338 research outputs found

    Specifications, quality control, manufacturing, and testing of accelerator magnets

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    The performance of the magnets plays an important role in the functioning of an accelerator. Most of the magnets are designed at the accelerator laboratory and built by industry. The link between the laboratory and the manufacturer is the contract containing the Technical Specifications of the magnets. For an overview of the contents of the Technical Specifications, the specifications for the magnets of ALBA (bending, quadrupole, and sextupole) are described in this paper. The basic rules of magnet design are reviewed in Appendix A.Comment: 41 pages, presented at the CERN Accelerator School CAS 2009: Specialised Course on Magnets, Bruges, 16-25 June 200

    SESAME, a third generation synchrotron light source for the Middle East region

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    Developed under the auspices of UNESCO, SESAME is being established as an autonomous international research centre in the Middle East/Mediterranean region. It will have as its centrepiece a 2.5 GeV third Generation synchrotron light source with 13 straight sections for insertion devices and an emittance of 26.6 nm-rad. It will provide intense radiation from the IR to hard X-rays to a community that is expected to exceed 1000 users a few years after the start of operation in 2008

    Entwurf und Aufbau des Speicherrings ANKA

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    ROSY (2. Fassung)

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    Der Projektvorschlag für eine kompakte Synchrotronstrahlungsquelle der 3. Generation ROSY wird beschrieben. Die Quelle sol1 für die Materialforschung dediziert sein, die für die Forschung im regionalen Umfeld von Rossendorf prägend ist. Bei einer Speicherringenergie von 3 GeV wird Synchrotronstrahlung im harten Röntgenbereich mit einer kritischen Energie des Spektrums von Ec = 8,4 keV (hc=0,14 nm) emittiert. Mit einer naturlichen Emittanz von 28 n nm rad wird eine sehr brillante Strahlung zur Verfügung gestellt. Neben der Strahlung aus Ablenkmagneten kann Strahlung aus Wigglern und Undulatoren genutzt werden. Für diese insertion devices sind 8 Einbaumöglichkeiten vorhanden, von denen 4 in nichtdispersionsfreien geraden Strecken liegen. Der Speicherring hat eine vierfache Symmmetrie, einen Umfang von 148 m und ist als modifizierte FODO-Struktur konzipiert. Ein nachträglicher Einbau von supraleitenden Ablenkmagneten zur Erzeugung eines harteren Spektrums und damit zur Ausweitung des Anwendungsbereiches ist möglich. Der Teil I enthält die wissenschaftliche Begründung fur ROSY und eine Darstellung der Nutzungsmöglichkeiten. Im Teil II werden das Speicherringkonzept und die technischen Details der einzelnen Komponenten beschrieben

    Das Vakuumsystem für ANKA

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    Der Injektor der Speicherringanlage ANKA

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    Die gepulsten Magnete bei ANKA

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    Development of parent- and teacher-reported emotional and behavioural problems in young people with intellectual disabilities: Does level of ID matter?

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    This study described similarities and differences in the 5-year stability and change of problem behaviour between youths attending schools for children with mild to borderline (MiID) versus moderate intellectual disabilities (MoID). A two-wave multiple-birth-cohort sample of 6 to 18-year-old was assessed twice across a 5-year interval using the Developmental Behaviour Checklist Primary Carer version (n = 718) and Teacher version (n = 313). For most types of problem behaviour youths with MiID and MoID showed similar levels of stability of individual differences, persistence and onset of psychopathology. Whenever differences were found, youths with MoID showed the highest level of stability, persistence and onset across informants. Mean levels of parent-reported, but not teacher-reported, problem behaviour, regardless of level of intellectual disability, decreased during the 5-year follow-up period. Youths with MoID and MiID are at risk for persistent psychopathology to a similar degree. Different informants showed to have a different evaluation of the level and the amount of change of problem behaviour, and should be considered complementary in the diagnostic process. © 2007 BILD Publications

    Study of pinholes and nanotubes in AlInGaN films by cathodoluminescence and atomic force microscopy

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    Cathodoluminescence (CL) in the scanning electron microscope and atomic force microscopy (AFM) have been used to study the formation of pinholes in tensile and compressively strained AlInGaN films grown on Al2O3 substrates by plasma-induced molecular beam epitaxy. Nanotubes, pits, and V-shaped pinholes are observed in a tensile strained sample. CL images show an enhanced emission around the pits and a lower intensity at the V-shaped pinholes. Rounded pinholes appear in compressively strained samples in island-like regions with higher In concentration. The grain structure near the pinholes is resolved by AFM. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics