383 research outputs found

    Gaussian processes for choosing laser parameters for driven, dissipative Rydberg aggregates

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    To facilitate quantum simulation of open quantum systems at finite temperatures, an important ingredient is to achieve thermalization on a given time-scale. We consider a Rydberg aggregate (an arrangement of Rydberg atoms that interact via long-range interactions) embedded in a laser-driven atomic environment. For the smallest aggregate (two atoms), suitable laser parameters can be found by brute force scanning of the four tunable laser parameters. For more atoms, however, such parameter scans are too computationally costly. Here we apply Gaussian processes to predict the thermalization performance as a function of the laser parameters for two-atom and four-atom aggregates. These predictions perform remarkably well using just 1000 simulations, demonstrating the utility of Gaussian processes in an atomic physics setting. Using this approach, we find and present effective laser parameters for generating thermalization, the robustness of these parameters to variation, as well as different thermalization dynamics

    Hierarchy of stochastic pure states for open quantum system dynamics

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    We derive a hierarchy of stochastic evolution equations for pure states (quantum trajectories) to efficiently solve open quantum system dynamics with non-Markovian structured environments. From this hierarchy of pure states (HOPS) the exact reduced density operator is obtained as an ensemble average. We demonstrate the power of HOPS by applying it to the Spin-Boson model, the calculation of absorption spectra of molecular aggregates and energy transfer in a photosynthetic pigment-protein complex

    Non-Markovian Dynamics in Ultracold Rydberg Aggregates

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    We propose a setup of an open quantum system in which the environment can be tuned such that either Markovian or non-Markovian system dynamics can be achieved. The implementation uses ultracold Rydberg atoms, relying on their strong long-range interactions. Our suggestion extends the features available for quantum simulators of molecular systems employing Rydberg aggregates and presents a new test bench for fundamental studies of the classification of system-environment interactions and the resulting system dynamics in open quantum systems.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Flexible scheme to truncate the hierarchy of pure states

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    The hierarchy of pure states (HOPS) is a wavefunction-based method which can be used for numerically modeling open quantum systems. Formally, HOPS recovers the exact system dynamics for an infinite depth of the hierarchy. However, truncation of the hierarchy is required to numerically implement HOPS. We want to choose a 'good' truncation method, where by 'good' we mean that it is numerically feasible to check convergence of the results. For the truncation approximation used in previous applications of HOPS, convergence checks are numerically challenging. In this work we demonstrate the application of the 'nn-particle approximation' (nnPA) to HOPS. We also introduce a new approximation, which we call the 'nn-mode approximation' (nnMA). We then explore the convergence of these truncation approximations with respect to the number of equations required in the hierarchy. We show that truncation approximations can be used in combination to achieve convergence in two exemplary problems: absorption and energy transfer of molecular aggregates.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum simulation of energy transport with embedded Rydberg aggregates

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    We show that an array of ultracold Rydberg atoms embedded in a laser driven background gas can serve as an aggregate for simulating exciton dynamics and energy transport with a controlled environment. Spatial disorder and decoherence introduced by the interaction with the background gas atoms can be controlled by the laser parameters. This allows for an almost ideal realization of a Haken-Reineker-Strobl type model for energy transport. Physics can be monitored using the same mechanism that provides control over the environment. The degree of decoherence is traced back to information gained on the excitation location through the monitoring, turning the setup into an experimentally accessible model system for studying the effects of quantum measurements on the dynamics of a many-body quantum system.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 3 pages supp. in

    Simulation of absorption spectra of molecular aggregates: A hierarchy of stochastic pure state approach

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    Simulation of spectroscopic observables for molecular aggregates with strong and structured coupling of electronic excitation to vibrational degrees of freedom is an important but challenging task. The Hierarchy of Pure States (HOPS) provides a formally exact solution based on local, stochastic trajectories. Exploiting the localization of HOPS for the simulation of absorption spectra in large aggregates requires a formulation in terms of normalized trajectories. Here, we provide a normalized dyadic equation where the ket- and bra-states are propagated in different electronic Hilbert spaces. This work opens the door to applying adaptive HOPS methods for the simulation of absorption spectra. (C) 2022 Author(s)

    Optomechanical interactions in non-Hermitian photonic molecules

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    We study optomechanical interactions in non-Hermitian photonic molecules that support two photonic states and one acoustic mode. The nonlinear steady-state solutions and their linear stability landscapes are investigated as a function of the system\u27s parameters and excitation power levels. We also examine the temporal evolution of the system and uncover different regimes of nonlinear dynamics. Our analysis reveals several important results: (1) parity-time () symmetry is not necessarily the optimum choice for maximum optomechanical interaction. (2) Stable steady-state solutions are not always reached under continuous wave optical excitations. (3) Accounting for gain saturation effects can regulate the behavior of the otherwise unbounded oscillation amplitudes. Our study provides a deeper insight into the interplay between optical non-Hermiticity and optomechanical coupling and can thus pave the way for new device applications

    On-chip non-reciprocal optical devices based on quantum inspired photonic lattices

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    We propose a novel geometry for integrated photonic devices that can be used as isolators and polarization splitters based on engineered photonic lattices. Starting from optical waveguide arrays that mimic Fock space representation of a non-interacting two-site Bose Hubbard Hamiltonian, we show that introducing magneto-optic nonreciprocity to these structures leads to a superior optical isolation performance. In the forward propagation direction, an input TM polarized beam experiences a perfect state transfer between the input and output waveguide channels while surface Bloch oscillations block the backward transmission between the same ports. Our analysis indicates a large isolation ratio of 75 dB after a propagation distance of 8 mm inside seven coupled waveguides. Moreover, we demonstrate that, a judicious choice of the nonreciprocity in this same geometry can lead to perfect polarization splitting.Comment: 13 pages 3 figure

    Light transport in PT-invariant photonic structures with hidden symmetries

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    We introduce a recursive bosonic quantization technique for generating classical PT photonic structures that possess hidden symmetries and higher order exceptional points. We study light transport in these geometries and we demonstrate that perfect state transfer is possible only for certain initial conditions. Moreover, we show that for the same propagation direction, left and right coherent transports are not symmetric with field amplitudes following two different trajectories. A general scheme for identifying the conservation laws in such PT-symmetric photonic networks is also presented

    Dynamics of a nano-scale rotor driven by single-electron tunneling

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    We investigate theoretically the dynamics and the charge transport properties of a rod-shaped nano-scale rotor, which is driven by a similar mechanism as the nanomechanical single-electron transistor (NEMSET). We show that a static electric potential gradient can lead to self-excitation of oscillatory or continuous rotational motion. The relevant parameters of the device are identified and the dependence of the dynamics on these parameters is studied. We further discuss how the dynamics is related to the measured current through the device. Notably, in the oscillatory regime, we find a negative differential conductance. The current-voltage characteristics can be used to infer details of the surrounding environment which is responsible for damping
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