58 research outputs found

    Studies of ion transport and electrochemical properties of plasticized composite polymer electrolytes

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    The composite polymer electrolytes (CPEs) composed of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) as host polymer, lithium tetraflouroborate (LiBF4) as dopant salt, dissoĂ…lved in the mixture of ethylene carbonate (EC) and dimethyl phthalate (DMP) as plasticizing solvent, with the addition of silica (SiO2) as inorganic filler were prepared by the solution casting technique. The CPE films were prepared by varying the concentrations of SiO2 from 1 to 5 wt. %. The CPE film containing 3 wt. % of SiO2 exhibits the highest ionic conductivity of 1.36 Ă— 10-2 S cm-1 at room temperature while for temperature dependence studies, the plot obtained obeyed Arrhenius rule and the calculated activation energy was 0.11 eV. The ionic conductivity of the CPEs was found to depend on the concentration of ion pairs of dopant salt as showed by FTIR spectra. The calculated value of lithium ions transport number, tLi+ for the highest conducting CPE film was 0.15. This result indicates that anionic species are the main contributor to the total conductivity of the CPE. The CPE film has an electrochemical stability higher than the non-filler film

    Strategi Humas Perusahaan Donggi Senoro Liquefied Natural Gas Dalam Membangun Citra Positif Melalui Program Corporate Social Responsibility Di Kecamatan Batui Kabupaten Banggai

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui strategi humas Perusahaan Donggi Senoro Liquefied Natural Gas dalam membangun citra positif melalui program Corporate Social Responsibility di Kecamatan Batui Kabupaten Banggai. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori konsekuensi perspektif, teori Corporate Social Responsibility oleh Carroll, serta konsep Strategi humas dan 4 langkah proses pembuatan program CSR.Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam mengambil informan menggunakan teknik purpose sampling, dan didapatkan 8 informan. Dalam teknik pengumpulan data yaitu melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data kualitatif, Bogdan dalam (Sugiyono, 2008:88) mengatakan bahwa analisis data adalah proses mencari dan menyusun secara sistematis data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, catatan lapangan, dan bahan–bahan lain, sehingga dapat mudah dipahami, dan temuannya dapat diinformasikan kepada orang lain.Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan, dalam penyusunan program-program CSR yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak humas PT. Donggi Senoro LNG sudah sesuai dengan menggunakan tahapan-tahapan dalam proses humas, yaitu: Menyelidiki dan Mendengarkan (Fact Finding), Merencanakan (Planning) , Melaksanakan komunikasi (Communicating) dan Penilaian (Evaluation). Selanjutnya, dalam menentukan strategi pihak humas menjalankan 5 aspek pendekatan strategi humas yaitu : Strategi Operasional, Pendekatan Persuasif dan Edukatif, Pendekatan Tanggung jawab Sosial Humas, Pendekatan Kerjasama, serta Pendekatan Koordinatif dan Integratif

    Pengembangan Modul Latihan Forgiveness untuk Siswa SMA di Kota Malang

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    This research aims to develop a training modules forgiveness based on the appraisement of experts (reviewers) and high school student's response to the training modules forgiveness that have been developed. This study adapting the model development of Borg and Gall (1983), while the structure of the writing module refers to the guide preparation of module which prepared by the Director General module PMPTK (2008). The results of this study are drafting a training module forgiveness for senior high school students in Malang. Based appraisement materials experts, media specialists, and linguists classified as good, according to school counselors classified very good and yield response of students classified as good. So, that these modules worthy be used in the awarding of guidance services in schools.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul latihan forgiveness berdasarkan penilaian para ahli (reviewer) dan respon siswa SMA terhadap Modul latihan forgiveness yang telah dikembangkan. Penelitian ini mengadaptasi model pengembangan Borg and gall (1983), sedangkan struktur penulisan modul mengacu pada panduan penyusunan modul yang disusun oleh dirjen PMPTK (2008). Hasil penelitian ini adalah tersusunnya modul latihan forgiveness untuk siswa SMA di Kota Malang yang berdasarkan penilaian ahli materi, ahli media, dan ahli bahasa tergolong baik, menurut konselor sekolah tergolong sangat baik dan hasil respon siswa tergolong baik. sehingga modul ini layak digunakan dalam pemberian layanan bimbingan di sekolah

    Production Evaluation of Radioiodine-131 from Neutron Activated of Natural Tellurium Dioxide Target in PTRR-BATAN

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    Radioiodine-131(I-131, 131I) is the other name of the radioisotope iodine-131 (131I),emits both gamma at energy 364 keV (81,7%) and beta with a maximum energy of 610 keV (89,9%) with half-life (T½) of 8.02 days. I-131 has been used in nuclear medicine for diagnosis of kidney function, thyroid damage, and for treatment of thyroid cancer, endocrine gland cancer, and neuroblastoma. Since 2013, PTRR-BATAN has been producing131I routinely from neutron activated of natural TeO2 targets. The radioactivity of I-131 that has been able to be produced ranged between 499and 1,095 mCi for 5.0 gr of natural TeO2 targets and irradiation of 96 hours. In general, 131I yield is influenced by the number of atoms target, neutron flux, cross section, and duration of irradiation time. In this report, production yields were evaluated according to position of TeO2 target inside an irradiation capsule. Based on several observations, target which position in the center of the irradiation capsule obtained to give the highest yield, an average of 66% from the theoretical calculation. On the other hand, target which position at bottom of the irradiation capsule was found to give a lower yield, an average of 44%. Position of the target material in the irradiation capsule was found not affecting the quality of 131I products. It still conforms to the requirements of radionuclide used in the field of nuclear medicine. I-131 produced in this project have been used for preparing Hippuran-131I, MIBG-131I, Oral-Na131I and 131I-capsules which then used for diagnosis and therapy at several hospitals in Jakarta, Bandung and Semarang

    Production Evaluation of Radioiodine-131 from Neutron Activated of Natural Tellurium Dioxide Target in PTRR-BATAN

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    Radioiodine-131(I-131, 131I) is the other name of the radioisotope iodine-131 (131I),emits both gamma at energy 364 keV (81,7%) and beta with a maximum energy of 610 keV (89,9%) with half-life (T½) of 8.02 days. I-131 has been used in nuclear medicine for diagnosis of kidney function, thyroid damage, and for treatment of thyroid cancer, endocrine gland cancer, and neuroblastoma. Since 2013, PTRR-BATAN has been producing131I routinely from neutron activated of natural TeO2 targets. The radioactivity of I-131 that has been able to be produced ranged between 499and 1,095 mCi for 5.0 gr of natural TeO2 targets and irradiation of 96 hours. In general, 131I yield is influenced by the number of atoms target, neutron flux, cross section, and duration of irradiation time. In this report, production yields were evaluated according to position of TeO2 target inside an irradiation capsule. Based on several observations, target which position in the center of the irradiation capsule obtained to give the highest yield, an average of 66% from the theoretical calculation. On the other hand, target which position at bottom of the irradiation capsule was found to give a lower yield, an average of 44%. Position of the target material in the irradiation capsule was found not affecting the quality of 131I products. It still conforms to the requirements of radionuclide used in the field of nuclear medicine. I-131 produced in this project have been used for preparing Hippuran-131I, MIBG-131I, Oral-Na131I and 131I-capsules which then used for diagnosis and therapy at several hospitals in Jakarta, Bandung and Semarang

    Multi Objectives Fuzzy Ant Colony Optimization Design of Supply Path Searching

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    One of problem faced in supply chain management is path searching. The best path depend not only on distance, but also other variables, such as: the quality of involved companies, quality of delivered product, and other value resulted by quality measurement. Commonly, the ant colony optimization could search the best path that has only one objective path. But it would be difficult to be adopted, because in the real case, the supply path has multi path and objectives (especially in palm oil based bioenergy supply). The objective of this paper is to improve the ant colony optimization for solving multi objectives based supply path problem by using fuzzy ant colony optimization. The developed multi objectives fuzzy ant colony optimization design was explained here, that it was used to search the best supply path. Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi dalam Supply Chain Management adalah pencarian jalur. Jalur terbaik tidak hanya tergantung pada jarak, tetapi juga variabel lain, seperti: kualitas Perusahaan yang terlibat, kualitas produk yang dikirimkan, dan nilai lain yang dipengaruhi oleh pengukuran kualitas. Umumnya, Ant Colony Optimization bisa mencari jalur terbaik yang hanya memiliki satu jalur objektif. Tapi akan sulit untuk diadopsi, karena dalam kasus nyata, jalur supply memiliki banyak jalur dan tujuan (khususnya pasokan minyak kelapa sawit berbasis bioenergi). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan Ant Colony Optimization dalam menyelesaikan masalah jalur supply dengan menggunakan Fuzzy Ant Colony Optimization. Tujuan pengembangan Fuzzy Ant Colony Optimization dijelaskan disini, yaitu digunakan untuk mencari jalur supply terbaik
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