785 research outputs found

    Revisión de la proyección social institucional a partir del impacto formativo en graduados

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    Des d'una noció de qualitat educativa concebuda com aquella que assegura l'adquisició de coneixements significatius i el desenvolupament de capacitats ciutadanes compromeses amb la transformació de la realitat, les universitats confiades a la Companyia de Jesús a l'Amèrica Llatina han generat iniciatives que apunten a la formació dels estudiants per al compromís i la solidaritat. Aquest article té com a objectiu determinar els factors emergents vinculats a la cultura institucional que incideixen en la formació dels seus graduats, i així inferir els canvis a introduir en la política de projecció social institucional. La metodologia emprada va incloure un enfocament analític interpretatiu, retrospectiu i transversal, desenvolupat a través d'un disseny metodològic qualitatiu a través de l'anàlisi documental, entrevistes amb referents institucionals, graduats i referents externs (empleadors i representants d'entitats deontològiques). A la llum dels resultats va ser possible determinar les revisions valòriques, procedimentals i instrumentals que la política de projecció social de la universitat ha d'encarar, per tal de complir en profunditat la missió que li ha estat encomanada.From a notion of educational quality conceived as one that ensures the acquisition of significant knowledge and the development of citizen capacities committed to the transformation of reality, the universities entrusted to the Society of Jesus in Latin America have been generating initiatives that aim at training of students for commitment and solidarity. This article aims to determine the emerging factors linked to the institutional culture that affect the training of its graduates, and in this way, infer the changes to be introduced in the policy of institutional social projection. The methodology used included an interpretive, retrospective and cross-sectional analytical approach, developed through a qualitative methodological design through documentary analysis, interviews with institutional referents, graduates, and external referents (employers and representatives of deontological entities). In light of the results, it was possible to determine the value, procedural and instrumental reviews that the university's social projection policy should face, in order to fully comply with the mission that has been entrusted to it.Desde una noción de calidad educativa concebida como aquella que asegura la adquisición de conocimientos significativos y el desarrollo de capacidades ciudadanas comprometidas con la transformación de la realidad, las universidades confiadas a la Compañía de Jesús en América Latina han ido generando iniciativas que apuntan a la formación de los estudiantes para el compromiso y la solidaridad. Este artículo tiene como objetivo determinar los factores emergentes vinculados a la cultura institucional que inciden en la formación de sus graduados, y de esta manera, inferir los cambios a introducir en la política de proyección social institucional. La metodología empleada incluyó un enfoque analítico interpretativo, retrospectivo y transversal, desarrollado a través de un diseño metodológico cualitativo a través del análisis documental, entrevistas con referentes institucionales, graduados, y referentes externos (empleadores y representantes de entidades deontológicas). A la luz de los resultados fue posible determinar las revisiones valóricas, procedimentales e instrumentales que la política de proyección social de la universidad debiera encarar, a fin de cumplir en profundidad con la misión que le ha sido encomendada

    Angiogenic potential in biological hydrogels

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    Hydrogels are three-dimensional (3D) materials able to absorb and retain water in large amounts while maintaining their structural stability. Due to their considerable biocompatibility and similarity with the body\u2019s tissues, hydrogels are one of the most promising groups of biomaterials. The main application of these hydrogels is in regenerative medicine, in which they allow the formation of an environment suitable for cell differentiation and growth. Deriving from these hydrogels, it is, therefore, possible to obtain bioactive materials that can regenerate tissues. Because vessels guarantee the right amount of oxygen and nutrients but also assure the elimination of waste products, angiogenesis is one of the processes at the base of the regeneration of a tissue. On the other hand, it is a very complex mechanism and the parameters to consider are several. Indeed, the factors and the cells involved in this process are numerous and, for this reason, it has been a challenge to recreate a biomaterial able to adequately sustain the angiogenic process. However, in this review the focal point is the application of natural hydrogels in angiogenesis enhancing and their potential to guide this process

    Epitaxial hybrid pixel with triggerless readout in 130nm Cmos technology for the Micro Vertex Detector of the Panda experiment

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    The Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) is the innermost one of the Panda experiment, sitting around the beam pipe. The sensors are arranged in a barrel section with two pixel and two strip layers, and 6 forward disks with mixed pixel and microstrip sensors. For the pixel detector part, a hybrid solution with thinned epitaxial sensors was chosen. The main requirements for the readout include: a pixel size of 100 · 100 μm2, an input charge measurement with 12 b that implies an amplitude resolution of 1 part out of 4096, a working frequency of 155.5MHz, and a triggerless acquisition. The readout of the pixel detector is based on a front end chip, named Topix, that is under development. The Asic will provide the time position with a resolution of 6.43 ns and a charge measurement with a Time Over Threshold (TOT) technique; it features a matrix of 116 · 110 pixel cell channels and 311 Mb/s serializers as output ports. A 130nm Cmos technology has been used to reduce the circuit size and to provide tolerance for the total dose, besides techniques against single event upset have been implemented. A Topix prototype with the full cell has been completely tested for radiation damage before and after irradiation, and a new release has been submitted to build an hybrid assembly. The stringent requirements in terms of space for the MVD lead to an architecture based on optical links. The GigaBit Transceiver (GBT) from CERN has been chosen as the baseline solution for the interface to the data acquisition. Low mass cables based on aluminium on polyimide are under development for the interconnections

    Forensic applications of micro-computed tomography: a systematic review

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    Purpose: The aim of this systematic review was to provide a comprehensive overview of micro-CT current applications in forensic pathology, anthropology, odontology, and neonatology. Methods: A bibliographic research on the electronic databases Pubmed and Scopus was conducted in the time frame 01/01/2001–31/12/2021 without any language restrictions and applying the following free-text search strategy: “(micro-computed tomography OR micro-CT) AND (forensic OR legal)”. The following inclusion criteria were used: (A) English language; (B) Application of micro-CT to biological and/or non-biological materials to address at least one forensic issue (e.g., age estimation, identification of post-mortem interval). The papers selected by three independent investigators have been then classified according to the investigated materials. Results: The bibliographic search provided 651 records, duplicates excluded. After screening for title and/or abstracts, according to criteria A and B, 157 full-text papers were evaluated for eligibility. Ninety-three papers, mostly (64) published between 2017 and 2021, were included; considering that two papers investigated several materials, an overall amount of 99 classifiable items was counted when referring to the materials investigated. It emerged that bones and cartilages (54.55%), followed by teeth (13.13%), were the most frequently analyzed materials. Moreover, micro-CT allowed the collection of structural, qualitative and/or quantitative information also for soft tissues, fetuses, insects, and foreign materials. Conclusion: Forensic applications of micro-CT progressively increased in the last 5 years with very promising results. According to this evidence, we might expect in the near future a shift of its use from research purposes to clinical forensic cases

    18F-choline PET/CT and PET/MRI in primary and recurrent hyperparathyroidism: a systematic review of the literature

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    The aims of the present systematic review were to: (1) assess the role of 18F-fluorocholine (FCH) positron emission tomography (PET) with computed tomography (CT) and PET with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with biochemically known hyperparathyroidism; (2) compare the diagnostic performance of FCH PET/CT or PET/MRI with conventional morphological and functional imaging. A literature search until December 2019 was performed in the PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases, using the terms “choline” AND “PET” AND “hyperparathyroidism”. The search was conducted with and without the addition of filters (e.g., language: English only; type of article: original article; subjects: humans only) and selecting only articles published in the last 5 years. Twenty-three articles and 1112 patients were considered. Different FCH PET/CT acquisition protocols were adopted across the studies, using dynamic, early or delayed scans. FCH PET/CT proved more accurate than ultrasonography (US) or 99mTc-sestamibi single-photon emission tomography (SPET). PET/MRI also seemed to be more accurate than MRI alone in detecting benign parathyroid lesions. FCH PET/CT is more accurate than conventional morphological and functional imaging modalities (US or SPET) for the detection of benign parathyroid lesions. It could, therefore, be a reliable tool in both primary and recurrent hyperparathyroidism

    Percolation, Morphogenesis, and Burgers Dynamics in Blood Vessels Formation

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    Experiments of in vitro formation of blood vessels show that cells randomly spread on a gel matrix autonomously organize to form a connected vascular network. We propose a simple model which reproduces many features of the biological system. We show that both the model and the real system exhibit a fractal behavior at small scales, due to the process of migration and dynamical aggregation, followed at large scale by a random percolation behavior due to the coalescence of aggregates. The results are in good agreement with the analysis performed on the experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 11 eps figure