93 research outputs found

    Stilske koordinate oratorijuma Vaskrsenje Stevana Hristića (1912) i pitanje raskršća tradicija u srpskoj muzici na početku 20. veka

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    Vaskrsenje (Resurrection) which was composed by Stevan Hristić (libretto Dragutin Ilić) was a first oratorio in Serbian music. The libretto was published in a journal Odjek (Echo) in 1909, with the first performance in 1912 at the Belgrade National Theatre. During the period 1909-1912, the young composer studied church music in Moscow and Rome. He studied with Dom Lorenzo Perosi in Rome, who was a director of the Sistine Chapel at the time, and a leading composer of church music. Perosi also composed two oratorios with the Resurrection as a subject-matter. His stay in Rome, as well as the encounter with the contemporary Italian style of church music left a strong impression on Hristić and his later opus. The oratorio Resurrection is freely permeated with both romantic and impressionist elements, hence the impression of the typically Western fin-de-siècle style. Compared to Serbian performances until that time, Hristić’s work represented a complete novelty in its style and genre; it was considered as one of the first works of Serbian musical Modernism. Despite the audience’s positive reception, the oratorio was faced with a highly negative criticism of Jovan Zorko and Miloje Milojević. Both of them criticized Hristić for not having composed the work in the spirit of "national music". Hristić defended his poetics claiming that the idea of composing a national music did not comprise the use of folk melodies, but rather composing according to the highest professional and aesthetic criteria. A debate which was anticipated concerning the meaning and the importance of "national" poetics arose as a reaction to Resurrection. This debate remained important in two ways: 1) it remained a "typical" debate for the dynamic development of Serbian music following the World War I and 2) it became the central characteristic of the overall artistic development in Serbia during the interwar period, which was "coming close" and eventually became the part of Europe.Nastanak, premijera i kritička recepcija kompozicije Vaskrsenje Stevana Hristića kao prvog oratorijuma u srpskoj muzici jesu povod da se u ovom radu razmotri pitanje porekla stilske fizionomije srpske muzičke Moderne. Ustanovljavanje pozicije oratorijuma na liniji Hristićevog ličnog kompozitorskog puta aktuelizuje probleme uticaja i uzora. Identifikacija žanrovskih odlika oratorijuma i Hristićevog izbora muzičkih sredstava sprovodi se u cilju sagledavanja dela u aktuelnim koordinatama srpske i evropske muzike epohe fin-de-siècle-a. Posebna pažnja usmerava se na negativnu kritičku recepciju oratorijuma u napisima J. Zorka i M. Milojevića, kao i na Hristićevu reakciju i njegovu odbranu sopstvene poetike. Postavljajući u prvi plan problem poimanja i strategije razvoja nacionalnog stila, debata povodom Vaskrsenja sagledava se u ovom radu kao anticipacija centralnog polemičkog spora kao konstante razvojnih tokova srpske muzike u periodu između dva svetska rata

    Srpska muzika na raskršću istoka i zapada? - o dijalogu tradicionalnog i modernog u srpskoj muzici između dva svetska rata

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    Rezultat dugogodišnjih autorkinih istraživanja evropskih okvira nacionalne muzike, doktorska disertacija Katarine Tomašević, postavlja u centar pažnje one pojave koje su inicirale, prouzrokovale i značajno obeležile razvojne tokove stvaralaštva i zbivanja u srpskoj muzici u decenijama između dva svetska rata..

    The programme for professional development of chemistry teachers’ assessment competency

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of the programme for professional development of chemistry teachers on their competencies for conducting formative and summative assessment in chemistry teaching. The programme participants were 30 chemistry teachers from primary and secondary schools. Data were collected using a questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of the programme implementation. The programme included four workshops with the same structure: the introduction, group work and the discussion of the results obtained through group work. The workshops focused on: i) the assessment as a support for chemistry learning; ii) the harmonization of teaching and learning activities, formative and summative assessment, feedback from formative assessment and the criteria used to evaluate students in summative assessment; iii) the evaluation of the validity of tasks used for formative and summative assessment according to the curricula aims and the educational standards; iv) designing tasks for monitoring students’ progress towards certain educational standards. Teachers’ responses show the impact of the programme for the development of their competencies for assessment, particularly regarding formative and summative assessment and designing various kinds of assessment in accordance with the achievement standards

    Assessment of age and intersexual size differences in Bufo bufo

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    Numerous studies have underlined the complex nature of relationship between age, size, and reproductive traits in anurans. One of the most intriguing problems for evolutionary biologists is intersexual difference in body size (SSD). For testing various hypotheses about SSD, we need reliable estimates of its extent (the important issue being the choice of trait for analysis) as well as the accurate determination of individual age. The measures of SSD may be subject to error if estimated from populations with unknown age distribution; amphibians continue to grow throughout their life and SSD is linked to sex differences in traits such as age at maturity and lifespan. In the present paper, we analyze problems involved in accurate determination of age structure and factors that may lead to under- or overestimation of individual age, as well as the problem of appropriate choice of traits, in the light of our experience and results of investigating populations of common toad (Bufo bufo) in the vicinity of Belgrade.Brojne studije istakle su složenu prirodu odnosa između starosti, veličine tela i reproduktivnih osobina kod bezrepih vodozemaca. Za evolucione biologe jedan od najintrigantnijih problema je interseksualna razlika u veličini tela (SSD). Za testiranje hipoteza koje se tiču SSD, neophodne su tačne procene njene veličine (izuzetno je važno pitanje izbora osobina koje se koriste u toj analizi), kao i precizno određivanje starosti. Procena SSD može biti pogrešna ako nije poznata uzrasna struktura date populacije; vodozemci nastavljaju da rastu tokom života, a SSD je povezana sa interseksualnim razlikama u osobinama kao što su vreme polnog sazrevanja i dužina života. U ovom radu analiziramo probleme vezane za tačnu procenu uzrasne strukture i činioce koji mogu da dovedu do precenjenih ili potcenjenih vrednosti, kao i probleme adekvatnog izbora osobina za analizu, s obzirom na naša iskustva i rezultate proučavanja populacija Bufo bufo iz okoline Beograda.Projekat ministarstva br. 172

    A study of the photocatalytic degradation of methomyl by UV light

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    The photocatalytic degradation of insecticide methomyl in water, using TiO2 and ZnO (Merck), under UV (366 nm) was studied. The influence of the catalyst concentration and pH was investigated. The optimal concentration of the catalyst was found to be 2.0 g/l. It was found that ZnO is a better catalyst than TiO2 under the same reaction conditions. Also, the influence of NaCl was studied. The presence of Cl− significantly affects the photodegradation of the pollutant

    An Extended Evaluation of Schema Issues Advisor in the Azure SQL Database

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    The analysis of the telemetry data in Azure SQL database has revealed that most of the problems affecting the customers are due to the schema inconsistency errors. An assumption has been made that direct e-mail notifications sent to the customers about the current problems could significantly shorten time to resolve them. The prospective benefits are first validated by sending e-mail recommendations manually. Then, in an iterative way, the schema issue advisor that detects anomalies and automatically sends the appropriate notifications to the customers is implemented on top of Azure resources. Finally, an extended evaluation has confirmed the expected benefits of direct communications with the customers

    Effect of the direction of m. psoas major fibres on the results of tensile test - can we model meat as a material?

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    The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of tensile-test application at three strain rates (0.01/s and 0.001/s and 0.001/s) on suitable samples of grilled pork meat (musculus psoas major). Differences in the stress-strain curves were observed between the two directions of the muscle fibres (i.e. strain parallel to and transverse to the fibres). However, the strain rate of 0.001/s resulted in the most linear stress-strain curves for strain in both muscle fibre directions. Also, results confirmed that specimens tested transversally to the muscle fibre direction required less stress to fracture. We also concluded that specimens stretch more in the direction transverse to the muscle fibre direction for strain rates of 0.01/s and 0.001/s. Gaining knowledge from different methods of empirical mechanical testing of meat should enhance the possibility of forming material constitutive laws to be used as input to finite element simulations of industrial processes of meat such as cutting or of human oral processing

    Ciljevi obrazovanja u oblasti prirodnih nauka i hemije u srednjoj školi - I deo

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    Aims of education at any level (primary or secondary) should meet the needs of society for suitable educational members and the needs of individuals for education which enable realization at the personal and professional level. There are general educational aim and the ones referring to the field of natural sciences and chemistry in different countries analyzed in this paper. These countries are Slovenia, England, Denmark, Malta, North Carolina (USA), Yuta (USA), Ontario (Canada) and Singapore. The aim was to study education within natural sciences and chemistry as an integral part of education on the high school level. Results of the analyses of the aims of education in discussed systems show which values are promoted in them, as well as general educational aims are in relation and aim of education in the field of natural sciences and chemistry.U ciljevima obrazovanja na svakom nivou (osnovnoškolskom ili srednjoškolskom) trebalo bi da se susretnu potrebe društva za odgovarajuće obrazovanim članovima i potrebe pojedinca za obrazovanjem koje omogućava realizaciju na ličnom i profesionalnom planu. U radu su prikazani i analizirani opšteobrazovni ciljevi i ciljevi obrazovanja u oblasti prirodnih nauka i hemije u različitim zemljama: Sloveniji Engleskoj, Danskoj, Malti, Severnoj Karolini (SAD), Juti (SAD) Ontariju (Kanada) i Singapuru. Namera je bila da se sagleda obrazovanje u oblasti prirodnih nauka i hemije u okviru ukupnog obrazovanja na srednjoškolskom nivou. Rezultati analize ciljeva obrazovanja u razmatranim sistemima pokazuju koje se vrednosti njima promovišu, kao i u kom su odnosu opšteobrazovni ciljevi i ciljevi obrazovanja u oblasti prirodnih nauka i hemije

    Kurikulum kao podrška istraživačkom pristupu u učenju hemije

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    One of the main reasons for low achievement of our students in international tests is the lack of functional, applicable knowledge. Formation of such knowledge demands changing the usual way of implementation of instruction (transfer of ready-made knowledge) to learning through performing simple research and practical work. Considering the fact that instruction, as an organised process, takes place in frameworks determined in advance, which are arranged and regulated on the national level by curricula, it is assumed that this kind of approach must originate precisely from curricula, which is not the case in our educational practice. The goal of this paper was to determine the way in which this kind of approach in instruction and learning of chemistry can be supported by the curriculum, in order for it to become a part of regular teaching practice on the national level. The paper presents how different structural components of curricula from eight different educational systems (four European countries, one Asian country, two American federal states and one Canadian province) are used to promote and support the importance of research work in instruction and learning of chemistry. The curricula from Slovenia, England, Denmark, Malta, Singapore, North Carolina, Utah and Ontario were analysed in order to determine the kind of information they offer within structural components and accordingly, the way in which each component promotes research approach to learning chemistry, how it guides the teacher in planning such activities in the classroom, organisation and performing instruction, monitoring and evaluating students' achievements.Jedan od glavnih razloga niskog postignuća naših učenika na međunarodnim testiranjima je odsustvo funkcionalnog, primenljivog znanja. Formiranje takvog znanja zahteva promenu uobičajenog načina realizacije nastave (prenošenje gotovih znanja) u učenje kroz izvođenje jednostavnih istraživanja i praktični rad. S obzirom na to da se nastava, kao organizovan proces, odvija u unapred utvrđenim okvirima, koji se na nacionalnom nivou uređuju i regulišu nastavnim programima, podrazumeva se da ovakav pristup mora proisteći upravo iz nastavnih programa, što u našoj obrazovnoj praksi nije slučaj. Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi na koji način se ovakav pristup u nastavi i učenju hemije može podržati nastavnim programom, kako bi postao deo redovne nastavne prakse na nacionalnom nivou. U radu je prikazano kako se različitim strukturnim komponentama kurikuluma iz osam različitih obrazovnih sistema (četiri evropske države, jedne azijske države, dve američke savezne države i jedne kanadske pokrajine) promoviše i podržava važnost istraživačkog rada u nastavi i učenju hemije. Kurikulumi Slovenije, Engleske, Danske, Malte, Singapura, Severne Karoline, Jute i Ontarija, analizirani su da bi se utvrdilo koje informacije pružaju u okviru strukturnih komponenti i prema tome, kako svaka komponenta promoviše istraživački pristup učenju hemije, kako vodi nastavnika u planiranju takvih aktivnosti u učionici, organizovanju i izvođenju nastave, praćenju i procenjivanju postignuća učenika

    Ciljevi obrazovanja u oblasti prirodnih nauka i hemije u srednjoj školi - I deo

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    Aims of education at any level (primary or secondary) should meet the needs of society for suitable educational members and the needs of individuals for education which enable realization at the personal and professional level. There are general educational aim and the ones referring to the field of natural sciences and chemistry in different countries analyzed in this paper. These countries are Slovenia, England, Denmark, Malta, North Carolina (USA), Yuta (USA), Ontario (Canada) and Singapore. The aim was to study education within natural sciences and chemistry as an integral part of education on the high school level. Results of the analyses of the aims of education in discussed systems show which values are promoted in them, as well as general educational aims are in relation and aim of education in the field of natural sciences and chemistry.U ciljevima obrazovanja na svakom nivou (osnovnoškolskom ili srednjoškolskom) trebalo bi da se susretnu potrebe društva za odgovarajuće obrazovanim članovima i potrebe pojedinca za obrazovanjem koje omogućava realizaciju na ličnom i profesionalnom planu. U radu su prikazani i analizirani opšteobrazovni ciljevi i ciljevi obrazovanja u oblasti prirodnih nauka i hemije u različitim zemljama: Sloveniji Engleskoj, Danskoj, Malti, Severnoj Karolini (SAD), Juti (SAD) Ontariju (Kanada) i Singapuru. Namera je bila da se sagleda obrazovanje u oblasti prirodnih nauka i hemije u okviru ukupnog obrazovanja na srednjoškolskom nivou. Rezultati analize ciljeva obrazovanja u razmatranim sistemima pokazuju koje se vrednosti njima promovišu, kao i u kom su odnosu opšteobrazovni ciljevi i ciljevi obrazovanja u oblasti prirodnih nauka i hemije