1,080 research outputs found

    Flying not flapping: a strategic framework for e‐learning and pedagogical innovation in higher education institutions

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    E‐learning is in a rather extraordinary position. It was born as a ‘tool’ and now finds itself in the guise of a somewhat wobbly arrow of change. In practice, changing the way thousands of teachers teach, learners learn, innovation is promoted and sustainable change in traditional institutions is achieved across hundreds of different disciplines is a demanding endeavour that will not be achieved by learning technologies alone. It involves art, craft and science as well as technology. This paper attempts to show how it might be possible to capture and model complex strategic processes that will help move the potential of e‐learning in universities to a new stage of development. It offers the example of a four‐quadrant model created as a framework for an e‐learning strategy

    Blockade of catecholamine-induced growth by adrenergic and dopaminergic receptor antagonists in Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella enterica and Yersinia enterocolitica

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    BACKGROUND: The ability of catecholamines to stimulate bacterial growth was first demonstrated just over a decade ago. Little is still known however, concerning the nature of the putative bacterial adrenergic and/or dopaminergic receptor(s) to which catecholamines (norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine) may bind and exert their effects, or even whether the binding properties of such a receptor are similar between different species. RESULTS: Use of specific catecholamine receptor antagonists revealed that only ι, and not β, adrenergic antagonists were capable of blocking norepinephrine and epinephrine-induced growth, while antagonism of dopamine-mediated growth was achieved with the use of a dopaminergic antagonist. Both adrenergic and dopaminergic antagonists were highly specific in their mechanism of action, which did not involve blockade of catecholamine-facilitated iron-acquisition. Use of radiolabeled norepinephrine suggested that the adrenergic antagonists could be acting by inhibiting catecholamine uptake. CONCLUSION: The present data demonstrates that the ability of a specific pathogen to respond to a particular hormone is dependent upon the host anatomical region in which the pathogen causes disease as well as the neuroanatomical specificity to which production of the particular hormone is restricted; and that both are anatomically coincidental to each other. As such, the present report suggests that pathogens with a high degree of exclusivity to the gastrointestinal tract have evolved response systems to neuroendocrine hormones such as norepinephrine and dopamine, but not epinephrine, which are found with the enteric nervous system

    Slow-Fast Duffing Neural Mass Model

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    Epileptic seizures may be initiated by random neuronal fluctuations and/or by pathological slow regulatory dynamics of ion currents. This paper presents extensions to the Jansen and Rit neural mass model (JRNMM) to replicate paroxysmal transitions in intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) recordings. First, the Duffing NMM (DNMM) is introduced to emulate stochastic generators of seizures. The DNMM is constructed by applying perturbations to linear models of synaptic transmission in each neural population of the JRNMM. Then, the slow-fast DNMM is introduced by considering slow dynamics (relative to membrane potential and firing rate) of some internal parameters of the DNMM to replicate pathological evolution of ion currents. Through simulation, it is illustrated that the slow-fast DNMM exhibits transitions to and from seizures with etiologies that are linked either to random input fluctuations or pathological evolution of slow states. Estimation and optimization of a log likelihood function (LLF) using a continuous-discrete unscented Kalman filter (CD-UKF) and a genetic algorithm (GA) are performed to capture dynamics of iEEG data with paroxysmal transitions

    Identification of A Neural Mass Model of Burst Suppression

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    Burst suppression includes alternating patterns of silent and fast spike activities in neuronal activities observable (in micro or macro scale) electro-physiological recordings. Biological models of burst suppression are given as dynamical systems with slow and fast states. The aim of this paper is to give a method to identify parameters of a mesoscopic model of burst suppression that can provide insights into study underlying generators of intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) data. An optimisation technique based upon a genetic algorithm (GA) is employed to find feasible model parameters to replicate burst patterns in the iEEG data with paroxysmal transitions. Then, a continuous-discrete unscented Kalman filter (CD-UKF) is used to infer hidden states of the model and to enhance the identification results from the GA. The results show promise in finding the model parameters of a partially observed mesoscopic model of burst suppression

    Technical study of a rare Venetian turquoise glass goblet from the Waddesdon Bequest

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    A Venetian enamelled and gilded goblet (WB.55) is part of the collection bequeathed to the British Museum by Baron Ferdinand Rothschild in 1898. Conservation treatment in 1994 provided the opportunity to remove a small sample containing some opaque white as well as rare turquoise glass. These fragments were analysed using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry and by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Further analyses were carried out on the enamels and blue glass knop of the goblet using surface X-ray fluorescence. This contribution locates the object in the context of Venetian glass of the Renaissance as well as the history of collecting. The conservation history and the processes employed to conserve the object prior to its redisplay in the new Waddesdon Gallery at the British Museum in 2015 are described. Careful macroscopic and microscopic observations are combined with the chemical analyses to outline a comprehensive chaĂŽne opĂŠratoire for the object. Technically, it is fully consistent with current understanding of glass production in Venice in the late fifteenth century

    Late Byzantine Mineral Soda High Alumina Glasses from Asia Minor: A New Primary Glass Production Group

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    The chemical characterisation of archaeological glass allows the discrimination between different glass groups and the identification of raw materials and technological traditions of their production. Several lines of evidence point towards the large-scale production of first millennium CE glass in a limited number of glass making factories from a mixture of Egyptian mineral soda and a locally available silica source. Fundamental changes in the manufacturing processes occurred from the eight/ninth century CE onwards, when Egyptian mineral soda was gradually replaced by soda-rich plant ash in Egypt as well as the Islamic Middle East. In order to elucidate the supply and consumption of glass during this transitional period, 31 glass samples from the assemblage found at Pergamon (Turkey) that date to the fourth to fourteenth centuries CE were analysed by electron microprobe analysis (EPMA) and by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The statistical evaluation of the data revealed that the Byzantine glasses from Pergamon represent at least three different glass production technologies, one of which had not previously been recognised in the glass making traditions of the Mediterranean. While the chemical characteristics of the late antique and early medieval fragments confirm the current model of glass production and distribution at the time, the elemental make-up of the majority of the eighth- to fourteenth-century glasses from Pergamon indicate the existence of a late Byzantine glass type that is characterised by high alumina levels. Judging from the trace element patterns and elevated boron and lithium concentrations, these glasses were produced with a mineral soda different to the Egyptian natron from the Wadi Natrun, suggesting a possible regional Byzantine primary glass production in Asia Minor

    Composition, production and procurement of glass at San Vincenzo: an early medieval monastic complex in southern Italy

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    136 glasses from the ninth-century monastery of San Vincenzo and its workshops have been analysed by electron microprobe in order to situate the assemblage within the first millennium CE glass making tradition. The majority of the glass compositions can be paralleled by Roman glass from the first to third centuries, with very few samples consistent with later compositional groups. Colours for trailed decoration on vessels, for vessel bodies and for sheet glass for windows were largely produced by melting the glass tesserae from old Roman mosaics. Some weakly-coloured transparent glass was obtained by re-melting Roman window glass, while some was produced by melting and mixing of tesserae, excluding the strongly coloured cobalt blues. Our data suggest that to feed the needs of the glass workshop, the bulk of the glass was removed as tesserae and windows from a large Roman building. This is consistent with a historical account according to which the granite columns of the monastic church were spolia from a Roman temple in the region. The purported shortage of natron from Egypt does not appear to explain the dependency of San Vincenzo on old Roman glass. Rather, the absence of contemporary primary glass may reflect the downturn in long-distance trade in the later first millennium C.E., and the role of patronage in the “ritual economy” founded upon donations and gift-giving of the time

    Triage, decision-making and follow-up of patients referred to a UK forensic service: validation of the DUNDRUM toolkit

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    BACKGROUND: Forensic medium secure services in the UK are a scarce but essential resource providing care for those in the criminal justice system with severe mental disorder. Appropriate allocation of beds to those most in need is essential to ensure efficient use of this resource. To improve decision-making processes in a UK forensic service, an admissions panel utilized the DUNDRUM 1&2 (D1 & D2) triage instruments. METHODS: Demographic, diagnostic and clinical information on a prospective sample of referrals to a UK adult forensic service was gathered (n = 195). D1 and D2 measures were scored by a panel of clinical managers considering referral information and clinician opinion in reaching their ratings; those not admitted were also followed up. RESULTS: Within the sample, D1 ratings were predictive of decisions to admit (AUC = .79) and also differentiated between levels of security (F(4) = 16.54, p < .001). Non-admission was not significantly associated with increased risk of offending at follow-up. Items relating to self-harm and institutional behaviour did not show a predictive relationship with the panel decision to admit. CONCLUSIONS: Use of a structured professional judgement tool showing good predictive validity has improved transparency of decisions and appears to be associated with more efficient use of resources, without increased risk to the public
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