415 research outputs found

    Rendering an Account: An Open-State Archive in Postgraduate Supervision

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    The paper begins with a brief account of the transformation of research degree studies under the pressures of global capitalism and neo-liberal governmentality. A parallel transformation is occurring in the conduct of research through the use of information and communication technologies. Yet the potential of ICTs to shape practices of surveillance or to produce new student-supervisor relations and enhance the processes of developing the dissertation has received almost no critical attention. As doctoral supervisor and student, we then describe the features and uses of a web-based open state archive of the student's work-in-progress, developed by the student and accessible to his supervisor. Our intention was to encourage more open conversations between data and theorising, student and supervisor, and ultimately between the student and professional community. However, we recognise that relations of accountability, as these have developed within a contemporary "audit revolution" (Power, 1994, 1997) in universities, create particular "lines of visibility" (Munro, 1996). Thus while the open-state archive may help to redefine in less managerial terms notions of quality, transparency, flexibility and accountability, it might also make possible greater supervisory surveillance. How should we think about the panoptical potential of this archive? We argue that the diverse kinds of interactional patterns and pedagogical intervention it encourages help to create shifting subjectivities. Moreover, the archive itself is multiple, in bringing together an array of diverse materials that can be read in various ways, by following multiple paths. It therefore constitutes a collage, which we identify as a mode of cognition and of accounting distinct from but related to argument and narrative. As a more "open" text (Iser, 1978) it has an indeterminacy which may render it less open to abuse for the technologies of managerial accountability

    Personas in Cross-Cultural Projects

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    ‘Shared intelligibility’ and two reflexive strategies as methods of supporting ‘responsible decisions’ in a hermeneutic phenomenological study

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    Hermeneutic phenomenologists propose that researchers inescapably bring themselves into their research because interpretation must inevitably be influenced by their contexts and pre-understandings. They propose that interpretation is a dynamic and active part of the construction of a text’s meaning, and involvement in this construction process leads to deep empathic understanding of others’ experience, reappraisal of accepted social and cultural systems, and a level of self-enlightenment. The strengths of the hermeneutic methodological approach have led to its use in a number of disciplines, however, there remains concerns about interpretative validity. It is widely acknowledged that in order to support rigour and validity in hermeneutic studies, researchers are required to develop and integrate strategies within the research process to promote awareness of the interplay between their pre-understandings and interpretation. This paper discusses how episodic interviewing which capitalises on ‘shared intelligibility’, and the reflexive strategies of ‘oppositional arrangement of perspectives’ and ‘backgrounding’ were used to shed light on data from a study of the experiences and views of nursing home nurses regarding their occupational role and status, and work identity

    Cities in fiction: Perambulations with John Berger

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    This paper explores selected novels by John Berger in which cities play a central role. These cities are places, partially real and partially imagined, where memory, hope, and despair intersect. My reading of the novels enables me to trace important themes in recent discourses on the nature of contemporary capitalism, including notions of resistance and universality. I also show how Berger?s work points to a writing that can break free from the curious capacity of capitalism to absorb and feed of its critique

    The Inositol 5-Phosphatase dOCRL Controls PI(4,5)P2 Homeostasis and Is Necessary for Cytokinesis

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    SummaryDuring cytokinesis, constriction of an equatorial actomyosin ring physically separates the two daughter cells. At the cleavage furrow, the phosphoinositide PI(4,5)P2 plays an important role by recruiting and regulating essential proteins of the cytokinesis machinery [1]. Accordingly, perturbation of PI(4,5)P2 regulation leads to abortive furrowing and binucleation [2–4]. To determine how PI(4,5)P2 is regulated during cytokinesis, we individually knocked down each of the enzymes controlling the phosphoinositide (PIP) cycle in Drosophila. We show that depletion of the Drosophila ortholog of human oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe 1 (OCRL1), an inositol 5-phosphatase mutated in the X-linked disorder oculocerebrorenal Lowe syndrome, triggers a high rate of cytokinesis failure. In absence of dOCRL, several essential components of the cleavage furrow were found to be incorrectly localized on giant cytoplasmic vacuoles rich in PI(4,5)P2 and in endocytic markers. We demonstrate that dOCRL is associated with endosomes and that it dephosphorylates PI(4,5)P2 on internal membranes to restrict this phosphoinositide at the plasma membrane and thereby regulates cleavage furrow formation and ingression. Identification of dOCRL as essential for cell division may be important to understand the molecular basis of the phenotypic manifestations of Lowe syndrome

    Internações por aborto no Brasil, 2008-2018: estudo ecológico de série temporal

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    Objective: To analyze the temporal trend of hospitalizations caused by abortion in Brazil between 2008-2018, according to Region and federal units (FU). Methods: Ecological study concerning hospitalizations due to abortion of women of childbearing age, from Hospital Information System data. The rates were calculated according the characteristics of women. The trend was assessed by Prais-Winsten generalized linear regression. Results: The 2,258,104 hospitalizations due to abortion 4 represent 5% of all hospitalizations in women of childbearing age. Hospitalizations for abortions in Brazil reduced 0.76 in the period; this trend occurred in 19 Brazilian FUs and all regions, except the South (stable). There was a significant reduction (p<0.001) in hospitalizations for spontaneous abortion and in admissions for abortion in women aged 20 to 39 years. Conclusion: A temporal trend of reduction in the hospitalizations due to abortion in Brazil was found, variating according to characteristics of the woman, FU and Region of residence.Objetivo: Analizar la tendencia temporal de las hospitalizaciones por aborto en Brasil de 2008-2018, según región y unidad federativa. Métodos: Estudio ecológico con datos sobre hospitalizaciones por aborto de mujeres en edad fértil del Sistema de Información Hospitalaria. Las tasas se calcularon según las características de la mujer y la tendencia se evaluó mediante regresión lineal generalizada de Prais-Winsten. Resultados: Las 2.258.104 hospitalizaciones por aborto representan el 5% de todas las hospitalizaciones en mujeres en edad fértil. Hubo una reducción significativa de 0,76 puntos porcentuales por año; esta tendencia ocurrió en 19 UF brasileñas y en todas las regiones, excepto en el Sur (estable). Hubo una reducción significativa (p<0,001) en las hospitalizaciones por aborto espontáneo y en mujeres de 20 a 39 años. Conclusión: El estudio mostró una tendencia a reducir las hospitalizaciones por aborto en Brasil, con variaciones según características de la mujer, UF y Región de residenciaObjetivo: Analisar a tendência temporal das internações por aborto no Brasil, de 2008 a 2018, segundo região e Unidades da Federação (UF). Métodos: Estudo ecológico, com dados de internações por aborto de mulheres em idade fértil registrados no Sistema de Informações Hospitalares/Sistema Único de Saúde (SIH/SUS). As taxas foram calculadas segundo características da mulher; e a tendência, avaliada por regressão linear generalizada de Prais-Winsten.  Resultados: As 2.258.104 internações por aborto representaram 5% de todas as internações de mulheres em idade fértil. Houve redução significativa, de 0,76 pontos percentuais ao ano, no período. Essa tendência ocorreu em 19 UFs brasileiras e em todas as regiões, exceto a Sul (estável). Houve redução significativa (p-valor<0,001) nas internações por aborto espontâneo e nas internações de mulheres de 20 a 39 anos. Conclusão: Observou-se tendência de redução das internações por aborto no país, com variações segundo características da mulher, UF e região de residência

    Narrative and Interpretation on Twitter: Reading tweets by telling stories

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    Existing research on communication on Twitter has largely ignored the question of how users make sense of the fragmentary tweets with which they are presented. Focusing on the use of Twitter for political reporting in post-revolutionary Egypt, this article argues that the production of mental stories provides readers with a mechanism for interpreting the meaning of individual tweets in terms of their relationships to other material. Drawing on contemporary narratology, it argues that Twitter exhibits key elements of narrativity, but that a creative reading process is nonetheless required to transform this incipient narrativity into coherent, sense-making mental narratives. This foregrounding of the reader’s creative role makes stories on Twitter highly fluid and dynamic. Through reference to classic critical theory, I propose that this nonetheless represents an evolution rather than a radical break from earlier forms of narrative reception, which in many cases demanded similarly creative reading practices

    Traditional and digital literacy. The literacy hypothesis, technologies of reading and writing, and the ‘grammatized’ body

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    This article discusses, from a theoretical and philosophical perspective, the meaning and the importance of basic literacy training for education in an age in which digital technologies have become ubiquitous. I discuss some arguments, which I draw from the so-called literacy hypothesis approach (McLuhan, Goody, Havelock, Ong), in order to understand the significance of a ‘traditional’ initiation into literacy. I then use the work of Bernard Stiegler on bodily gestures and routines, related to different (traditional and digital) technologies, in order to elaborate and criticize the claims the literacy hypothesis makes. Bringing together insights from both the literacy hypothesis approach and Stiegler's work, I defend the view that there exists an essential difference between traditional and digital literacy, and I try to argue for the introduction of a spelling and grammar of the digital in the educational curriculum

    DAF-2/Insulin-Like Signaling in C. elegans Modifies Effects of Dietary Restriction and Nutrient Stress on Aging, Stress and Growth

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    Dietary restriction (DR) and reduced insulin/IGF-I-like signaling (IIS) are two regimens that promote longevity in a variety of organisms. Genetic analysis in C. elegans nematodes has shown that DR and IIS couple to distinct cellular signaling pathways. However, it is not known whether these pathways ultimately converge on overlapping or distinct targets to extend lifespan.We investigated this question by examining additional effects of DR in wildtype animals and in daf-2 mutants with either moderate or severe IIS deficits. Surprisingly, DR and IIS had opposing effects on these physiological processes. First, DR induced a stress-related change in intestinal vesicle trafficking, termed the FIRE response, which was suppressed in daf-2 mutants. Second, DR did not strongly affect expression of a daf-2- and stress-responsive transcriptional reporter. Finally, DR-related growth impairment was suppressed in daf-2 mutants.These findings reveal that an important biological function of DAF-2/IIS is to enhance growth and survival under nutrient-limited conditions. However, we also discovered that levels of DAF-2 pathway activity modified the effects of DR on longevity. Thus, while DR and IIS clearly affect lifespan through independent targets, there may also be some prolongevity targets that are convergently regulated by these pathways