly enhanced scientific yield from the UHCRE. The geometry factor for high energy cosmic ray nuclei, allowing for Earth shadowing, was 30 sq m-sr, giving a total exposure factor of 170 sq m-sr-y at an orbital inclination of 28.4 degrees. Scanning results indicate that about 3000 cosmic ray nuclei in the charge region with Z greater than 65 were collected. This sample is more than ten times the current world data in the field (taken to be the data set from the HEAO-3 mission plus that from the Ariel-6 mission) and is sufficient to provide the world's first statistically significant sample of actinide (Z greater than 88) cosmic rays. Results to date are presented including details of ultra-heavy cosmic ray nuclei, analysis of pre-flight and post-flight calibration events and details of track response in the context of detector temperature history. The integrated effect of all temperature and age related latent track variations cause a maximum charge shift of +/- 0.8 e for uranium and +/- 0.6 e for the platinum-lead group. The precision of charge assignment as a function of energy is derived and evidence for remarkably good charge resolution achieved in the UHCRE is considered. Astrophysical implications of the UHCRE charge spectrum are discussed

    The LDEF ultra heavy cosmic ray experiment

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    The LDEF Ultra Heavy Cosmic Ray Experiment (UHCRE) used 16 side viewing LDEF trays giving a total geometry factor for high energy cosmic rays of 30 sq m sr. The total exposure factor was 170 sq m sr y. The experiment is based on a modular array of 192 solid state nuclear track detector stacks, mounted in sets of four in 48 pressure vessels. The extended duration of the LDEF mission has resulted in a greatly enhanced potential scientific yield from the UHCRE. Initial scanning results indicate that at least 1800 cosmic ray nuclei with Z greater than 65 were collected, including the world's first statistically significant sample of actinides. Post flight work to date and the current status of the experiment are reviewed

    Guiding Diffusion among Local Food Clientele: Recommendations for Extension Programming

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    The demand for local food has risen dramatically over the last decade, and many states have created brands to promote products grown within that state. However, the effect of state brands on consumer perceptions remains unknown. Extension agents serve as change agents and a bridge between science and the public to purvey information for adoption decisions. This study sought to determine if differences existed between consumers’ perceptions of food labeled local and food labeled Fresh from Florida to inform Extension programming. Florida residents (N = 530) were surveyed utilizing a between-subjects experimental design. Respondents were asked questions about their attitudes, trust and transparency, and information preferences toward food labeled Fresh from Florida or local food, depending on the experimental treatment they received. Results of this study indicated that consumers shared similar perceptions of local and Fresh from Florida food, except for the belief that Fresh from Florida comes from larger farms, Fresh from Florida labeling is more trustworthy, and there is a greater desire to see a definition of Fresh from Florida food. When Extension agents develop programming on economic viability, information on local food and state brands should be included to help producers market their products and increase revenues

    Reproducibility of coronary artery diameter assessments in magnetic resonance coronary angiography: phantom study

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    This report describes the development of a deformable model for the automatic delineation of coronary artery cross-sectional areas with magnetic resonance imaging. The method is validated with coronary artery phantoms of varying diameters and images with different levels of signal-to-noise ratios. The reproducibility of the technique was examined with simulated geometrical shifts and motions during data acquisition. The experimental results indicate a very high reproducibility and low inter-observers variability of the technique, suggesting its suitability for non-invasive assessment of serial changes of vessel dilatation following pharmacological intervention

    Discussing Extension Agents’ Role in Moderating Contentious Issue Conversations

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    Extension agents are finding themselves engaged in problem-solving roles as public needs adjust to a climate where issues facing the agricultural and natural resource industry are more often contentious than benign. As connectors between the Land-grant university system and the public, Extension agents need to know how to effectively communicate about contentious issues with clientele. This study used an online survey design to determine Extension agents’ attitudes toward contentious issues, challenges that they face, and effective means of communication. The findings revealed Extension agents’ attitudes toward communicating about contentious issues were more positive than negative. Additionally, they found the availability of misinformation and the complexity of contentious issues to be most challenging when communicating with clientele. One-on-one in-person, workshops, phone calls, and group meetings were identified as the most effective methods of communicating about contentious issues. Additional training and familiarization with current contentious issues were recommended. Future research should examine the contentious issues Extension agents are discussing, methods being used to facilitate conversations, the effect of contentious issues on job satisfaction, and the factors hindering Extension agents as they address contentious issues

    Assessing Public Issues Knowledge and Needs of Extension Agents in Florida

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    It has been argued that to remain relevant in today\u27s society, Extension must expand its role to provide public issues education. We conducted a web-based survey to determine whether Extension agents in Florida were prepared to deal with contentious issues. Survey respondents identified issues affecting their clientele, levels of frequency with which they addressed the issues, and self-perceived levels of knowledge related to the issues. Results were analyzed by agent type (i.e., programmatic area). Results revealed that the issues of immigration, crop diseases, and food security held particular potential for improvement

    Comparing the Use of Visual Analogue Scales and Likert-type Scales in International Agricultural and Extension Education Surveys

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    Data collected using survey methodology is readily used to provide insight into improving international agricultural and extension education programs. The evolution of survey technology has allowed educators access to a growing number of audiences; however, the escalating quantity of surveys contributes to greater survey fatigue. Utilizing multiple forms of response, such as Likert-type scales and visual analog scales, may relieve some symptoms of survey fatigue. The use of visual analog scales may allow respondents the ability to respond more freely to questions where fractional differences can hold a wealth of information. This study examined the possible advantages of utilizing visual analog scales rather than Likert-type scales in surveys. A Web-based survey was conducted with respondents randomly assigned to one of two treatments: comparison constructs in traditional Likert-type scale presentation form using radio buttons or comparison constructs with a Visual Analog Scale presentation. Results indicated responses from visual analog scales were similar to those on Likert-type scale questions. No significant additional time to complete the constructs was found; however, a significantly lower non-response rate existed for one construct using the Likert-type scale (10% compared to 32%). Seventy-five percent of the respondents given visual analog scales utilized the freedom to select increments between the restricted points of radio buttons

    Constituting monetary conservatives via the 'savings habit': New Labour and the British housing market bubble

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    The ongoing world credit crunch might well kill off the most recent bubble dynamics in the British housing market by driving prices systematically downwards from their 2007 peak. Nonetheless, the experience of that bubble still warrants analytical attention. The Labour Government might not have been responsible for consciously creating it, but it has certainly grasped the opportunities the bubble has provided in an attempt to enforce a process of agential change at the heart of the British economy. The key issue in this respect is the way in which the Government has challenged the legitimacy of passive welfare receipts in favour of establishing a welfare system based on incorporating the individual into an active asset-holding society. The housing market has taken on new political significance as a means for individuals first to acquire assets and then to accumulate wealth on the back of asset ownership. The ensuing integration of the housing market into an increasingly reconfigured welfare system has permeated into the politics of everyday life. It has been consistent with individuals remaking their political subjectivities in line with preferences for the type of conservative monetary policies that typically keep house price bubbles inflated
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