63 research outputs found

    Emergence of hyperons in failed supernovae: trigger of the black hole formation

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    We investigate the emergence of strange baryons in the dynamical collapse of a non-rotating massive star to a black hole by the neutrino-radiation hydrodynamical simulations in general relativity. By following the dynamical formation and collapse of nascent proto-neutron star from the gravitational collapse of a 40Msun star adopting a new hyperonic EOS table, we show that the hyperons do not appear at the core bounce but populate quickly at ~0.5-0.7 s after the bounce to trigger the re-collapse to a black hole. They start to show up off center owing to high temperatures and later prevail at center when the central density becomes high enough. The neutrino emission from the accreting proto-neutron star with the hyperonic EOS stops much earlier than the corresponding case with a nucleonic EOS while the average energies and luminosities are quite similar between them. These features of neutrino signal are a potential probe of the emergence of new degrees of freedom inside the black hole forming collapse.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Discontinuous transitions in double exchange materials

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    It is shown that the double exchange Hamiltonian, with weak antiferromagnetic interactions, has a rich variety of first order transitions between phases with different electronic densities and/or magnetizations. For band fillings in the range 0.3x0.50.3 \le x \le 0.5, and at finite temperatures, a discontinuous transition between phases with similar electronic densities but different magnetizations takes place. This sharp transition, which is not suppressed by electrostatic effects, and survives in the presence of an applied field, is consistent with the phenomenology of the doped manganites near the transition temperature.Comment: three more variational ansatzs considere

    Variational Mean Field approach to the Double Exchange Model

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    It has been recently shown that the double exchange Hamiltonian, with weak antiferromagnetic interactions, has a richer variety of first and second order transitions than previously anticipated, and that such transitions are consistent with the magnetic properties of manganites. Here we present a thorough discussion of the variational Mean Field approach that leads to the these results. We also show that the effect of the Berry phase turns out to be crucial to produce first order Paramagnetic-Ferromagnetic transitions near half filling with transition temperatures compatible with the experimental situation. The computation relies on two crucial facts: the use of a Mean Field ansatz that retains the complexity of a system of electrons with off-diagonal disorder, not fully taken into account by the Mean Field techniques, and the small but significant antiferromagnetic superexchange interaction between the localized spins.Comment: 13 pages, 11 postscript figures, revte

    Evaluación geológica y geodinámica en la quebrada Chicón: aluvión del 17 de octubre del 2010 que afectó Urubamba-Cusco

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    En la quebrada Chicón del distrito de Urubamba, provincia de Urubamba, el día domingo 17 de Octubre del 2010 alrededor de las 23.35 hrs ocurrió un proceso de movimiento en masa. En el nevado Chicón (5530 msnm) el desprendimiento de un bloque de hielo (de aproximadamente 100 x 30m) provocó el rebalse de una pequeña laguna localizada a 4870 msnm. Este rebalse incrementó el caudal de un pequeño riachuelo que nace de esta laguna y la conecta con la laguna Pucacocha, a 4670 msnm. La laguna Pucacocha también rebalsó luego de superar su capacidad. Es a partir de la desembocadura de esta laguna, el que coincide con el cambio brusco de pendiente, que las aguas rebalsadas empiezan a erosionar el material morrénico, los cuales se hallan colgados en la ladera de pendiente muy alta (> 60º). La erosión de este material, por la gran cantidad de agua, originó un flujo de detritos (aluvión) que descendió por la Ladera Norte hasta la quebrada Occororuyoc donde se depositó gran parte del volumen aluviónico. Sin embargo, la parte liquida con sedimentos finos siguió su camino por la quebrada hasta alcanzar la quebrada de Chicón, donde producto de nuevas erosiones da lugar a otros aluviones menores que llegan hasta la ciudad de Urubamba donde destruyen numerosas viviendas en las localidades de Yanacona, Chichubamba y San Isidro de Chicón. En Urubamba afectó principalmente la Av. Ramón Castlla, el Jr. Arica y las calles transversales a estas, llegando incluso a una esquina de la Plaza de Armas. Este fenómeno afectó unas 300 viviendas, destruyó tierras de cultivo, y dejó más de 1,200 damnificados

    Constructing majority-rule supertrees

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Supertree methods combine the phylogenetic information from multiple partially-overlapping trees into a larger phylogenetic tree called a supertree. Several supertree construction methods have been proposed to date, but most of these are not designed with any specific properties in mind. Recently, Cotton and Wilkinson proposed extensions of the majority-rule consensus tree method to the supertree setting that inherit many of the appealing properties of the former.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We study a variant of one of Cotton and Wilkinson's methods, called majority-rule (+) supertrees. After proving that a key underlying problem for constructing majority-rule (+) supertrees is NP-hard, we develop a polynomial-size exact integer linear programming formulation of the problem. We then present a data reduction heuristic that identifies smaller subproblems that can be solved independently. While this technique is not guaranteed to produce optimal solutions, it can achieve substantial problem-size reduction. Finally, we report on a computational study of our approach on various real data sets, including the 121-taxon, 7-tree Seabirds data set of Kennedy and Page.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results indicate that our exact method is computationally feasible for moderately large inputs. For larger inputs, our data reduction heuristic makes it feasible to tackle problems that are well beyond the range of the basic integer programming approach. Comparisons between the results obtained by our heuristic and exact solutions indicate that the heuristic produces good answers. Our results also suggest that the majority-rule (+) approach, in both its basic form and with data reduction, yields biologically meaningful phylogenies.</p

    Optimality regions and fluctuations for Bernoulli last passage models

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    We study the sequence alignment problem and its independent version,the discrete Hammersley process with an exploration penalty. We obtain rigorous upper bounds for the number of optimality regions in both models near the soft edge.At zero penalty the independent model becomes an exactly solvable model and we identify cases for which the law of the last passage time converges to a Tracy-Widom law

    Medically unexplained pain complaints are associated with underlying unrecognized mood disorders in primary care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Patients with chronic pain frequently display comorbid depression, but the impact of this concurrence is often underestimated and mistreated. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of unrecognized major depression and other mood disorders and comorbid unexplained chronic pain in primary care settings and to explore the associated factors.</p> <p>Also, to compare the use of health services by patients with unexplained chronic pain, both with and without mood disorder comorbidity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of primary care centers. 3189 patients consulting for "unexplained chronic pain" were assessed by the Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) and the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) questionnaire.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We report: a) a high prevalence of unrecognized mood disorders in patients suffering from unexplained chronic pain complaints (80.4%: CI 95%: 79.0%; 81.8%); b) a greater susceptibility of women to mood disorders (OR adjusted = 1.48; CI 95%:1.22; 1.81); c) a direct relationship between the prevalence of mood disorders and the duration of pain (OR adjusted = 1.01; CI 95%: 1.01; 1.02) d) a higher comorbidity with depression if the pain etiology was unknown (OR adjusted = 1.74; CI 95%: 1.45; 2.10) and, e) an increased use of health care services in patients with such a comorbidity (p < 0.0001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The prevalence of undiagnosed mood disorders in patients with unexplained chronic pain in primary care is very high, leading to dissatisfaction with treatment processes and poorer outcomes. Consequently, it seems necessary to explore this condition more regularly in general practice in order to reach accurate diagnoses and to select the appropriate treatment.</p