186 research outputs found

    Homology class of a Lagrangian Klein bottle

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    It is shown that an embedded Lagrangian Klein bottle represents a non-trivial mod 2 homology class in a compact symplectic four-manifold (X,ω)(X,\omega) with c1(X)[ω]>0c_1(X)\cdot[\omega]>0. (In versions 1 and 2, the last assumption was missing. A counterexample to this general claim and the first proof of the corrected result have been found by Vsevolod Shevchishin.) As a corollary one obtains that the Klein bottle does not admit a Lagrangian embedding into the standard symplectic four-space.Comment: Version 3 - completely rewritten to correct a mistake; Version 4 - minor edits, added references; AMSLaTeX, 6 page

    Flux-splitting schemes for parabolic problems

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    To solve numerically boundary value problems for parabolic equations with mixed derivatives, the construction of difference schemes with prescribed quality faces essential difficulties. In parabolic problems, some possibilities are associated with the transition to a new formulation of the problem, where the fluxes (derivatives with respect to a spatial direction) are treated as unknown quantities. In this case, the original problem is rewritten in the form of a boundary value problem for the system of equations in the fluxes. This work deals with studying schemes with weights for parabolic equations written in the flux coordinates. Unconditionally stable flux locally one-dimensional schemes of the first and second order of approximation in time are constructed for parabolic equations without mixed derivatives. A peculiarity of the system of equations written in flux variables for equations with mixed derivatives is that there do exist coupled terms with time derivatives

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of V-4Ti-4Cr alloy as a function of the chemical heat treatment regimes

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    The regularities of the formation of a heterophase structure and mechanical properties of V–4Ti–4Cr alloy as a function of thermomechanical and chemical heat treatments are studied. The regimes of thermomechanical treatment which provide the formation of a heterophase structure with a homogeneous volume distribution of oxycarbonitride nanoparticles with a size of about 10 nm and an increase in the volume content and thermal stability of this phase and which provide an increase in the temperature of alloy recrystallization are developed. The formation of the heterophase structure results in a substantial (up to 70%) increase in the short-term high-temperature strength of the alloy at T = 800°C. The increase in the strength is achieved while keeping a rather high level of plasticity

    Use of Geographic Information Systems for Creation of Electronic Database of Anthrax Burial sites in the Stavropol Territory

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    Objective of the study was to use geographic information systems to create an electronic database of anthrax burials and electronic cadastres in the Stavropol Territory. Materials and methods. ESRI - ArcGIS10 software was used as a GIS platform. Results and discussion. A retrospective analysis of the epizootiologic and epidemiological situation on anthrax in the Stavropol Territory was carried out. It was revealed that 352 anthrax stationary potentially hazardous sites were located in the territory of all 26 districts, in 16 of which 52 were abandoned anthrax burials. The greatest epidemiological risk is posed by 22 cattle burial grounds, in which animal corpses were buried (42.3 %). 30 cattle burial grounds with ash burials (57.7 %) pose a lower potential danger. The arrangement of anthrax burial sites in the Stavropol Territory has a number of disadvantages, only 23 cattle burial grounds (44.2 %) have a satisfactory veterinary and sanitary state. Based on the information obtained, an electronic geographic information database of anthrax cattle burial grounds was created for each district of the Stavropol Territory. The structure of the database is presented in the form of a table, which contains all the basic information about the burial, including geographical coordinates. The information was then entered into the ArcGIS10 program, using the geographical method. Each point, plotted on the map, contains the description of the animal burial ground, presented in the table. Thus, the main layer of the geographic information system is created. It can be overlaid with other layers that carry information about the location of the anthrax stationary potentially hazardous sites, the nature of the soil, objects located in the territory. In addition, electronic cadastral atlases of the location of anthrax cattle burials in each district of the Stavropol territory have been created. Electronic cadastral atlases are easier to use, do not require specialized personnel and applicable computer GIS system, but at the same time can give the necessary information about a particular burial in the Stavropol Territory

    Treatment of Nonalcoholic Fatty Disease in Day Care Municipal Polyclinics

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    Treatment of patients NFDL in Municipal clinic allows comprehensive treatment of this disease on an autpatient basic, which leads to improved well-being of patients, normal of biocamical parameters

    Посмертная характеристика гипоплазии легких при диафрагмальной грыже: МРТ – патоморфологические сопоставления

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    Purpose: the study of postmortem MRI possibilities for the diagnosis of lung hypoplasia in congenital diaphragmatic hernia.Materials and methods. A comparison of the results of postmortem MRI study and data of pathoanatomical autopsy of 23 newborns was performed. In group I, the bodies of 10 deceased newborns with congenital diaphragmatic hernia without operative intervention were examined. In group II – the bodies of 7 newborns who died after surgery for congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Group III (control) included 6 bodies of newborns without diaphragmatic hernia and signs of lung hypoplasia. Before the autopsy, an MRI study was performed on a 3T Magnetom Verio device (Siemens, Germany) in standard T1 and T2 modes. The volumes of the lungs and chest cavity were calculated in the analysis of the tomograms data and their 3D reconstruction. The stage of the lung development and number of radial alveoli were identified at the microscopic study of histological preparations.Results. As a result of the postmortem MRI study, it was established that the observations of group I are characterized by minimal lung volumes. The mean lung volume on the side of the diaphragmatic hernia was 4.1 times less than the contralateral lung (p < 0.01), and the mean values of the volume of both lungs were 4.6 times less than the corresponding values of the control group (p < 0.01) . The average value of the specific volume of the lungs in newborns who died as a result of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (group I) was 8.8%, which is 4.2 times less than the control group (p < 0.01) and was accompanied by histological signs of hypoplasia. The operation in Group II observations led to an increase in lung size. However, the specific volume of the lungs in this group remained by 18.6% less than the control group, and on histological specimens there were signs of lung hypoplasia.Conclusion. The postmortem MRI of dead newborns allows for an objective quantification of lung volumes and verifies the presence of hypoplasia. This helps to clarify the pathogenesis and determine the immediate cause of death. Indices of specific lung volume relative to the chest cavity of less than 20% indicate lung hypoplasia as the immediate cause of death of the newborn.Цель исследования: изучение возможностей посмертной МРТ для диагностики гипоплазии  легких при врожденной диафрагмальной грыже.Материал и методы. Проведено сопоставление результатов посмертного МРТ- исследования и данных патологоанатомического вскрытия 23 тел новорожденных. Группу I  составили тела 10 умерших новорожденных, страдавших врожденной диафрагмальной  грыжей без оперативного вмешательства; группу II – тела 7 новорожденных, умерших после операции по поводу врожденной диафрагмальной грыжи; группа III (контрольная) представлена 6 наблюдениями новорожденных без диафрагмальной грыжи и признаков  гипоплазии легких. До аутопсии проводили МРТ-исследование на аппарате 3 T Magnetom  Verio (Siemens, Германия) в стандартных Т1- и Т2-режимах. При анализе данных полученных томограмм и их 3D-реконструкции были рассчитаны объемы легких и  грудной полости. При микроскопическом исследовании гистологических препаратов  определяли стадию развития легких, а также количество радиальных альвеол.Результаты. В результате проведенного посмертного МРТ-исследования установлено, что  наблюдения группы I характеризуются критически малыми объемами легких. Среднее  значение объема легкого на стороне диафрагмальной грыжи было в 4,1 раза меньше показателей контралатерального легкого (р < 0,01), а средние значения объема  обоих легких были меньше соответствующих показателей контрольной группы в 4,6 раза (р  < 0,01). Среднее значение удельного объема легких у новорожденных, погибших в  результате врожденной диафрагмальной грыжи (группа I), составило 8,8%, что в 4,2 раза  меньше показателей контрольной группы (р < 0,01), и сопровождалось гистологическими признаками гипоплазии. Проведение операции в наблюдениях группы II приводило к  увеличению размеров легких. Однако удельный объем легких в группе оперированных  новорожденных оставался на 18,6% меньше показателей контрольной группы, а на гистологических препаратах отмечались признаки гипоплазии легких.Заключение. Выполнение посмертной МРТ тел умерших новорожденных позволяет  провести объективную количественную оценку объемов легких и тем самым  верифицировать наличие гипоплазии, что способствует выяснению звеньев патогенеза и  определению непосредственной причины смерти. Показатели удельного объема легких  относительно грудной полости менее 20% свидетельствуют о гипоплазии легких как непосредственной причине смерти новорожденного

    NMR Study of Disordered Inclusions in the Quenched Solid Helium

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    Phase structure of rapidly quenched solid helium samples is studied by the NMR technique. The pulse NMR method is used for measurements of spin-lattice T1T_1 and spin-spin T2T_2 relaxation times and spin diffusion coefficient DD for all coexisting phases. It was found that quenched samples are two-phase systems consisting of the hcp matrix and some inclusions which are characterized by DD and T2T_2 values close to those in liquid phase. Such liquid-like inclusions undergo a spontaneous transition to a new state with anomalously short T2T_2 times. It is found that inclusions observed in both the states disappear on careful annealing near the melting curve. It is assumed that the liquid-like inclusions transform into a new state - a glass or a crystal with a large number of dislocations. These disordered inclusions may be responsible for the anomalous phenomena observed in supersolid region.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure