11,444 research outputs found

    England Today

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    Breeding Biology of Red-throated Loons in the Canadian Beaufort Sea Region

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    The breeding biology of the red-throated loon in the Canadian Beaufort Sea region was investigated 1985 to 1989. Five study plots were established with a total area of 276 sq. km and over 200 pairs of loons on territory each breeding season. Loon densities ranged from 0.6 pairs/sq. km on the Yukon coast to 1.8 pairs/sq. km at Toker Point on the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula. An average of 73% of the pairs on territory nested each year. Productivity averaged 0.63 young/nesting pair. The median date of egg laying ranged from 19 to 24 June in four years, but was 3 July in a year when spring thaw was late. The chicks fledged a mean of 47 d after hatch (n=10), the first clutch chicks leaving the nesting pond in late August to mid-September. In all but one year, the mortality rate was higher for eggs than chicks, with egg losses peaking in the second half of incubation. Most (82%) chick losses occurred within three weeks of hatch (n=61). Just 13% of the ponds were occupied in all five years of the study, while 39% were used in only one year. At two of the study plots, ponds with pairs that successfully reared at least one chick had a greater tendency to be occupied the following year than did ponds with unsuccessful pairs. At the other three plots, reuse of ponds was independent of breeding success the previous year.Key words: red-throated loon (Gavia stellata), breeding biology, Beaufort SeaOn a étudié la reproduction du huart à gorge rousse dans la partie canadienne de la mer de Beaufort de 1985 à 1989. À chacune des périodes de reproduction, on a observé plus de 200 couples de huarts territoriaux répartis dans cinq zones expérimentales couvrant une superficie totale de 276 km². La densité des huarts a varié de 0.6 couple par km² sur la côte du Yukon à 1.8 couple par km² à Toker Point sur la péninsule de Tuktoyaktuk. Le nombre moyen annuel de couples nicheurs territoriaux s'est élevé à 73%. La productivité moyenne a été de 0.63 oisillon par couple nicheur. La date médiane de ponte s'est située du 19 au 24 juin pour quatre des cinq années; l'autre année la date médiane de ponte a été le 3 juillet à cause d'un dégel printanier tardif. Le premier vol des oisillons a eu lieu en moyenne 47 jours après l'éclosion (n = 10), la première couvée quittant l'étang de nidification entre la fin août et la mi-septembre. À l'exception d'une année, le taux de mortalité a toujours été plus élevé dans le cas des oeufs que dans celui des oisillons et a été maximal pendant la deuxième moitié de l'incubation. La mortalité des oisillons a particulièrement été forte (82%) au cours des trois premières semaines suivant l'éclosion (n = 61). Seuls 13% des étangs ont été utilisés pendant les cinq années de l'étude alors que 39% l'ont été pendant seulement une année. Le succès de la reproduction n'a eu un effet sur la réutilisation d'un étang l'année suivante que dans deux des cinq zones expérimentales.Mots clés: huart à gorge rousse (Gavia stellata), reproduction, mer de Beaufor

    Chaos and Control: The Hidden Tension between Liberalism and Freedom

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    From self-sovereignty to individual independence, freedom is about control. When people want freedom, they yearn for exclusive control over their life. Liberal institutions, from democracy to market economies, however, do not offer people control. Instead, liberal machinery outsources control to a collective, invisible power. Far fom control, chaos governs liberal society. In the earliest stages of development, liberalism did serve the pursuit of freedom because liebral reforms focused on the destruction of controlling power from above, i.e. the expansion of liebrty. Because controlling onself first requires being controlled by no one lese, liberty is the first, but incomplete, step toward freedom. After these first stages, however, the relationship breaks down. Liberalism can only liberate; it cannot cultivate the self-power at the heart of freedom. By continuing to promise a freedom liberalism cannot deliver, those who continue to wed liberalism and freedom undermine liberal society and sow the seeds of disaster

    War in (Another) New Context: Postmodernism

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    A Geographical Location Model for Targeted Implementation of Lure-and-Kill Strategies Against Disease-Transmitting Mosquitoes in Rural Areas

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    Outdoor devices for luring and killing disease-transmitting mosquitoes have been proposed as potential com- plementary interventions alongside existing intra-domiciliary methods namely insecticide treated nets and house spraying with residual insecticides. To enhance effectiveness of such outdoor interventions, it is essential to optimally locate them in such a way that they target most of the outdoor mosquitoes. Using odour-baited lure and kill stations (OBS) as an example, we describe a map model derived from: 1) com-munity participatory mapping conducted to identify mosquito breeding habitats, 2) entomological field studies conducted to estimate outdoor mosquito densities and to determine safe distances of the OBS from human dwellings, and 3) field surveys conducted to map households, roads, outdoor human aggregations and landmarks. The resulting data were combined in a Ge- ographical Information Systems (GIS) environment and analysed to determine optimal locations for the OBS. Separately, a GIS-interpolated map produced by asking community members to rank different zones of the study area and show where they expected to find most mosquitoes, was visually compared to another map interpolated from the entomological survey of outdoor mosquito densities. An easy-to-interpret suitability map showing optimal sites for placing OBS was produced, which clearly depicted areas least suitable and areas most suitable for locating the devices. Comparative visual interpretation of maps derived from interpolating the community knowledge and entomological data revealed major similarities between the two maps. Using distribution patterns of human and mosquito populations as well as characteristics of candidate outdoor interventions, it is possible to readily determine suitable areas for targeted positioning of the interventions, thus improve effectiveness. This study also highlights possibilities of relying on community knowledge to approximate areas where mosquitoes are most abundant and where to locate outdoor complementary interventions such as odour-baited lure and kill stations for controlling disease-transmitting mosquitoes.\u
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