4,803 research outputs found

    The determinants of gene order conservation in yeasts

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    Current intergene distance is shown to be consistently the strongest predictor of synteny conservation as expected under a simple null model, and other variables are of lesser importance

    How biologically relevant are interaction-based modules in protein networks?

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    By applying a graph-based algorithm to yeast protein-interaction networks we have extracted modular structures and show that they can be validated using information from the phylogenetic conservation of the network components. We show that the module cores, the parts with the highest intramodular connectivity, are biologically relevant components of the networks. These constituents correlate only weakly with other levels of organization. We also discuss how such structures could be used for finding targets for antimicrobial drugs

    Improving measurements of SF6 for the study of atmospheric transport and emissions

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    Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is a potent greenhouse gas and useful atmospheric tracer. Measurements of SF6 on global and regional scales are necessary to estimate emissions and to verify or examine the performance of atmospheric transport models. Typical precision for common gas chromatographic methods with electron capture detection (GC-ECD) is 1–2%. We have modified a common GC-ECD method to achieve measurement precision of 0.5% or better. Global mean SF6 measurements were used to examine changes in the growth rate of SF6 and corresponding SF6 emissions. Global emissions and mixing ratios from 2000–2008 are consistent with recently published work. More recent observations show a 10% decline in SF6 emissions in 2008–2009, which seems to coincide with a decrease in world economic output. This decline was short-lived, as the global SF6 growth rate has recently increased to near its 2007–2008 maximum value of 0.30±0.03 pmol mol−1 (ppt) yr−1 (95% C.L.)

    Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation with Probabilistic Segmentation of the Fissures and a Groupwise Fissure Prior

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    A fully automated, unsupervised lobe segmentation algorithm is presented based on a probabilistic segmentation of the fissures and the simultaneous construction of a population model of the fissures. A two-class probabilistic segmentation segments the lung into candidate fissure voxels and the surrounding parenchyma. This was combined with anatomical information and a groupwise fissure prior to drive non-parametric surface fitting to obtain the final segmentation. The performance of our fissure segmentation was validated on 30 patients from the COPDGene cohort, achieving a high median F1-score of 0:90 and showed general insensitivity to filter parameters. We evaluated our lobe segmentation algorithm on the LOLA11 dataset, which contains 55 cases at varying levels of pathology. We achieved the highest score of 0:884 of the automated algorithms. Our method was further tested quantitatively and qualitatively on 80 patients from the COPDGene study at varying levels of functional impairment. Accurate segmentation of the lobes is shown at various degrees of fissure incompleteness for 96% of all cases. We also show the utility of including a groupwise prior in segmenting the lobes in regions of grossly incomplete fissures

    A Large Area Fiber Optic Gyroscope on multiplexed fiber network

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    We describe a fiber optical gyroscope based on the Sagnac effect realized on a multiplexed telecom fiber network. Our loop encloses an area of 20 km2 and coexists with Internet data traffic. This Sagnac interferometer achieves a sensitivity of about (10-8 rad/s)/sqrt(Hz), thus approaching ring laser gyroscopes without using narrow linewidth laser nor sophisticated optics. The proposed gyroscope is sensitive enough for seismic applications, opening new possibilities for this kind of optical fiber sensors


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    An economical process was developed through benchscale experiments for recovering uranium from amine extractants with ammonium carbonate solution. By recycling the strip solution to allow build-up in the concentration of ammonium sulfate (formed in the stripping reactions) to 1-2M, the solubility of uranium in the aqueous phase was limited to i by calcination at 5OO deg C, yielding a high assay (>97% U/sub 3/O/sub 8/) concentrate virtually free of sodium, molybdenum, and vanadium. Estimated reagent costs for the strippingprecipitation step were 7 cent per pound of U/sub 3/O/sub 8/. (auth

    Long range correlation in cosmic microwave background radiation

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    We investigate the statistical anisotropy and Gaussianity of temperature fluctuations of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) data from {\it Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe} survey, using the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, rescaled range and scaled windowed variance methods. The multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis shows that CMB fluctuations has a long range correlation function with a multifractal behavior. By comparing the shuffled and surrogate series of CMB data, we conclude that the multifractality nature of temperature fluctuation of CMB is mainly due to the long-range correlations and the map is consistent with a Gaussian distribution.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, V2: Added comments, references and major correction

    Anomalous jumping in a double-well potential

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    Noise induced jumping between meta-stable states in a potential depends on the structure of the noise. For an α\alpha-stable noise, jumping triggered by single extreme events contributes to the transition probability. This is also called Levy flights and might be of importance in triggering sudden changes in geophysical flow and perhaps even climatic changes. The steady state statistics is also influenced by the noise structure leading to a non-Gibbs distribution for an α\alpha-stable noise.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    A Multi Agent Model for the Limit Order Book Dynamics

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    In the present work we introduce a novel multi-agent model with the aim to reproduce the dynamics of a double auction market at microscopic time scale through a faithful simulation of the matching mechanics in the limit order book. The agents follow a noise decision making process where their actions are related to a stochastic variable, "the market sentiment", which we define as a mixture of public and private information. The model, despite making just few basic assumptions over the trading strategies of the agents, is able to reproduce several empirical features of the high-frequency dynamics of the market microstructure not only related to the price movements but also to the deposition of the orders in the book.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, in press European Physical Journal B (EPJB